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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
Dani has admitted to having an intellius account and offered info to Ash, as to further her stalking and harassment campaign...
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Gee, you'd think that with someone with their dox online, and known to the authorities for terroristic calls... might not want to fuck around. Those accounts state that you aren't meant to use info to stalk. And Ash has admitted in the past to making threatening calls to people's employers. Do her neighbours know she's so unhinged. For their own safety Lily LAw should inform them. I mean, look at how little her house is worth. Most of that is Ash dragging the area down.
no no no let's not discourage her. i wanna see how this plays out
i wanna see how this plays out
Ash has to release the tapes of her, explaining to law enforcement, how it's not cog dis to complain about Muh Nootzies, while conspiring with a known Nootzie Dani. And that's not going to bite her on her massive arse. Dani doesn't have a history of snaking people. Apart from he does.

And I still insist, if Ash moved, house prices would rise by 50%.
She's upset at something someone said...
See? Shit looney art. She's pulled up some of Ken's efforts...
Ashley lacking some self awareness there. Maybe she needs to focus and center. Get some pastels, colour in a picture of Trotsky or someone. I guess that she doesn't understand morse... Or realize I was ASMR for an N dub bint.
As the only person here as someone whose has certs in esoteric shit like MHFA, the "mindfulness shit" isn't hippy, never said it was. Originally used for helping people with EOD. There is that. And Ash ends it reminding us that she hangs out in discord with actual nonces. And her dox is forever on online.
Gets an Intellius report on me from Daniel Lopez, pulls up Facebook pictures from my KF thread on sculpture I did years and years ago. Calls my employer that we are stalking her and wants to go reeee to the Rhode Island Board of Health that she's a victim. Ms. Quit Stalking Me.
She's upset at something someone said...
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Wow Ashley Hutsell Jankowski is giving photos of her artwork.

Again, Ashley Hutsell Jankowski who does not want any mention of her, is volunteering this information for people to see. Almost as if she does not give a shit if her dox and photo are spread across the internet.
Ashley is obsessed with me. Dan gives Ashley his old Intellius account and slowly fades into the background quietly encouraging Ashley. Then when Ashley gets in trouble, Daniel being the urban hobo that he is, leaves Ashley holding the bag because he will be long gone (vanished).
Should've kept this to yourself.
Ashley wants me to be quaking in my boots because she thinks there is some big dark secret. The issue in question was a quick initial $20 attorney consult that took 10 minutes. Here is my big dark criminal court record. I had to go to court over a traffic violation (seat belt violation and a broken tail light) and another time over a license plate that had fallen off my car. My parents did not need to protect me from anything. I was working as a CNA in Augusta,GA: Got a diploma as a medical secretary and went to work for a doctor's office in Duluth, GA while going to school part time for my associate degree in accounting. Your rants on Gargle's forum are pure fantasy.
Would be funny if she's being set up. Would also be funny if someone made a sock of her pretending to be suicidal to have an excuse to send some Police for a wellness check. Note that this wouldn't even be swatting because they would be going to prevent a suicide via some sleeping pills and heavy drinking. They wouldn't be going in guns drawn but they might still kick down her door if she doesn't answer. Assuming she is dying. Not saying I would do this either. But it would be funny if someone did. I'm posting this specifically so she spergs out and gives a funny reaction by the way. Something something "ken is letting his users swat me and murder me with police even though the post clearly states otherwise" something something ash's_fat_foot.png something something autism
Reason: Danny should do this if he had any balls. But he doesn't.
Would also be funny if someone made a sock of her pretending to be suicidal to have an excuse to send some Police for a wellness check.
Amateur. This only wastes the rozzers time, and make them suffer Ash rambling on about Nazi's and Fnaarf, and Jon Lovitz. The best thing to do, which I'm not recommending, this is just me showing off my evil genius side, whachu wanna do is... simply... send an email to the Sea Org, pretending to be Ash, saying how you think Tom Cruise is dreamily tall, that L Ron's books are not pulp Sci-Fi, and Dianetics is proper legit.

They'll be on her like flies on lardy sherbet.
Ash gets a little desperate here. Wot with her unable to take it, like she dishes it out. I'm not the one hanging out with Dani (who she hates, but having a disordered personality, it's who she naturally gravitates to, like blaine), trying to abuse info, because... whatever failure in your parents upbringing.

Ash, you really should take a look at the people you choose to hangout with, not just on a public forum, but in private discord. You talk about skeletons... but we know about you, and your tastes, making you a hypocrite. Remember that. Maybe tell your neighbours, they can remind you.
Amateur. This only wastes the rozzers time, and make them suffer Ash rambling on about Nazi's and Fnaarf, and Jon Lovitz. The best thing to do, which I'm not recommending, this is just me showing off my evil genius side, whachu wanna do is... simply... send an email to the Sea Org, pretending to be Ash, saying how you think Tom Cruise is dreamily tall, that L Ron's books are not pulp Sci-Fi, and Dianetics is proper legit.

They'll be on her like flies on lardy sherbet.
I was thinking of making a skinwalker account posing as her on the storm front forum with her full name and address then trying to get white supremacists in her local area to show up to her house for a date.
I was thinking of making a skinwalker account posing as her on the storm front forum with her full name and address then trying to get white supremacists in her local area to show up to her house for a date.
She likes Stormfront, she told everyone that this site is worse than Stormfront. Her words, not mine.
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Ash gets a little desperate here. Wot with her unable to take it, like she dishes it out. I'm not the one hanging out with Dani (who she hates, but having a disordered personality, it's who she naturally gravitates to, like blaine), trying to abuse info, because... whatever failure in your parents upbringing.

Ash, you really should take a look at the people you choose to hangout with, not just on a public forum, but in private discord. You talk about skeletons... but we know about you, and your tastes, making you a hypocrite. Remember that. Maybe tell your neighbours, they can remind you.
Reminder to everybody that Ashley Hutsell Jankowski thinks Patrick Tomlinson, guy who threatened the lives his wife and child, is an okay guy.