Boobie Bomb
Hellovan Onion

Johnny Fox / Falcopunch64 / Internet Jesus / @Internet Villain / Jack Pierce / John Michael Faulkner / FoxDie / RazielPlayz / HeadCenobite / Raven Rage / Nostalgic Rage and possibly many more handles
Johnny Fox is many things and a man of many names but before we get into detail on why he merits a thread, he deserves a brief introduction.

Johnny Fox is Internet Jesus?

More like Internet Jared Fogle! The resemblance is uncanny!
In a nutshell, he is a wannabe e-celeb who started off dabbling as a Angry Video Game Nerd skinwalker of a game reviewer then he moved on to being a game streamer which was then the trend of the late noughties.
When that didn’t work, he went to being involved in the alt-right and Gamergate.
Then Charlottesville, a protest involving the alt-right and the far left Antifa went horribly wrong with protestors turning into roadkill, happened and the authorities began cracking down on alt-right personalities. This led to Johnny Fox jumping ship and venturing into the “sektur” or hitching his wagon with weird online personalities from Andy Warski to Ethan Ralph.
This didn’t give him online clout so, he tried to get offline clout and become a writer.
That writing career didn’t take off so he settled and found limited success and a small following providing commentary for Boogie2988 videos, Chris Hansen’s To Catch a Predator series and catfishing videos. At the time of writing this thread, his Youtube Channel, Johnny Fox, has gained thousands of subscribers.
Archive Link to His Current Youtube and Odysee Channel which comes with a Discord link as of February 2024 Since He Has a Habit of DFEing:
Youtube Channel:
Youtube Archive:
Odysee Channel:
Odysee Archive:

This summary of Johnny’s online career would be almost inspirational if not for his paranoia, his delusions, his God complex, his backstabbing of people who supported him (yours truly being one of his victims), faking suicide, accusing former supporters of going after his family without evidence and allegations of him engaging in “furry roleplay” or pretending to be a furry animal while behaving like a predator who preys on his followers. These behaviours he displayed are more or less consistent throughout his entire online career spanning well over a decade.
Like with many other lolcows, he follows a cycle where he gains a little traction and a following then antagonises the people who supported him and making enemies left and right. His former supporters of whom he labels as behaving as “jilted exes” call him out of his behaviour and he proceeds to wipe as much of his online presence as possible. Time passes and he returns with another moniker or reuse the same moniker and the cycle continues. He actually rubbed shoulders with prominent “sektur” personalities like Andy Warski, Matt “Mundanematt” Jarbo and so on but the reason why he didn’t manage to come into prominence is because he keeps on erasing his Internet presence.
His early online presence was in the late noughties and early 2010s when everyone was imitating Angry Video Game Nerd James Rolfe’s foul mouthed commentary over playing games or expecting to get paid for streaming gameplays. The Johnny Cycle kicks off when he garnered an audience despite or rather precisely because he was not able to play those games well. Instead of being the next James Rolfe, he almost managed to become the next Phil Burnell.
Being a James Rolfe / AVGN Skinwalker:
Playing Games Badly:
However, when he was called out for stealing gameplay and passing it off as his own, he went on a meltdown and so endeth a Johnny Cycle. To make things funnier, it was said that whilst he was airing someone’s gameplay footage, you can hear his snoring over the footage. That was way before Ethan Ralph streamed himself sleeping on his show.
Gaming Career Stealing Gameplay and Snoring on Stream:
In the late 2000s and early 2010s, he claimed to have gassed himself with chlorine when he tried to clean his toilet with a mixture of bleach and ammonia. You’d think he would keep silent about this faux pas and lack of understanding of basic household chemistry. Yet, he would tell everyone versions of this gassing to anyone who would listen but lost his mind when he was made fun of with suggestions that he was cooking toilet meth.
Eyewitness Account:

Johnny Fox loses his mind too at claims that he stuck his penis into a can of Skippy peanut butter. One wonders if he really did that. His overreacting to being made fun of were suggestions early in his e-career that not all is well with Johnny Fox’s head.
Circa the mid 2010s, during that period of time shortly before Donald Trump’s election as Murica’s President and shortly after his election, Johnny Fox returned under the moniker Foxdie (he really likes foxes doesn’t he?) and tried to grift off the gravy train by fraternising with alt-right and popular atheist online personalities.
Johnny Fox personally attended the Charlottesville demonstrations featuring far left and far right agitators. This culminated with a man driving his car in high speed into a crowd. It was said Johnny Fox was the man who can be heard yelling "Don't trample people” as the car hit the crowd of far-left protestors.
The fallout from Charlottesville and the persecution of the alt-right that followed meant that being on the alt-right grift train was a ticket to jail or legal trouble so Johnny Fox dropped the Foxdie alt-right handle.
Charlottesville Footage:
Johnny Fox's Alt-Right Past Exposed:
Years later at 2022, under the Jack Pierce moniker, he would post an article on his blog on the website suffering from troll's remorse, renouncing his views on many matters though he in his usual fashion, rambles and rambles about the same point and failed to go into specifics on the things he did to SJWs, Ethan Ralph and others. This is indicative of how Johnny, like countless other political grifters, have no lasting principles.

Some quotes from his troll's remorse article apologising for everything.
Sometime during Gamergate and the rise of the alt-right in the mid 2010s, Johnny Fox dabbled in e-begging and outright scamming. His Gofundme campaign to beg for money claiming that he is not well off is one such example. Mundanematt of all people, called out that the photo of the dilapidated house that is featured on the Gofundme page wasn’t his. Johnny Fox also refused to disclose his personal details to Gofundme, claiming he feared he could be doxed, leading to Gofundme to close his campaign.
Gofundme Scam:

Later on, he launched what he calls “Project Fenix” and branded it as an attempt to create an online platform where all speech would be tolerated unless they violated Murican law. He tried and failed to raise 2000 dollars for “Project Fenix” only managed a paltry figure slightly over 400 dollars despite endorsements from Andy Warski.
He tasked a teenager to come up with the social media site. When told that even 2000 dollars is not even enough to create the online media platform that he envisioned, Johnny Fox went mental and accused him of paedophilia.
From our understanding, Johnny did not return the money he raised in either his Gofundme or “Project Fenix” campaigns.
Project Fenix Scam:
In the late 2010s, following Charlottesville, he decided to hitch his wagon onto other e-celebrities involved with the alt-right. He tried to gain clout by picking fights with e-celebrities. For example. he tried to pick a fight with Internet personality JF Gariepy on Andy Warski's show Warski Live with accusations that Gariepy was involved in financial fraud and was a groomer who took advantage of a lady who was mentally retarded. Because Johnny Fox was Johnny Fox, instead of pinning Gariepy onto the cross by pointing out Gariepy's actual misdeeds, he made a fool out of himself.
Humiliated by JF Gariepy on Warski Live:
Years later at 2022, under the Falcopunch64 moniker, he tried to do a preshow for Andy Warski’s Kino Casino. Johnny Fox pleaded with Warski via Twitter DMs for him to a preshow for the Kino Casino show only to lose his mind when Warski didn’t reply promptly.
Andy Warski Recounting How Johnny Fox Wanted to Do a Preshow for Kino Casino:
He bears a grudge towards Warski till this day as seen in an interview I conducted with him when I was still on good terms with Johnny Fox. He went off on a very long tangent about Warski even though we were supposed to talk about e-celebrity Boogie2988.
Johnny Fox Really Hates Andy Warski:
Shoutout from Ethan Ralph:

Like with many lolcows, a certain @bryan Dunn and Boogie2988 come to mind, Johnny Fox threatened to kill himself and outright faked his own death multiple times.
We have a screenshot of him at 2020 to “guilt-trip like a jilted-ex” to quote Johnny Fox. He messaged said ex claiming to be his brother saying that Johnny killed himself. You’d think faking your death to get back at a person is already pathetic as it is. It gets better or worse depending on your vantage with the woman Johnny trying to guilt trip not having dated or even had a face -to-face meetup with Johnny Fox.

2 years later at 2022, Johnny Fox claims that trolls tried to inform his sister about him planning his suicide, triggering a heart attack on her end. This is why faking your death reflects not only badly on you, it has other IRL consequences. Knowing Johnny Fox's relationship with the truth, take with a bag of salt that it was his sister's heart attack that made him DFE' and scrubbing his online presence in mid-2022 instead of well, playing the fake suicide card again.

As surely the Johnny Cycle turns, after the 2020 fake suicide, he came back calling himself Jack Pierce and Falcopunch64 in 2022. He branded himself as a liberal author who looked up to Stephen King, the complete antithesis to Foxdie and Johnny Fox who are hard right, alt-right personalities. He tried to get Stephen King to bring attention to him and retweet him.
He also worked with a co-author called Lotus Sand on a writing project only to take all the credit for himself and refuse to credit the co-writer. That lead to heated arguments and bridges burnt as seen in the screenshots below where Lotus Token demanded to be credited and accused Johnny of lying that he was merely a beta-reader instead of full co-writer.

Johnny being spiteful wrote stories mocking the personal circumstances of his co-writer and his family.
Never failing to be a lolcow to be milked for laughs, Johnny saw his attempts at having a writing career end when his detractors brought to attention to Penguin Publishing that Johnny erroneously claimed to be a paid writer whose works are published by Penguin Publishing. He was given a Cease and Desist letter to retract his claims that he was working with Penguin Publishing.
Johnny Lying About Publishing Deal As Explained by Max Sand:
His blog and online bookstore can be found in the website, Accessing the site on February 2024 gives this. Note that the site is "not secure" so enter at your own risk.

An archive link of the site at an earlier time is provided here.
Using the Falcopunch64 moniker did not give him the number of views he wanted so he switched back to the Johnny Fox moniker and with it, he found limited success providing commentary on Boogie2988, To Catch a Predator and laughing at people online falling for catfishing and honey traps.
Boogie Commentary:
Tiktok's Most Dangerous Predator Commentary:
21st Feb 2024 ED: Turns out Johnny Fox plagiarised content for the above video. He stole content from a then 17 year old Youtuber Hyrougal,, without crediting him. Details in
Catfishing Commentary:
His channels suffered copyright strikes over his To Catch a Predator commentary. Here is a screenshot of some of the videos he uploaded while they were still up.

It was suspected that he used bots and bought advertisements on Facebook to boost his numbers. Back at 2018, his Youtube metrics showed that Johnny somehow gained negative views and it is possible that he still does this after 2022 when his latest Youtube channel went online. This is an archive of that channel as of February 2024:

However, he does have a small following, some underaged, many of whom are women. It is with this following Johnny Fox engaged in very questionable activities.
As of now, he is grappling with accusations that he is a predator who engaged in very detailed furry roleplay from another of his female “jilted exes” and “BPD whores”. It is quite possible that the Johnny Cycle will spin and turn once again and he will try and fail to scrub his online presence only to resurface later.
It was from his e-flings with ladies in this current arc where we have confirmation that Johnny is a furry despite assertions by him to the contrary. That would explain why he chose the monikers Johnny Fox and Falcopunch64 as well as using foxes and falcons as his profile picture.
Johnny Denying He is a Furry:
Brie was part of Johnny’s e-harem and they were both into furry roleplay. Brie who considers herself a rather experienced roleplayer claims that Johnny’s roleplaying was way too detailed for him to be just playing along and entertaining her furry fantasies.
Brie also claimed that their roleplaying, like many furry roleplays, delve into sexual deviancy and borderline bestiality. Johnny Fox would pester her asking her if she was sexually aroused and told her that he needed to clean up messes after a roleplay session because he ejaculated onto the floor.
Link to the Interview with Brie with Max Sand:
This interview with Brie, along with his many declarations on stream and interactions with his detractors indicates that Johnny Fox has a God complex like Internet nutcase Christine Weston Chandler. He would claim that people thinks he looks like Jesus even though he shares a unfortunate resemblance to the convicted paedophile Jared Fogle.
He calls himself Internet Jesus and posts heavily edited photographs of himself to look like depictions of Jesus. He even blesses and forgives his audience like what Jesus would do and expects his audience to look up to him like a God or Jesus Christ.

Screenshots from his Discord Server where he calls himself "internet Jesus" while saying he "got a keg and a big dick" and "indulge" in his female fans.
In an alternate timeline with a mentally stable and more honest Johnny Fox who didn’t treat his following poorly and not delete everything at the drop of a hat, he might have found success and this thread mightn’t have been written. However, like with many lolcows, he burns bridges over the most bizarre and petty reasons.
His ingrate behaviour appears to differ between the sexes. For men, he burns bridges over minor misunderstandings or perceived slights, often retaliating with accusations of paedophilia, accusations of swatting and attempted murder, going out to dox and undermine his former male supporters and so on.
For years, he worked online with a former associate called Lotus Sand. Lotus Sand wished to break off the working relationship to pursue offline pursuits and expressed discontent over Johnny not crediting him for cowriting Johnny’s novels. He went scorched earth with doxing, writing stories mocking and bringing to light the abuse Lotus and his half-brother suffered under their mother. This culminated with Lotus Sand threatening a lolsuit against Johnny Fox who then backed off. Johnny will maintain that this is an attempt by Lotus to scam him of his money and leave out how he provoked Lotus.
This of course antagonised Lotus Sand’s elder half-brother Max Sand too who proceeded to document Johnny’s exploits and make videos laughing at him. For the crime of laughing at Johnny Fox, Johnny made all kinds of accusations from attempted murder, swatting, paedophilia and the list goes on.
In the case of yours truly, when he expressed discontent over me providing feedback to his shows and warned me that he’d block and cut off contact should I persist, I said this sort of behaviour hurt and upset me. That triggered the insanity switch in him and he accused me of guilt tripping and behaving like a “jilted lover”. He then proceeded to cut off contact and went around telling everyone who would listen, especially those in a Discord server I invited him into that I was a paedophile for interacting with someone underaged who is also into e-drama. I made a video with all of the correspondence I had with to disprove the allegations he made against me. I believe he registered on the Kiwifarms as “@Internet Villain” and tried to make a thread on me which was then rubbished and filed under Spergatory.
This is a post from @Internet Villain where he described me making donations to Ethan Ralph then turning my back on him as "jilted ex" behaviour which was a very peculiar way of describing my relationship with Ethan Ralph. I believe @Internet Villain to be Johnny Fox since the use of the word "jilted" to describe situations like these is something only Johnny Fox would say.

DMs with Johnny Fox and How He Tried to Screw Me Over:
For women online, his so-called “girlfriends” as he calls them, he manipulates them playing to their insecurity, he ghosts and cuts off all contact whilst badmouthing them behind their backs in front of other women in the hopes they’d fight over him. He has assembled an e-harem of women around his age, some of them married with children, some of them single mothers sometime after his Johnny Fox Youtube channel took off in 2023. From this screenshot, he has inappropriate liaisons with many women, being accused of flirting and creeping by “Viper”, dumping “Nevi”, claiming that “Chibi” sent raunchy photos of herself, being hated by “Brie” and claiming that “Pantsberg”, “Rianhausen”, “Pimpin” were two faced. These names as I understand are all women.

When called out, or whenever he tries to justify his actions and bad behaviour towards his former supporters, he would say as he did to me and Viper, that he does not owe his fans anything despite the views and money they gave to support him and that they are behaving like “jilted lovers”.

Johnny Fox viewers need to understand that despite the claims that he appreciates and values his audience, he in reality doesn’t.
Whenever Johnny claims to have a girlfriend, keep in mind that it is very unlikely that he has met them face to face. He believes that an online relationship with a woman qualifies as an actual relationship. As seen in his unhinged rant about his father in his Discord server post 2022, he laments not being able to find a significant other for over a decade because of his father's poor health so take with a whole truckload of salt his claims that he really has a girlfriend that he can bring home and put a smile on his ailing father's face.

His father is ill and requires care. Johnny claims to be his caretaker and he blamed his father's health for his failures. He claims his father is manipulative and guilt trips him when his father protests the way Johnny is treating him. Johnny even told his father that he'd better "grow up" or he will be left for dead despite being in his father's place. It is believed that his father is still working and bringing in actual income. Here are more screenshots from his unhinged Discord rant in his server about his father.

Johnny Fox has the potential to have a real career online and be a BreadTuber but the way he treats his supporters badly, losing his mind at perceived slights, creeping on his female fans, engaging in unethical behaviour, most notably his content stealing when he could have put in the hard work and focus on what made him entertaining, will mean that he will continue to make enemies, some of whom will undermine him, and he will never find real success since he thinks little of his viewers' input and feelings.
It is quite possible that he will revert back to his DFE'ing and scrubbing his Internet presence should this thread blow up. If so, he will lose all of the momentum and e-fame and clout he gained from his moderate success doing online commentary. Even if he decides to return to the Internet, the very first few people who would notice his return would likely be his detractors. It is a no-win situation.
If he stays the course and not change how he approaches his supporters, not change how he creeps and manipulates his female supporters, not stop with his paranoia and schizophrenic behaviour, he should understand that he will turn into another Ethan Ralph maybe sans the drug and alcohol abuse, a target of constant ridicule.
He has made several enemies. He should avoid doing that instead of lying that they went after him for no reason and project himself onto them saying that they are two-faced backstabbers who pretended to be his friends.
Credit to Max Sand, host of the online show Cringing Over Coffee,, for providing the bulk of this content. This OP is really a summary of the videos he has done on Johnny Fox. Credit to Otterman Ain't No Chump,, for proving that Johnny Fox is a plagiarist who steals gameplay footage.. Credit to many others who provided screenshots of Johnny Fox's behaviour.
What is a Kiwifarms thread without a dickpic? I understand that he harassed ladies he meets online by sending over dickpics, begging for titpics among other things.
I definitely have an audio recording of Johnny Fox doing the audio version of a sext begging to be buggered hard by a "beautiful girl" in Discord but he yet has the "energy" to do so.
Since the Farms only has a 10 media attachment limit per post, I will use this post to list the media attachments that were shown only as links in the OP.
Being a James Rolfe / AVGN Skinwalker:
Playing Games Badly:
Stealing Gameplay and Snoring on Stream:
Charlottesville Footage:
Johnny Fox's Alt-Right Past Exposed:
Gofundme Scam:
Project Fenix Scam:
Humiliated by JF Gariepy on Warski Live:
Andy Warski Recounting How Johnny Fox Wanted to Do a Preshow for Kino Casino:
Johnny Fox Really Hates Andy Warski:
Reupload of a deleted thread. None of the stuff written here is mine. But I wanna archive this stuff just to piss on Null for deleting this good thread.