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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
Self-righteously bitching about how stupid she is in posts she won't see won't do anything to help them, but if you didn't give a fuck about her kids you don't care if some cats die either. It'll just be another disaster to gloat about at the expense of innocent people or animals.
"I sent her some charts, see how good of a person I am? SEE? I'M A GOOD PERSON!! I AM!"

also I thought you didn't care about cats considering you posted this 20211215_212729.jpg
"I sent her some charts, see how good of a person I am? SEE? I'M A GOOD PERSON!! I AM!"

also I thought you didn't care about cats considering you posted this View attachment 38322
Karl and several other kiwifarms scumfucks viciously made fun of my cat dying fairly horrifically from leukemia because I couldn't get adequate care during a winter storm

Don't care will never care about saying mean words to some fat secretly vicious idiot farming sympathy from a den of violent bigots using the trauma of kids in her family

Simple as.

Get a life you mentally deranged loser
viciously made fun of my cat dying fairly horrifically
"someone said something mildly mean about an animal dying after I said vile things about every aspect of their life, this means it's totally normal to spew the most deranged shit ever"

also Summer literally did nothing to you why is it her cat specifically that deserves to be raped to death?
"someone said something mildly mean about an animal dying after I said vile things about every aspect of their life, this means it's totally normal to spew the most deranged shit ever"

also Summer literally did nothing to you why is it her cat specifically that deserves to be raped to death?

I don't know anything about her and I don't care, I just know that when politely presented with half a dozen articles about how her favorite pity convention was tormenting and stalking people for being sexually nonbinary she threw a massive petulant fit at me and posted pictures of her throwing up the bird. I hope her sister kills her because it's apparent they're in a dysfunctional codependent relationship that is going to traumatize children in the family further before it ends. Hope this helps soothe your very real concerns.
I just know that when politely presented with half a dozen articles about how her favorite pity convention was tormenting and stalking people for being sexually nonbinary she threw a massive petulant fit at me and posted pictures of her throwing up the bird.
that definitely means her cat deserves to be raped to death. Ashley you're so wise and smart and mentally normal, I'm so glad all of this is tied to your real name. if any of your Uber eats customers Google you out of curiosity they're in for a treat
don't you have mentally ill codependent boys to lure in and abuse until they kill themselves?
nah I've sworn off BPD boys, the physical attractiveness isn't worth the insanity
that definitely means her cat deserves to be raped to death. Ashley you're so wise and smart and mentally normal, I'm so glad all of this is tied to your real name. if any of your Uber eats customers Google you out of curiosity they're in for a treat

nah I've sworn off BPD boys, the physical attractiveness isn't worth the insanity
Everyone lol at this crazy bitch who claims she can't get a new boyfriend after her old one tried to commit suicide "because she isn't in the right headspace" when she's literally on here downplaying harassing someone because their cat died in pain.
harassing someone because their cat died in pain.
it sucks that that happened to your car but it also makes it all the more astonishing you would wish something even worse on someone else's cat. or it would be astonishing if I wasn't familiar with your mental derangement by now
Yeah I wonder why no men or women for that matter will have anything to do with you
lmao. wrong
You keep talking about how your ex had BPD, what have you been diagnosed with? I guess you know the common knowledge about people who only have "crazy exes".
I have a natural, mildly deviated septum
it sucks that that happened to your car but it also makes it all the more astonishing you would wish something even worse on someone else's cat. or it would be astonishing if I wasn't familiar with your mental derangement by now

lmao. wrong

I have a natural, mildly deviated septum
I never said that directly to her, I said it to Karl when she came back to KF and whined for asspats over being shown all the suicides you losers have caused and he updated "my thread" attempting to shame me over it
No you definitely have been completely fucked up from homeschooling and your dysfunctional parents, I've never had anyone latch onto me like you in my entire life. You are definitely cluster B.
not the psych 101 again, c'mon, that's so old and tired. diagnose me with something else that's cool like oppositional defiant disorder or something
not the psych 101 again, c'mon, that's so old and tired. diagnose me with something else that's cool like oppositional defiant disorder or something
The cool thing about narcs and people with anti-social personality disorder is that they can't realize they're sick in the head so they almost never get mental health intervention. So their lives deteriorate while they do bizarre outwardly disgusting things like come on the internet at 3:40 am to tell a total stranger they don't care about someone making fun of their cat dying. You're 25ish now so you probably have people who are still in somewhat invested in tolerating you for whatever dysfunctional reasons, like your mom. But it won't last forever lol.