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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
He'll never personally do violence but he loves it when incels and the state do it for him
Ignorant sot. Rittenhouse was innocent. This is the problem with people like you. Who the fuck are you trying to impress? Kyle killed a violent child rapist who LITERALLY WAS ASKING TO BE SHOT.

But Ash is more concerned with the child rapists right to rape children. Is Tommy happy having a wife like that? Ask Ash's neighbours...
Ashley was really, really hoping Rittenhouse would get convicted and prison raped. She said so a dozen times in a half-dozen ways and she threw a terrible tantrum the night he was acquitted, including posting pictures of her husband's guns and more or less explicit death threats.
I mean. she still hankers for it, and now instead hopes he's being raped by Republican politicians and their staff. Get that hand out of your sweatpants, Ashley, it's not happening.
Ashley was really, really hoping Rittenhouse would get convicted and prison raped. She said so a dozen times in a half-dozen ways and she threw a terrible tantrum the night he was acquitted, including posting pictures of her husband's guns and more or less explicit death threats.
Really bizarre that a guy who has hallucinations about being attacked when black people innocently talk to him would side with a fat mentally ill twerp who went out to hunt protesters, squealed like a startled pig when he entered a group of them with intention of escalation and they tried taking his assault weapon away, and killed an innocent unarmed man.

Thanks for proving my point that "conservatives" are violent fascist swine who aren't compatible with a functional society, but more than that that you're in actuality all neutered little worms who let fear and inadequacy dictate every action and belief.

Not sure what that response had to do with the fact you're going to Hell for tormenting a widow for no reason but you have to get all of them before they get you isn't that right piggie? And anyone who doesn't entertain your victimhood narrative is the enemy.

The Trump mugshots should be funny since that's the God you base your whole moral life on, not Jesus. Screw over hundreds of other whites in business, abuse your wives, get caught tripping up about dumb scumbag shit because nobody's ever told you no. The coddled racist cracker's idea of valhalla. Imagine how much the actual vikings would sneer at you, you fat lump of entitled nothing.
Not sure what that response had to do with the fact you're going to Hell for tormenting a widow for no reason but you have to get all of them before they get you isn't that right piggie? And anyone who doesn't entertain your victimhood narrative is the enemy.

The Trump mugshots should be funny since that's the God you base your whole moral life on, not Jesus. Screw over hundreds of other whites in business, abuse your wives, get caught tripping up about dumb scumbag shit because nobody's ever told you no. The coddled racist cracker's idea of valhalla. Imagine how much the actual vikings would sneer at you, you fat lump of entitled nothing.

Just an endless collection of unconnected and incoherent nonsequitors and furious nonsense. Lay off the Bud Light, you water buffalo.
Fun story time - my neighbor who has now passed away told me that when he worked for ICE, he had to work a case where an old , North Korean man turned himself in. He was working in China and somehow got on a plane ? trade ship? to Mexico, literally walked to the Texas-Mexico border and asked them to "deport" him to South Korea to see his separated family. South Korea designates North korea as a terrorist state therefore not a real country, which means that all north koreans are south korean citizens. ICE got in contact with SK government to process his SK naturalization and he was reunited with his family.

So no, @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski , ICE is not just a mean racist government entity that solely exists to kick illegals ass.
Isn't ICE like 35 percent Hispanic? Border Patrol, too?

yes, as it turns out.
Like do you actually believe only WASPs can take part in white supremacist state projects as if Black cops or Israel don't exist. Or Brazilian nazis or any other basic things about the world or how the concept of race develops within power systems? Are you actually stupid enough that you think this is mind-blowing information and by "learning it" I would immediately love the 20 year old institution whose primary purpose is to disappear non-Americans crossing an arbitrary border?
Some agents Cortez spoke to felt conflicted about their roles as Latino ICE and border patrol officers, and at least one of his interviewees has since quit his job because of his concerns. But in an interview with Latino Rebels, Cortez said, “Even among those who struggle, and who find this tension between who they are and what they do, the economic security offered by these positions puts pressure on them to stay [in the job] and creates more internal conflict.” The internal conflict led them to ask themselves moral questions questions about, “who the people are that they’re dealing with, and really kind of beginning to put themselves in the shoes of the migrant’s encounter, and wrestling with, ‘What if this was me? Or what if this was my mother?’” Cortez said. “It’s a unique experience that non-Latino agents in this experience aren’t having to wrestle with.”

Hey but thanks for linking to an article exploring why this system is fundamentally evil, punishes natural human inclinations towards altruism and harmony, and rewards being a wraparound sunglasses wearing chud sociopath. All the stuff I've ever talked about
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Like do you actually believe only WASPs can take part in white supremacist state projects as if Black cops or Israel don't exist. Or Brazilian nazis or any other basic things about the world or how the concept of race develops within power systems? Are you actually stupid enough that you think this is mind-blowing information and by "learning it" I would immediately love the 20 year old institution whose primary purpose is to disappear non-Americans crossing an arbitrary border?
Yes it is true that modern policing may have arisen out of some of the practices of the slave patrols but it is also true that extrajudicial groups such as the KKK which came into being in the reconstructionist south also adopted a lot of these practices. The Civil War was generally a turning point because it was seen as the first modern war by historians. The South suffered terrible destruction on a widespread scale and this was the first time the United States had to deal with this type of devastation.

Having said this it does not mean the entire system of policing is a white supremacist institution. Here are demographic statistics regarding police officers: https://www.zippia.com/police-officer-jobs/demographics/

There are over 324,951 police officers currently employed in the United States.
  • 16.8% of all police officers are women, while 83.2% are men.
  • The average police officer age is 39 years old.
  • The most common ethnicity of police officers is White (60.0%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (18.2%), Black or African American (12.9%) and Unknown (4.6%).
  • In 202, women earned 94% of what men earned.
  • 7% of all police officers are LGBT.
  • Police officers are 74% more likely to work at government companies in comparison to private companies.
Here is a link that shows the demographics of the United States: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222
Overall whites (whites alone - not Hispanic or Latino) account for 58.9% of the US population. Blacks are 13.6% of the population.
Simply put police officers as a whole pretty much mirror the US demographics as a whole.

Was there a connection between people who were in law enforcement and were connected with white supremacy? Yes in the early 20th century before the civil rights era. Are there remnants of that that exist today? Unfortunately yes. But police deserve better than to be smeared as a gang of white supremacists because it is simply not true.

As for the state of Israel being a "white supremacist" state there is a little matter called Operation Solomon that gets in the way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Solomon
Ashley doesn't care about truth, only what can be used (in her case, poorly) for propaganda or a witless attack.
So cute watching the racist creep who talked about his porn history on kiwi farms agreeing with the 70 year old autistic man who hired a wife beater and child abuser to do html on his website