• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

chudbuds.lol leaks


An Onion Among Onions
Chudbuds.lol is a website ran by that damn shit tooth cunt chudbere. She hangs out in the Kiwifarms sneedchat every day trying to be cool with the fellow kids. Her website was hacked today her entire database was leaks including emails and DMs.

Chudbuds breifly redirected to this website before chudbere took it offline. It features chudbere's nudes and dox of animegrafmays/Daniel Stevens who we have a thread on over here.
FireShot Capture 004 - Real RAPED women ages 06-17 - archive.is.png

The entire chudbuds.lol database.

Emails of the chudbuds.lol users.

DMs of that damn shit tooth cunt chudbere.

Nudes and lewds from that damn shit tooth cunt chudbere as well as a dickpic from her husband. Something is VERY wrong with is penis.

All of her shit is being hacked. Tax documents getting leaked, etc. I won't post those here.
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Name: Claire K Williams.
Address: 466 Campbell Lane, Springtown Texas. 76082
Phone Number: 682 262 0520



Claire also went by "Gunt Gallop" during the Isabella Janke saga confirmed by Shannon Holbert's ex Russian boyfriend "Blue" who was also part of that. :shocking:

Chudbuds.lol is a website ran by that damn shit tooth cunt chudbere. She hangs out in the Kiwifarms sneedchat every day trying to be cool with the fellow kids. Her website was hacked today her entire database was leaks including emails and DMs.

Chudbuds breifly redirected to this website before chudbere took it offline. It features chudbere's nudes and dox of animegrafmays/Daniel Stevens who we have a thread on over here.

The entire chudbuds.lol database.

Emails of the chudbuds.lol users.

DMs of that damn shit tooth cunt chudbere.

Nudes and lewds from that damn shit tooth cunt chudbere as well as a dickpic from her husband. Something is VERY wrong with is penis.

All of her shit is being hacked. Tax documents getting leaked, etc. I won't post those here.
nigga's penis is rotting off from fucking that ugly ass white trash bitch
Rumor has it that I think she download a Minecraft mod that might have been a Trojan. Her brave account might have been hacked. VPN might’ve been hacked. Something was hacked. It got to hacking other stuff.
Minecraft took her down for good.

At some point recently, someone managed to gain access to my PC via a RAT--possibly sent to me by a chudbuds member named Luzbel under the pretense of asking me to help him test a minecraft server he was setting up for the fediverse. They then used this attack to silently gain access to the chudbuds.lol server via SSH and export a copy of the entire database, then leak it online. Emails, hashed passwords, and DMs were all included in this leak. They also stole and leaked private documents of mine such as tax records from my hard drive and photos from old discord logs between my husband and I. They gained access to passwords saved in my password manager--which they then used to temporarily hijack some of my online accounts. They timed this attack to coincide with the start of my live stream last night (March 5th), in order to maximize chaos and confusion and make it difficult for me to respond. I was able to shut down the server very quickly, but the damage was already done.
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"I find it extremely amusing how christorian x was playing every fucking side micro managing who he was doing gay ops with [everyone] on all sides with every faggot"

True! It's very clear to me though that Null wants his website to be broken, his users/mods to be gullible and for it to be used for psyops, because to Null all of the resultant drama is just grist for the mill of MATI. "When a problem isn't fixed it's not a problem, it's a feature.". He wants his website to be a mess.
To detract from themselves, Autistic Spite has dropped the Kinoshit File

Why does Right Wing Watch always show up in these private conversations? Now I really wanna know if PVS was trying to stir up shit on KF or these other sites he was active on, so that when and if some drama erupted, PVS could pass it along to Kristen Doerer so she could report on it for RWW.
Why does Right Wing Watch always show up in these private conversations?
That video claims RWW get money from Soros. There you go. PVS is likely a very cheap date. And...
PVS could pass it along to Kristen Doerer so she could report on it for RWW
What's that line Hitler said when he was asked why he was laughing? "They were bought so cheaply".

Reminder: Commie Farms was always a lefty site.
Reminder: Commie Farms was always a lefty site.
You might feel that way about KF, but according to most mainstream outlets, KF is associated with the alt-right if not with the far right according to the more alarmist articles. Null claims he's a centrist, but if you take his trad-LARP seriously or think it's sincere - which I don't, but apparently many do - then Null is a former Democrat (claims he voted for Obama twice) who became a Trump supporter. Null is thus a Republican, so generally on the center-right. Null wrote in this 2016 OP on Gamergate that he considers himself "someone who has become alt-right":

I had always empathized with #GamerGate and their motives. As someone who has become “alt-right” in recent years, and as someone staunchly anti-censorship, the movement seemed to click perfectly with what kind of a person I was.

There have been posts here on OF from former KF users who said they left the forum because it was becoming too right wing for them. Null claimed in the past that the right hates KF and that "they think all the mods are trannies". (This screenshot with that particular quote is somewhere in his thread here on OF, it was a screenshot from a chat session if I'm not mistaken). If there was any misunderstanding about that in the beginning, I don't think there is any today.
Why does Right Wing Watch always show up in these private conversations? Now I really wanna know if PVS was trying to stir up shit on KF or these other sites he was active on, so that when and if some drama erupted, PVS could pass it along to Kristen Doerer so she could report on it for RWW.
Who's PVS? (I really don't feel like reading through an encyclopedic amount of leaked DMs to figure it out🙏)
You might feel that way about KF, but according to most mainstream outlets, KF is associated with the alt-right if not with the far right according to the more alarmist articles. Null claims he's a centrist, but if you take his trad-LARP seriously or think it's sincere - which I don't, but apparently many do - then Null is a former Democrat (claims he voted for Obama twice) who became a Trump supporter. Null is thus a Republican, so generally on the center-right. Null wrote in this 2016 OP on Gamergate that he considers himself "someone who has become alt-right":

There have been posts here on OF from former KF users who said they left the forum because it was becoming too right wing for them. Null claimed in the past that the right hates KF and that "they think all the mods are trannies". (This screenshot with that particular quote is somewhere in his thread here on OF, it was a screenshot from a chat session if I'm not mistaken). If there was any misunderstanding about that in the beginning, I don't think there is any today.
While there's a good chunk of hopelessly autistic peeps on KF who take the altright stuff way more seriously than it deserves, I always figured most everyone else using the site (at least the non politisperg sections of it I frequented) had a basically cynical, " fuck it" attitude towards the whole modern Left/Right teamsport model of mainstream politics, even though they still have certain particular social/political issues they're passionate about.
Who's PVS? (I really don't feel like reading through an encyclopedic amount of leaked DMs to figure it out🙏)
"PVS" = "Pit Viper Salesman", the alias that Christorian X was using on chudbuds.lol to chat with people.

While there's a good chunk of hopelessly autistic peeps on KF who take the altright stuff way more seriously than it deserves, I always figured most everyone else using the site (at least the non politisperg sections of it I frequented) had a basically cynical, " fuck it" attitude towards the whole modern Left/Right teamsport model of mainstream politics, even though they still have certain particular social/political issues they're passionate about.

That might have been true at first with KF when Null and his associates were much younger and more carefree, anomic or "SFW don't care" about politics, but if you go and read some of the posts here on OF from ex-Kiwis, there are several of them who said they left KF because it was becoming too slanted towards the hard right, with Null's own increasing social conservatism (as part of his trad-LARP) making these ex-Kiwis uncomfortable or unwilling to associate with him or his site.

Re: the topic of this thread, a Twitter account @GeniusAnus that I haven't come across before has been cross-posting in full the public statements that the alleged hackers of chudbuds.lol have been posting on KF:

As an update, since posting this tweet I have had to familiarize myself with lore behind JFK. I have since learned, and it was also mentioned in the chat logs on the KF post, that JFK was Claires main suspect for being behind the hack.

JFK was banned from chudbuds for posting a video of himself setting a kitten on fire and watching it burn to death. After being banned he migrated to Meticore's instance, which many people believe is operated by King of Pol.

Sometime after that he began plotting his revenge with Meticore, Book, Ceptard, and Alfa. Alfa has since posted his side of things to KF.

Official Statement from Alfa


Looks like I'm going to be in a lot of trouble since john fortnite kennedy didn't exactly read the logs and realize they have everything. I figured I'd make a kiwifarms account and never again use it because I'm in some trouble with some people I'm associated with. I just want to say to former Chudbuds that I was involved, or a party to a man who knew the man who committed the crimes. I've truly had sour grapes against Chudbuds for their irresponsible mod staff.

Was a guy who came to a "Jimwalker" website, even donated to it, because I saw potential in something that sounded fun and like it was going to be an ok social media alternative. Boy, was I wrong. It was filled to the brim with a lot of things I decided to parttake in because of my internet idiocy of going along with trends. So much so, I put too much faith and trust into a 19 year old brazilian who thought he knew what he was doing. Apparently, things are rough and I'm looking to get sued by both Claire and her mod, Doll.

To explain my side of things (at the very least), I was pretty much bullied off Chudbuds by Claire and her mod staff. The reason for this was because I requested a badge relating to homosexuality to be removed, and this wasn't the first time this happened. The first time I quietly DMed Claire and told her to please remove the badges relating to homosexuality as I didn't like it(and all the Chudbuds kept calling me homosexual anyway, whether it be on Chudbuds, in the Guilded, etc.) I met JFK from what I remember in the Chudbuds Guilded server and he joined my Zyzz Supremacy Guilded server.

We both had an axe to grind with Chudbuds, but my sour grapes was more towards making a fediverse website and continue interacting with people I was still interacting with without any drama and to mute the Chudbuds who continuously trolled me, which didn't stop. John Fortnite Kennedy's idea was to get back at Chudbuds and to destroy it at all costs, which he pretty much helped in the efforts to.

I've viewed all the illegalities and had a laugh just like anyone else would, and yes BearButthole, I told JFK to remove you. But I never pressed the delete button myself.

The guy who hacked Chudbuds is a guy I'm sure you have info on, Sprate Header. He's one of those guys on http://Sneed.social who loves being a chaos agent and hacked not only Claire's PC, but Sui's PC as well (from the Minecraft mod).

To Doll: I was not the one who seeked out your dox. That was all John Fortnite Kennedy. No saved files on my computer are of your dox, but I've memorized it well enough to make an account on http://Nicecrew.digital.

I'm not sorry to anyone at Chudbuds because I feel you assholes get what you fucking deserve for being petty little dickheads who thought you were above your own site rules. Next time, please be a little more clear about the badging policy for those of us who actually have donated to Claire, because mods using badges, even as a joke, had a little bit of a gray area in terms of what you're getting out of the donation.

In terms of the hack, I'm not related nor have been in much contact with anyone from http://Sneed.social, as from what John Fortnite Kennedy told me, one of the admins thinks I'm a "moralfag". The only time I talked to them was when I was shitposting on Sneed and asking Meticore on Nostr if he actually was the real Meticore, and that's it. Sick of Claire's baseless assumption that I was associated with them from the start. JFK was associated with them, I was just some idiot who wanted to shitpost.

Also Sui, since you guys are retards on a discord server, you were eventually going to be leaked anyways. Suing me with the illegalities you went to also has certain repercussions, and I never even seeked out your dox, JFK would just autistically tell me to get on video and show me this shit, while I had a laugh at your expense.

[Part 2]

"Another thing you got wrong Sui is that I set up Zyzz Supremacy. EXTREMELY wrong. I paid for the domain and VPS servers. I seeked out a tech expert in these fields. I don't know if you know who Imago is, but he hung out on the Chudbuds matrix server and he told me he'd set up the whole Soapbox/Pleroma stuff FOR FREE. He even set up the Matrix server for me! Honestly, you could argue that Zyzz Supremacy is his website, because he's my tech guy.

Didn't know this much e-drama was going to go to these lengths of faggotry, but if Claire and Doll want to sue me, so be it. At the end of the day, she embarrassed herself online to a bunch of people who don't give two fucks about her existence and are all having a laugh at Ethan Ralph's expense. Good fucking job, Claire you incompetent woman. This is why I had a laugh at the Travis stuff. I don't even know or care the situation with Travis, I'm really pulling for this retard!

Sick of the Chudbuds mod staff giving me shit. They seem laser focused on ruining my life, while I did absolutely nothing to ruin theirs, other than request for badge removals TWICE. The BearButthole account deletion may hold some weight, but once again, I NEVER PRESSED THE DELETE BUTTON. Was I cheering it on? You bet your fucking ass I was.

I did know about the hack, but just like the hack before it, I thought nothing would come of it. To see everything unfolding, it's bittersweet to say the least. I did put "most" on my Zyzz Supremacy 'Hardstyle Brah' account, but now with the potential of being sued, it's now become "least". If you really want to go the Ethan Ralph route of "sue fucking everybody" you've honestly just made yourself and your faggot minions (Sui's a girl and Doll is a girl so they are homosexuals) lifetime lolcows as a result. Good luck with the lawsuit, I don't mind paying a fine. But I don't have to deal with a lifetime of shame."

@GeniusAnus Ceptard has also released a statement on Kiwi Farms

"Hey, is it okay if the supposed "Bitch of JFK [1]" throws his hat into the ring? Keep in mind, most of the original posts have been DFE'd by JFK over multiple posts, so you're going to have to listen to my account for the information:

First off, don't worry, I didn't do the RAT (you all know by now, but who cares). I'm getting similar vibes back to about a year or two where I arrived back from classes to witness a flaming of my character over something that happened on the SMWCentral website. Guess who was behind the flaming of my character? JFK. Anyway...

JFK probably DFE'd his matrix chatroom (and I cut the encryption keys off like a retard), but I remember the debacle going like this:

- After some time, I found out that JFK had made a new account on some other site. At the time, I thought some guy called "DoNotIdle" was JFK being a schizo trying to be the next IRL Project Mayhem Tyler Durden Patrick Bateman Gigachad Alpha Sigma Male.

- At the time I was thinking of some idea I wanted to voice to JFK which we should probably gloss over anyway since JFK DFE'd and can't even remember the idea at all.

- I head to the matrix server and I'm in a one on one chat with him. I was told to block ShotgunShuffle under the alias DoNotIdle [citation needed] (and knowing JFK's schizo identity I thought DoNotIdle was JFK under a new alias) as he was fishing information out of people or something. Something about 2 people arrested already, uninfected computers... yeah.

- He then turned around, boasted about his successful hacking of the site, and we spent some time chatting, where he was honestly proud of it all.

I have near-zero clue on what happened, and can barely remember extensive details (mainly due to the fact I've got a life to live before idk china blows us all up). But TL;DR it started with an mp3 of loud screeching, a "You're on borrowed time" post, and it spirals into this.

Hope this helps Sprate's argument! If I could provide extra screenshots and proof, I would.

[1] - <2023-03-08T03:33:07.115Z> Sui: He's JFK's bitch at best, at worst he did the minecraft RAT"

John Fortnite Kelly has also released a statement.

"Well since everything is getting leaked, I might as well light the whole house on fire. I don't give a fuck. Here it is. I'm probably not coming back to the fediverse at this rate and I think all of you still using it are faggots who will eventually get hacked like this. Move on.

I actually have nothing to do with the hack, merely just slightly involved because I was a dumbass and fucked up way too hard. Basically, it all started when I was promoted to a moderator in the original chudbuds matrix chat and I was contacted by someone called "Luzbel" (I believe he might be Meticore from sneed social with the way he typed, or King of pol) who wanted to ask about some of my projects and pitch the idea of a minecraft server to me.

"hey im going to be setting up a modded minecraft server for chudbuds and I want claire to play on it would you be willing to playtest" and I'm just like "uhhh alright". I was pretty much not aware that he was planning to hack everyone so I just let it pass. I never joined the minecraft server at any point in time, and I'm glad I didn't.

He told me to contact Claire about the minecraft server and I did but she didn't respond, so eventually a few weeks later Luzbel talked to Claire. And that was pretty much it.

I didn't get contacted by Luzbel for a good while until I registered my account on sneed social (It's ran by the hackers, by the way) and got defederated from chudbuds (and demodded from the matrix). At this time I get contacted by Luzbel again, this time asking me "do you hate chudbuds" to which I responded with "yeah i fucking hate those faggots", and he started educating me about a lot of hacking cases/bad security, eventually saying "do you want to see real hacking" and I'm like "okay" then he lets me into the plan, which is releasing a virus minecraft mod to the server admins, this virus works by basically letting luzbel do whatever the fuck he wants, including seeing the users screen, downloading files, ETC, he gave me all of the info including the code, which was from Github. No effort was put into creating it.

And i'm just like "what the fuck? are you sure that'll work? LOL" and he tells me then "yeah claire got it already" and then he asks me "what do you think about the chudbuds jannies" and I said "I fucking hate all of them except for the ones on the matrix, those are chill as fuck, but fuck Sui especially." and then he said "do you want me to send the RAT to Sui" and I just said "uhh why not" and he did. And Sui fell for it. And Luzbel sent me all of his credentials in a image, all of this happened while i was in a VC with alfaniner, and I told him I had sui's passwords, probably a terrible idea but we ended up logging into the admins accounts on TOR and fucked with shit for a short while (and claire shut down the site, this was while she was streaming) and I deleted BearButthole and Claire, and that was it for the day.

I pretty much lost contact to Luzbel a few days later as he went AWOL, but he came back 3 weeks later to tell me he had already dumped everything and was going to replace the site with the "Graf is a RCMP agent and a child molester" thing and I was just like "Oh fuck. Here we fucking go". and here we are now.

I didn't hack the site, I was only given credentials by the actual hackers which I used to fuck with the site for a short bit, there's no regulationos on hacking here, admins are too poor to afford a lawsuit, and I don't care. Glad to be living in a third world shithole today. Ethan ralph won, chudbuds lost.

Chudbuds got hacked by a open source minecraft RAT. Can you believe it?"

JFK is apparently a psychopath who tortures living animals: "posting a video of himself setting a kitten on fire and watching it burn to death"... so this "JFK" individual is still allowed to have a KF account and to post on that forum, but you know, yours truly is being D I S R U P T I V E and banned for reporting technical issues and demanding they be fixed. Yet another reminder why I never want to go back to that forum. All the Kiwis - that is, the fun & smart ones that don't burn kittens to death - can come here if they want.