• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Niche Ella Hollywood / Jean-Luc Michelena / @sodacattv

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
YES! Ella apparently knows the Drama Channels are making videos about #GoonGate and has begun blocking the Youtubers who are researching him on Twitter for their videos:

It looks like Jean Hollywood is well aware of the allegations against him and has seen my Giggly GoonClown video talking about him. The people want answers Jean, blocking me and trying to ignore what's going on doesn't make you look good, so hopefully you have a response soon and don't run away from everything!

Don't give up people, this is only the start!

Check out this comment left underneath DeadwinkDork's Livestream from a grooming victim who still feels the need to defend the trans community despite everything that has happened to him:

I had someone try to do this to me when I was a preteen (convince me to go on hormone blockers, hrt when i get older, surgeries i didnt want). I've been trans and out since I was 12, so they didn't groom me to be trans. it was the aspect of physically changing my body they wanted. they wanted me to alter my body to fit their desires as well as control me.
I wouldn't say this has anything to do with these kinds of people being trans honestly. nor the reason why they go after transgender or questioning kids. queer kids just easier targets for them because of their gender dysphoria.
I don't think it gives us any right to have any hot takes on someone else's gender identity regardless of their crimes and depravity, because of the pain it causes other trans people, and what you said about there being bad people in all groups. blah blah blah.

I've found most people into this sort of thing and grooming children in this way are mostly into s*ssy, femboy, "trap" things rather than actual transgender kids. a lot of them get off to the idea of the child or adult they're grooming to regret transition later.... it's really more akin to people into hyper plastic surgery or even disfigurement. they enjoy the sadism and the humiliation aspect.

it's really sad to see this stuff happening. nobody in the LGBT community thinks these monsters belong. (it's not like they're really even part of the community anyway. these people are too busy trapped in their goon caves to come to events anyway lol)

This comment:

I fully believe this to be real. The LGTB community has a bad habit of not policing their own. Ive seen enough of the "egg" shit to see converting people into that lifestyle is a fetish. People just completely mind broken by porn

Absolutely #GoonGate is real. Youtube would not be hiding and shadowbanning all these videos if it wasn't. They know this goes all the way up to Chris Tyson - who is a pornsick AGP GAMP trannie chaser - and their big fat cashcow Mr Beast, whom they're trying to protect. Don't fucking tell me Mr Beast didn't know who he was sitting next to in that picture we saw of him gaming with Ella and Finnster. They're all connected.

Here comes the pedo apologist!

I’m sorry, but I found myself getting aggravated with boredom listening to this.

You flat-out said this person has a humiliation fetish, so it doesn’t take a genius to understand this person is an extremely elaborate troll, meaning they dedicate their entire internet persona as a complete degenerate and disturbed human - posting some of the most vile content to the internet imaginable - in order to be dogpiled on, to having these needless video “Exposure” essays uploaded about them, to having all their personal information posted publicly — all for their sexual/whatever satisfaction.

I don’t know you, dude - but uploading this video was just feeding this bastard’s constant need for attention. Just a complete waste of your time.

If this goon is a legitimate predator/danger to minors have somebody alert authorities. There are genuine websites, such as the CyperTipline, or filing a a report on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)'s website, where you can find resources on how to submit evidence of child exploitation happening.

These “Exposure” video essays don’t do shit for the safety of children on the internet. Some of these creators, like that personified yawn called Turkey Tom, are just worthless chasers of internet points.

If these videos "don't do shit", why is Youtube supressing them? Obviously because these videos do a whole lotta shit, and Youtube doesn't want it, because it implicates their cashcow Mr Beast whom they're trying to protect by shadowbanning #GoonGate videos. Sorry you're so "bored" at the topic of CSA, we're just not gonna allow a 7 year old child to get raped by their pedo family member, just because you want us to shut up about these online grooming rings.
I didn't even notice this: Turkey Tom put out a video about #goongate three days ago and it already has over 600k views. Good job!

I have this finally leads to these POS being arrested for their pedo grooming.
Well this cemented to me porn addiction is a legitimate disorder that needs to be treated immediately.
I hope every ill actor gets prosecuted by the law, but I sadly would not be surprised if the law does nothing because the evidence was originally gained through hacking.

Why is Youtube supressing them?
To be fair to the giant corporation I hate. YouTube has been trying to put the genie back into the bottle for past ten years, almost all documentary channels actively complain about this fact. Sometimes it feels like they're trying to have their cake and eat it too, because ever since Keemstar showed up they realized it affected their bottom-line a lot more than expected.

In the words of Keemstar himself: I ruined YouTube.
Turkey Tom discusses child predators with someone who tried to report them online, only to discover how hard it was to get them prosecuted:

A couple of guys who claim to have known Orion/GoonClown IRL call in to say he has always been a degenerate and "real fucking sketchy". They also dispute the story that Orion was groomed by his male babysitter as he claimed in his leaked DMs:

If the young men in this video ever read this: now is the time to contact LE and let them know everything you know about GoonClown. I don't care f Orion "goes to jail for only 3 months and then re-offends", he has to keep going to jail until he stops. We have to take Orion away from his young family members who are directly and imminently at risk. If him in jail for 3 months means those nieces are safe for 3 months, I'll take it.

I would also encourage this "Noah" person and his friends to do a Livestream interview about the all things regarding GoonClown that they can discuss publicly.
Accurate, a saw a great number of comments underneath Turley Tom's video saying they tapped out within the first 10 minutes of the video:

The guy who runs the Sodacat TV channel on Youtube where he archives all of Ella's VODs from Twitch, he just admitted in the comments under this video
that he deleted all the comments underneath his VOD mirrors where people were calling Ella a pedo over his association to Goonclown:


Thank you for actually giving informations, i had to delete all of the "pedo" comments because, for me this channel is archive only. I did it for myself in the first place. i didn't checked the channel for months, since soda stopped streaming for almost 4 months now. And seeing all of those comments made me feel sick, because i didn't knew why they said that. So thank you for that. i'm still going to upload new vods, if he continues streaming. But that doesn't mean i tolerate what he does or could have done

For the record, I do not for a moment believe that Ella did not know who Goonclown is. Ella and Goonclown literally wear the same kind of costume, Ella's videos just have better production values because he works with professional studios whereas Goonclown films himself in his room:


In the above screenshot, Goonclown is wearing a very similar costume to the one Ella and his groomer Natalie are wearing in the screenshot on the right: a short pink pleated skirt with a a short navel-exposing pink or pink-dominant figure tight top. If Ella supposedly didn't know who Goonclown was, why is Goonclown wearing the same kind of costume as Ella? Did Ella teach Goonclown how to dress so he could attract more minors to his Discord DMs that he could expose to EPI? Did Ella sent him past costumes as hand-me-downs so he could dress better? Nope, I don't buy what Ella told Turkey Tom in his DMs. I suspect these two, Ella and Goonclown, already knew one another and knew what they were up to.

Here's Ella abusing his cat Goddess Persephone again:

Every time he does something with his cat I fear that he's going to hurt Persephone or creep her out in some way:

Ella went to Japan with Finnster and Mr Beast to the shooting of a Mr Beast video:

And apparently Finnster doesn't eat meat or animal products because he's a vegetarian like Hitler and eats children instead:

"I wanna visit Shenzhen in China, I wanna visit Hong Kong", he's literally Null if he was a t-porn actor:

Someone tells him "bro, you're not in a doujin" and he flips the fuck out:

He says he wants to be a producer because he's not creative, "not an ideas guy":

Here he jokes about Mr Beast sending him to Japan, who he's being sarcastic about the whole Goonclown expose and how it goes all the way up to Mr Beast:

Here he speculates about working for Mr Beast, if Mr Beast would allow him to have his t-porn career on the side:

And here is the part which plainly shows that Ella was straight up lying to Turkey Tom when he told him that he didn't know who Goonclown was or that the goon community was "abusive":

Ella knows exactly what gooning is and known that community intimately, because, duh, they are his customers. Ella is so familiar with the goon community that he can instantly tell whether a porn movie appropriating the codes of that community is believeable or not. Ella was straight up lying to Turkey Tom to save his career.

Ella again repeats the claim that Mr Beast paid for his flight to Japan just to tag along with Finnster:

He says he met Mr Beast on set for one of his videos, which means that Ella was in a Mr Beast videos... so he apparently hires hardcore BDSM t-porn actors to be in his videos for kids. Ella says that Chris invited Finnster, and Ella was in the UK at the time to visit Finnster, and that how Ella ended up meeting Chris and Mr Beast. Ella then shows a picture he took of Mr Beast stepping out of car:

I actually found my old folder with all the research I did into Ella back when I first wrote about him on KF.

Here's the original post I had prepared at the time for KF:

"Why people talk down on me? Because I take dicks up the butt for a living, so they think they're smarter than me. Because I have boobs and wear lipstick sometimes." - Ella Hollywood

(link now defunct)

Today, I am going to introduce you to the rather sad story of online t-porn actor Ella Hollywood from Orange County. This is a developing story and I would encourage you to reserve front-row seats, for the worst is yet to come. Ella Hollywood is basically the t-porn industry's answer to the ContraPoints phenomenon on Youtube. The t-porn industry has been eyeing the ContraPoints phenomenon with a mix of suspicion and awe. On the one hand the t-porn industry appreciates the fact that a popular and respected Youtube channel like ContraPoints and other BreadTubers are encouraging a new generation of cis men to become unabashed trannie chasers. BreadTube thus serves as a gateway into online t-porn. No matter how much Youtube tries to disavow its symbiotic relationship with the online porn industries, we all know how this actually plays out IRL. We knows this to be the case because /r/ContraPoints moderators allow the hardcore t-porn of Natalie Mars - one of Nyk's admitted t-porn crushes - to be posted on a subreddit that they know and admit is frequented by teenagers. In response to the ContraPoints phenomenon, the t-porn industry had to come up with their own product that would appeal to a relatively younger audience of trannie chasers that was inevitably eventually heading their way but did not discover online t-porn the usual ways, either through the Tumblr pipeline (which is still a thing but has considerably diminished now that Tumblr is going after NSFW content on their plaform) or through the regular online porn pipeline where a man starts watching regular online porn and graduates to more extreme forms of online porn, eventually discovering t-porn. It was important for the t-porn industry to not alienate this new audience, which is a politically correct SJW audience that expects its porn to look "aesthetic" and "queer". To appeal to this new target audience, the t-porn industry had to find a relatively young trannie who was likeable and relateable to young ContraPoints fans. That trannie was Ella Hollywood. Ella however is a boi in his private life and not the transwoman he purports to be in porn, so how was the t-porn industry going to justify hiring someone who is a man in his private life to be in t-porn, more agregiously, someone who by his own admission is too young to even attend AVN parties*? Why, the same way the porn industry got gay actors to do scenes with straight women and the same way they got straight women to do girl-on-girl scenes: just as you have straight4pay and gay4pay, you might have to become trans4pay in today's online porn industry. Ella effectively got into the industry as a TRAP and only later got on HRT, possibly to deflect accusations of using trans identification as a marketing scheme which were levelled at him from the trans community, for example in this exchange on Ella's CuriousCat account:

Q: Trans people aren't a marketing scheme asshole.
A: i mean i know that, im trans. top sending me an ask everyday and go outside

The fact that this person is only 19 years old* and only began their medical transition after getting involved with online t-porn raises some serious red flags about this transition from the get-go. Is Ella on HRT because he honestly really wants to transition - his flipflipping when he comes to his identity raises some serious questions about this - or rather because of pressure from the trans community or the online t-porn community specifically for him to "look the part"? Let's take things from the start.

Before everything else, let's start with the absolutely necessary: Ella tragically lost his father due to a car accident in 2013. If the 1997 year from his Twitch handle is his actual real birth year, he was 16 at the time. His little sister was there when the accident happened.

On October 11, just hours after the city celebrated the annual San Clemente High School homecoming parade down Avenida Del Mar, police received a call at 4:45 p.m. that a man, later identified as the 46-year-old Michelena, had been struck and run over by a truck in the Ralphs parking lot at 903 S. El Camino Real. Michelena was with his 11-year-old daughter, Chani, the youngest of his four children, at the time of the accident, but the girl was unhurt.

“Paul Michelena was my moon, my stars and sunshine, my heart, my soul, my everything,” she wrote. “Paul was a beautiful soul who touched every person he met. He was vibrant, jovial and determined with a personality ‘larger than life.’ He was goofy, intelligent, selfless and loved spending time with his friends and family.”

A former Marine, Michelena later moved into information technology, where he combined a childhood love of electronic gadgets with an innate sense of creativity, his family said.

Michelena and his wife, Lisa, were married at Casa Romantica in 1996, and, after a decade in Modjeska Canyon, moved back to San Clemente in 2008. The couple had three children together, Jean-Luc, Frankie and Chani. Michelena also had a son, Terrence, from a previous relationship.

In a thread on Twitter Ella said that he still writes letters to his dead father which he keeps in a drawer:

Grief counseling, even just a session or two, can really do a lot. Regular therapy did the best for me

I felt that you need know this about him ahead of everything else to put things into perspective.

Immensely more ridiculous however are his actual tweets, an extended anthology of which I have provided below for your amusement. Everything is chronologically ordered from the moment he got into online trannie porn and then moved to LA to persue a trannie porn career. IMO these tweets are a public record of how the online t-porn industry exploits mentally ill young men who are confused about their gender. Prepare yourselves for the most extreme gender identity flip-flopping you've seen since the last time you looked at the Tumblr gender thread. If there was a transtrender prize Ella would've surely pocketed it. For those of you TERFs who come to this forum to see pictures and have got your transdars already fired up already to pick this one apart and find the man-features, I will spare you the trouble. He plainly looks like a man when he pulls his hair back.

* NOTE: Ella claims he's 19 in a lot of these tweets but his old Twitch handle was "pizzagirl1997". If he was born in 1997, this would make him 22-23 now, not 19. Is he perhaps lying about his real age to appeal to a trannie chaser audience that indulges the fantasy of watching someone who is "barely legal"? Or did Ella perhaps lie about his age to get on Twitch as a minor?

Ella Hollywood @ella_hollywood
19 Sep 2019
same birthday,,, I’m also 20 now

* Also NOTE: The evidence that he was active in t-porn as a minor is still visible on Google if you search in the 01/01/2016 - 01/01-2017 time range. I didn't click on the links because he was a legal minor at the time.

* Also also NOTE: Ella tells Natalie Mars in one of his early tweets that he has been following Natalie "since you were natalielovescum on Tumblr". Natalie Mars is 34 now, he had the natalielovescum Tumblr blog in 2012. That means that Ella discovered Natalie Mars and online trannie porn when he was still a minor. That's definitely ROGD right there. Ella also admits in that Trans Confessions interview that he only dated girls in highschool. This is another strong indication that he's not an HSTS, but an ROGD case.

Here's Ella's exchange with Natalie Mars when he applied to work for Grooby, with Natalie Mars making sure to directly mention @GroobySteven as an implied recommendation:

Here are some photos I took for my grooby application, hopefully it works out. I could use some good news

There’s no way they’re not going to shoot you.

thank you sm! youre an inspiration!

Aw thanks! btw I forgot to mention you’re really, really cute.

Omg tysm ????????

TLDR; Natalie Mars is a monster. A monster that was never taken care of.
I don't care how much Ella insists that Natalie Mars wasn't his groomer and instead insists on blaming his cis ex-girlfriend for grooming him. That's just the trans version of "bros before hoes". Of course Ella is going to blame his cis girlfriend instead of the groomer troon who actually introduced him to Steven Grooby and got him his first t-porn gig. The same troon who knew he had been following him since he was a minor, as admitted in the tweet where he said that he had been following Natalie Mars since his porn Tumblr days. In fact, Ella had his own Tumblr account at the time:

it was on my first tumblr account, coolgrool420, the milk ape waits and bides his time, but none of y’all would believe me if I told you

His tagline on Tumblr was:

I shaved a Hitler stache on my dick once

I am not going to include any pictures in this post because 99.9999% of what this guy posts on Twitter is hardcore XXX NSFW that puts even Zinnia Jones to shame. I am not exaggerating, if you want to go over to his Twitter account to see this stuff for yourselves you do so at your own risk but consider yourselves warned. These two tweet below are literally the only ones I feel comfortable linking to even here on Kiwi Farms, and as you will see, either leaves little to the imagination folks, we basically got ourselves a Zinnia v 2.0 in the making here:

Had some fun times with this lil inflatable boi today, helps A LOT for self fisting again. But now I’m so sore

You're gonna love the hemroid surgery man, consider it a dress rehearsal for SRS.

He even aims for the crown of Zinnia Jones. Yes, watch out Zinnia cos Ella's getting there, working himself into a nice prolapse there (NSFW extremely graphic content consider yourself warned).

Much of this stuff is frankly unfit for human consumption and I have to wonder about the people who pay him to do these things to himself. I clicked on one image which was him naked in the shower sucking off a huge green rubber dildo which was frankly completely ridiculous and laughable an image so I didn't click on anything else, I promise and you better believe me. If you go over to his Twitter account, you do so at your own risk. Consider yourselves hereby warned about what to expect. Immensely more ridiculous however are his actual tweets, an extended anthology of which I have provided below for your amusement. Everything is chronologically ordered from the moment he got into online trannie porn and then moved to LA to persue a trannie porn career. These tweets are a record of how the trannie porn industry exploits mentally ill men who are utterly confused about their gender. Prepare yourselves for the most extreme gender identity flip-flopping you've seen since the last time you looked at the Tumblr gender thread. If there was a transtrender prize Ella would've surely pocketed it. For those of you TERFs who come to this forum to see pictures and have got your transdars already fired up already to pick this one apart and find the man-features, I will spare you the trouble. He plainly looks like a man when he pulls his hair back.

Ella Hollywood first got on Twitter in 2017

... where he immediately broke out with the expected #nohomo disavowals

im not a sissy, im a trans girl and im a domme mostly

"im not a sissy", and yet how did he end up this way? Through sissification hypnosis porn. Very predictable:

Ever since sissy h y p n o in high school told me to eat my cum, I’ve done it

From his early tweets we can infer that he was a teenage porn addict:

I used to sext go on chaturbate in a skirt and act cute and when guys were invested show my dick. If they didn’t leave I’d get too scared n leave first lol

My gf in high school said “you would be a good cam girl” and that’s why I started porn

I had a partner in like 9th grade that told me “if you were a girl, you’d be an Ella” and I just sorta went with it

dear google how do i get my porn star idols to be my friends

In response to a CuriousCat question regarding the loss of his virginity he offers this evasive answer:

Q: How old were you when you lost your virginity and tell us the saucy details ??
A: im not into getting ARRESTED

He tweets the usual bullshit about being a robot and a lesbian:

my life as a teenage robot made me a trans lesbian

(Robot = reference to being autistic as a kid, later he admits being autistic.)

I can give u 2 self loathings, an anxiety, a trauma, a dysthemia and a blastoise

Also like, real talk, I'm 18 and I'm doing camming and stuff, and just getting hrt, will this just like, hurt my mental health

There's the inevitable assburgers reveal:

for those who are curious; yes, I am on the autism spectrum, I’m very high functioning otherwise

for those who are curious; yes, I am on the autism spectrum, I’m very high functioning otherwise

That, and I don’t have any real social boundaries, it’s a part of me and I live with it

We are talking about extremely weaponized autism with this guy:

I have a v good memory, especially with numbers. I currently have 50 digits of pi memorized, and I wanna get to 100 by the end of the month just bc

I've seen that movie too and it didn't end well from what I recall.

Guess who he contacts upon moving to LA: Grooby aka The AGP Maker:

@GroobySteven hey I live in LA I'm getting hrt soon and have an exceptionally stretchy butt, can I be ur friend

As you can plainly tell from this tweet, Ella got into t-porn as a TRAP and only got on HRT later, possibly to deflect accusations of him using his trans identification as a marketing ploy. Let this be a reality check for all these NB kids who think they can identify as trans with no procedures in SJW-lala-land, in the t-porn business you're expected to look the part so you have to get on hormones and do all the rest as well. This begs the question: was Ella's transition sincere or merely job-related? Are we witnessing a Western manifestation of the Thai ladyboi phenomenon here?

The camming is what I'm most worried about, hrt will be a godsend for my emotional state, but not my wallet ??

Here are some photos I took for my grooby application, hopefully it works out. I could use some good news pic.twitter.com/x8cyCYIePZ

hanging out in LA with @solsticeoctober before my @GroobyGirls shoot!!! V v excited!!!!

And who gets to break him in? Oh yes... like a clockwork...

The shoot went SO well, I absolutely adored working with @BuddyWood1 and I’m def gonna do more!!!

Meet #GroobyNewbie @ella_hollywood in her Debut interview by @BuddyWood1 on http://Ts-CastingCouch.com

Natalie Mars, the very person who introduced Ella to Grooby while he was still a legal minor, gets to meet Ella and brags about it on his timeline:

Possibly related to my previous tweet, I also got to meet @ella_hollywood yesterday. What a total cutie and sweetheart.

So Ella got to meet his t-porn crush by becoming a t-porn actor himself, but he soon realized that the online t-porn industry is less SJW and queer than he had expected:

this legit gets me pissed: i know a wonderful, beautiful, absolutely amazing male performer and we both want to work with eachother, but the deep-set transphobia in the industry makes it so that we cant work together

god I wanna make porn where I can be as androgynous as I am in my personal life, more femboi stuff, like maybe a threesome with a dude and a cis girl where I’m in the middle

Like a feature about a femboi and his girlfriend, gf is cheating on him with big jock dude, they find his sissy porn collection, and decide to try it out for real

with trans porn on the rise as a mainstream category, I am absolutely floored by all the support it and my fellow modes have been getting as of late, but we need to go FURTHER

I want to normalize queer as fuck sex, trans girls just loving each other, wonderful cute polycules, non-binary folks everywhere. Like me, the relationships I find myself in. The passionate sex I have in my personal life but filmed with great production value

I guess he missed the part about porn not being a documentary but supposedly being a fantasy, the BUYERS' fantasy that is. But then again, Ella was recruited to anticipate a queer audience getting into t-porn because of ContraPoints. Funny how porn actors themselves always begin to believe in their own bullshit and start to complain about the porn not being close enought to real life. You know, this supposed fantasy genre that supposedly totally doesn't inspire the audience to re-enact what they see. Ella Hollywood is shocked to discover that online trannie chasers who watch t-porn are hetero men who want to traditional porn scenarios re-enacted in t-porn, none of that gay bisexual shit where a dude suqs a diq, did you see that, fuq dat shit. #nohomo

Oh but this is interesting: Ella is tweeting with Helga aka GoddessEris, this means he's into William Control, LMAO, maybe William can populate the next incarnation of his BDSM femdom sex cult with trannies [Note: William Control was himself the subject of a #MeToo sex scandal at the time, which never led to any prosecution because of the BDSM element of those relationships, though Control's wife did divorce him when she discovered that he was cheating on her with multiple groupies]:

But then of course he contradicts himself about being gay because he tweets:

I wanna shoot with cis girls!! They’re pretty and I like to plow!

He gets violent because gay men online remind him that the HRT is gonna make him go limp.

I stg if another sissy dude tries to ask about my "limp clitty" imma give em a Chelsea smile

Being impotent from the HRT and taking viagra at 19 to get your atrophied dick up and running (a drug originally meant for 60 year old impotent men) is sooo cool and sexy bitches...

I literally can’t even have traditional orgasms Bc of all my hormones and meds, the closest I can get is my mini anal orgasms and i might produce a lil extra precum during those, but people still wanna see that fat nut and idk what to tell them

I can, however, leak precum like a faucet over the course of a scene, and don’t find it difficult to stay hard. It makes it that much harder to tell producers I can’t cum

God I took my viagra just for me and had my first regular old traditional jerk-off nut in AGES and it was so good

I’m on my way I’ll pick u up on my Harley And well have a picnic at the beach and watch the fireworks

It's cool that he rides a Harley at 19, but that's actually what middle aged men do when they have a midlife crisis because their dick stops working and they have to start popping viagra... they buy themselves a Harley to compensate for their impotency. Just ask Susan Stryker.

So he buys a Harley but he's still living in a crammed space with his boyfriend and his cat Persephone:

It’s so cramped in this little box, with a cat and a gf, I can’t wait to have space. My space again

He takes online tests to figure out who he is which only make him more confused:

I am Undifferentiated-Androgynous. My scores are 64% masculine, 61% feminine.

at least he's better informed than the average person when it comes to understanding the difference between trans and intersex:

it’s absolutely a real thing and very different from being trans. Intersex means you have both or parts of each reproductive system. Like someone with a dick and a unfunctional uterus

hermaphrodite is a kinda dated way of saying it. And no, trans people aren’t typically intersex. It’s a super super rare thing

He flip-flops about wanting to be androgynous versus trans (he eventually ditched his trans identity and no longer refers to himself as a girl but as a femmeboi):

god true, I start talking about how I wanna be a bit more androgynous and suddenly I’m not “trans enough”

He claims to be a transbian again, but his sexual preferences are decidedly male:

I’m 94% lesbian but there’s some guys that are 6% ??

He says he wants to have anal sex with a guy #nohomo

kinda wanna domme a cute boy for a scene some time ?? but I gotta do a hardcore where I get topped by a guy or two first

His BDSM shoots are making him anxious:

I need to start taking more security stuff like my plushie to shoots because my anxiety is currently got me hiding in the production house

He constantly flipflops about his gender identity:

honestly I been feeling it way more now, idk if I immediately jumped to “me trans” because I wanted a sense of identity. But being more accepting of “I’m feminine and have a dicc I’m just me” has had me much happier with myself lately.


“Trans girls are just the sequel to sissies” is the worst take, I had an irl domme for a while who would “accidentally” call me a sissy and it was awful

Comes out as non-binary:

And refers to himself as a boi:

Am I allowed to just call myself a boi, is that allowed

I still don’t know what bathroom to pick and I’m 19

I’m boi then

I answered the phone with “howdy” and so now she’s playing country

He dreams of having a mainstream career away from porn but is fatalistic about this:

That's no excuse honey, Jackie Earle Haley (played Rorschach in The Watchmen) is 5ft 5.

He fantasizes about playing the role of Feyd in Jodorowski's Dune:

I’m a jodorowskys dune femboi

Cyberpunk is my fav genre, and I’ve written a lot of stories and drawn art for a world that I’m building for myself. No I’ll never show it to anyone

My favorite movie is blade runner bc robot girls with pompadours are hot

My dream acting role is Feyd in dune, Feyd was going to be my birth name until my ma changed it last minute

No honey, you're not Feyd in Dune.

And here comes the "I'm totally not doing this for the money":

I mean, if you want labels, I guess non-binary or trans and gender nonconforming would fit best. I like to call myself a boi, i think it fits and makes me feel comfortable. When I do porn, I act a lil more feminine bc people like that. You can gatekeep being trans somewhere else.

also just bc someone said I’m “not actually trans” don’t go after her or anything, don’t be mean

LMAO, "please don't expose me for being a transtrender", too bad because that's all we do on this forum all day.

I am trans, I’ve been on hormones for over a year now, in my personal life I’m more masculine, and I like to call myself a boi. On camera, I act more feminine because, that’s what you do. I’m not “pretending to be trans” because I put on makeup for a shoot

I’d probably go with trans and gender nonconforming as a label but I find labels dumb and gross so I typically don’t bother, I don’t care about my pronouns and I don’t care about wearing gendered clothes, I’m me

"I’d probably go with trans and gender nonconforming", Ella honey, you're clearly confused and don't know what terms actually mean. You cannot be trans AND GNC at the same time. GNC is the very opposite of trans. Also, lot of GNCs hate the gender ideology that is at the basis of trans ideology with a passion that knows no bounds. No go into a GNC space and call yourself trans because you'll either be laughed at or attacked.

i like going by she her sometimes, I like being called a girl sometimes. I’m not being disingenuous by upping how fem I am for shoots.
I’m not talking marketing a boi to the internet, I’m talking marketing a boi to production companies, it doesn’t come across as well or concrete

I can sell being a boy to manyvids, to onlyfans yes, but not to evilangel, and not to kink. This is my job, my image is my career. The presentation I sell is feminine and by no means does that mean I’m invading trans space if I call myself a boi in my personal life

See? He admits can market himself more broadly by pretending to be a transgirl. Given this, how sincere is his transition really?

He almost but openly admits he's basically trans4 pay on his curiouscat account:

Q: Being a boi how hard is it having to be a girl for people who have that perception of what you are?

A: its not too difficult, im really just me, my porn is a fantasy and its difficult to sell "femboi" over "trans girl" to larger production companies

He is extremely masochistic about the fact that he is really truly straight and is still sexually attracted to women even and despite the HRT so he fantasizes about being punished for the fact that he prefers women:

I want a domme to bully me for crushing on girls too easily. Edging me with her fingers until I admit that I’m over all the girls I think about, only then can I cum.
Riding my favorite person with tears in my eyes and begging them to love me
Mac n cheese

That sounds extremely co-dependant, clingy and masochisticAF. Just straight up fucked up, and not in a sexy way. I think that what we are witnessing here is how not only are HSTSs getting younger and younger, but so are AGPs. AGPs were supposed to be late transitioners but Ella is effectively an early transitioner AGP because of the porn industry.

More #nohomo from Ella:

girls, I find topping guys gross [so much for his "no limits" on his secret goon account]

There’s all of like 2 guys in the porn industry I’m willing to top and I’m sure they wouldn’t be down to do it for a scene, RIP

#nohomo but he enjoys being called a faggot LMAO:

as a weird non-binary trans girl whatever, I do enjoy being called f*ggot by people I trust in bed, I feel like it helps my identity feel like anybody else’s ya know? Or that you respect it enough to be allowed to disrespect it

Welcome to Kiwi Farms Ella!

He insists that porn has to have a plot:

You’re a coward. Plot in porn is INCREDIBLY important to me if I’m not just watching indie stuff. Indie stuff ye just ride the dild but if I’m gonna watch a full on production I want story and acting

Porn actors imagining that they are real actors... hey, everyone on this forum knows that every time a mention some shit or another it ends up being incorporated in the next ContraPoints video so who knows, Nyk might incorporate you in a ContraPoints video now that I've mentioned you here.

More proof that porn studios that purport to show IRL BDSM and claim to uphold their self-imposed best practices don't even bother to provide aftercare to their actors:

I had two hardcore bondage days in a row and although I got a little I would kill for some aftercare rn

He goes into full SJW mode when discussing cyberpunk:

I want a POC heavy cyberpunk movie with a contemporary rap and old school hip hop soundtrack tbh....

like, cyberpunk is already a genre that’s based on socioeconomic strata, it’s unrealistic to say a pROPER cyberpunk story would be mostly white.

I interpret it as being about late stage capitalist gluttony and the disgusting expansion of Neoliberalism, a story focused on someone other than Grizzled Man Cop Learns Some Things are Bad would be refreshing

Future BreadTuber confirmed. Hey, Ella, if you get too old for porn, you know what to do with those pink hue lights. Don't throw them away just yet, I am sure they'll be considered very retro by then.

Adult performers are AMAZING actors and models. Bullshit stigma is the only thing preventing them from getting booked for mainstream projects.

Thank you Jake Hunskicker for showing the mainstream world what @britney_amber can do besides adult:

“we should cast porn stars because they don’t have heavy lifting to do. Even if their perf aren’t as good, it’s going to be easier when you need them to be nude because anything you ask them to do will be tame compared to their norm"

See how porn is being used as emotional blackmail to get mainstream actors to lower their comfort levels? "Do as we say or we'll bring in the sluts who will do anything for anything.", yeah, that totally doesn't sound like blackmail (as if porn actors don't have their own comfort levels, which might even be political or emotional). Very well then, bring in the sluts. Legalize child pornography and child labour while you're at it too.

His relationship with his family is predictably poor but that could have to do with the trauma of them all losing the head of the family:

Feeling incredibly lonely today, this last weekend was the anniversary of when I finally got away from my abuser once and for all, but had to return to my abusive family. And I feel alone again

Is this liberating? In a way, but I feel like I got this far and have so little to show for it. I would like to be held rn

aka "please don't call me a bedroom racist because it's not bedroom racism when a porn SJW desperately begs to bang a blackie on Twitter for wokeness points". Also, notice how "topping a cis girl" is actually a #lifegoal in this list. At least he's not wanting to top a homo, cos that would've been really gross after everything else.

This is just sad:

These people are literally this sad. Riding a huge Harley to make up for their HRTed small dick impotence anal prolapse insecurity.

More proof that porn studios that purport to show IRL BDSM and claim to uphold their self-imposed best practices don't even bother to provide aftercare to their actors:

I had two hardcore bondage days in a row and although I got a little I would kill for some aftercare rn

Ella was recruited to anticipate a queer audience getting into t-porn because of ContraPoints. Funny how porn actors themselves always begin to believe in their own bullshit and start to complain about the porn not being close enought to real life. Ella Hollywood is shocked to discover that online trannie chasers who watch t-porn are hetero cis men who want to see the usual hetero porn scenarios re-enacted in t-porn, none of that gay bisexual queer genderfucking shit. #nohomo

I am also 19 years old and act like a kitten frankly I don’t know why they’re being reprimanded for this behavior

Remember Ella crying on his secret gooner account about the fact that cis women wouldn't have sex with him on camera?

the disconnect between what producers make and what people pay for is stifling the industry and that’s why Onlyfans took off. Tattoos are heavily requested, trans girls are more than just a fetish, Cis men should be able to work with us and not put their career in danger

I don’t wanna play roles written for men or for women. I wanna play a role where my gender is irrelevant. Hell, I already look like my gender is irrelevant

He finally gets to bang a cis woman (that has NEVER been done before) and he's sooo proud he immediately tweets it

SO excited for this shoot to come out soon, the first shoot I did with a cis girl, and a v special one at that!

Ella's Youtube account:

Oh look, unlisted!

Ella on Twitch:
Ella's CuriousCat:
Ella's Instagram:
Jean-Luc Michelena on Facebook:
Ella on Vimeo:

He has a whole 18+ subreddit with 7000 panty sniffers (update FEB2021, it's 31.1 k now) pirating his pornography all the time:

His mods are hardcore SJW content cops attacking fans who call Ella a "he":

(2) Call people what they want to be called. With Ella (per her Instagram), your options are “she” or “they.” (Notice that “he” is not an option.) This is just like calling someone by their preferred name. You wouldn’t just randomly call Ella by the name Beatrice, so don’t refer to her as “he” either. It’s just a word. No big deal for you, and it’s really important to her.

LMAO, Ella literally said on Twitter he doesn't give a fuck what people call him and he also uses his male name on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram. I don't care how fucking American you are, someone with the French male name "Jean-Luc" is not a "she".

He's a man on Facebook:

This is his public Facebook page:

His friends are all family members.

This is his sister, Frankie, who is an F2M:

This is his mom and she's apparently Jewish

His mom is like a super feminist and a super Democrat:

This is his little sister Chani, the one who was there when his dad died:

Chani lists "They/Them" pronouns on her Facebook account.

5'7" / 170cm
130lbs / 59kg

Hey! I’m Jean-Luc, sometimes I go by Ella. I’m gender non-conforming and have worked in adult entertainment, but I’m looking to do more mainstream work! My ma tells me I’m both an attractive man and an attractive woman, so I don’t mind playing either, or something in between.
The dream is to play big roles in science fiction, as I’m a big fan of the genre!

Some comments about Ella on 4plebs.org

>"Quoted By: Natalie is yesterday's news, we're all about Ella Hollywood here now. "

">ella hollywood. Never heard of that one, looked up a pic and yeah no shit, you have to be blind to think that dude passes."

Original KF posts: "The sad story of Ella Hollywood"

I recently looked up the comments under TurkeyTom's video on Jean's friend the GoonClown, and there are multiple comments there asking Tom to make a follow up video on the relationship between F1nnster and Jean. People apparently believe that it was Jean who pinkpilled F1nnster and groomed him into transitioning. These comments were buried amongst dozens of others, so I screengrabbed them so I could highlight them here:


I didn't even notice this: Turkey Tom put out a video about #goongate three days ago and it already has over 600k views. Good job!

I have this finally leads to these POS being arrested for their pedo grooming.
I recently looked up the comments under TurkeyTom's video on Jean's friend the GoonClown, and there are multiple comments there asking Tom to make a follow up video on the relationship between F1nnster and Jean. People apparently believe that it was Jean who pinkpilled F1nnster and groomed him into transitioning. These comments were buried amongst dozens of others, so I screengrabbed them so I could highlight them here:

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Is there a F1nnster thread here?