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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
Here is your art Ashley: All you do is copy other people's artwork and put them on your Pinterest. :haha:

View attachment 35175
It took me refreshing this site 3 times for it to work. So did your wife remarry with a much more pleasant and well adjusted man when she left you? I'm sure she feels like she dodged a bullet. They probably found your Kiwi Farms wiki entry and she felt relief she got rid of you.
All I've accomplished? I have a happy marriage and a family that loves me and artistic talent that's a nice side hustle. You have OnA forums and the howling silence if you don't keep compulsively posting about me.
What kind of side hustle you do? Digital? I've been thinking about start an etsy to sell some crafts.
It took me refreshing this site 3 times for it to work. So did your wife remarry with a much more pleasant and well adjusted man when she left you? I'm sure she feels like she dodged a bullet. They probably found your Kiwi Farms wiki entry and she felt relief she got rid of you.
Get out of this thread, Assley.
We need an art thread, where we can throw up photos of great art from throughout the ages, and Ashley can put up her drawrings, too.

Communist-until-death Pablo Picasso's Massacre in Korea, a far less popular piece than Guernica which serves as an indictment of American imperialism. In Picasso's style the figures are distorted and absurd, viscerally capturing the agony and chaos of the West's crusade against goodness and self-determination of humanity.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_at_the_Crossroads Communist Diego Rivera's Man at the Crossroads, despite how imposing and hopeful the piece is, the more poignant thing about it is how it was dismantled by Americans in a fit of jingoistic rage.

fruitblush, a London-based transman whose work explores positive transformation through gender affirming care and the existential horror of being trapped inside a body that isn't yours.



I'm very good at multitasking. Very few of my children have fallen down old wells or been trapped under falling trees while I post here.
You and swamp thing and the most homeschooled jew in the world really need to figure out how to get some adult problems that provide more of a distraction than whether your mom is going to drop you off at the comic book store and your case worker's office this week or if you're going to have to take the bus.
I play very little video games, Ash. I'm too busy living life, not hiding from life like you.