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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

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Let's get this thread back on track about Asshole Jankowski's schizophrenia.
She already did.

I explained the situation. The forum has nothing to do with my job or my license. I am not unemployed. She has no legal basis for stalking charges. She can become inactive and leave the forum any time she wants.

Here she is calling @Sailfish workplace which didn't result in anything at all except her looking like the impotent fatty she is.
Let's get this thread back on track about Asshole Jankowski's schizophrenia.

Here she is calling @Sailfish workplace which didn't result in anything at all except her looking like the impotent fatty she is.
Remember when I asked you if you'd ever been touched by a human woman and you freaked out and logged off the entire day
Remember when I asked you if you'd ever been touched by a human woman and you freaked out and logged off the entire day
No, that's not what happened. I told you I had sex and you didn't believe it, Assley.

The only people Assley listens to are the voices in her head.
Reminder, I am 15 years old in her mind but I am also homeless and molested one of my younger family members.

This is why I ignore 80% of her posts nowadays. This woman has gone completely ill in her mind and I hope she gets the help she needs.
And back onto this thread's topic. I found another screenshot about the woman who never loved her mother.
Screenshot_20210821-220009_Brave (1).jpg