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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
damn, it's almost like spouses are complicit in abuse if they're aware of it and do nothing to stop it. fascinating concept

you lost the instant you admitted that you're siding with abusers in this post btw

and melinda's kids are absolutely pawns to your agenda of trying and failing to make people feel guilty for yelling at melinda when she continued to stick her foot in the hornet's nest
Lol nobodys "losing" to you freakshow i'm pointing out your dysfunctions and getting you to post incriminating shit. Like how you support ice and joshua's boy fetish. You lost by associating yourself with a rightwing terrorist forum filled with abusers and perverts before you even came here to dance around like a lunatic and spout gross, morally depraved gibberish.
and melinda's kids are absolutely pawns to your agenda of trying and failing to make people feel guilty for yelling at melinda when she continued to stick her foot in the hornet's nest
fyi the "hornets nest" referenced here is a group of middle aged men calling her a whore, calling cps with fake reports, and calling her children dirty and stupid. But somehow thats not misogynistic abuse and emotional control like what patrick did.
getting you to post incriminating shit.
incriminating shit like me working at mattress firm? by god, they'll lock me up any day now. i'm trembling with fear.
Like how you support ice and joshua's boy fetish.
no and also no
calling cps with fake reports
calling cps with a genuine concern is not a crime and there were (still are) plenty of reasons to be genuinely concerned that melinda was (still is) abusing her children
a slug like josh deliver one to them
is it delivering if the fish continuously jumps up on the table though. i feel like continuing to post shit on the forum youre suing is just a stupid legal strategy. then again, you're here, so you would of course agree with that kind of galaxy brain thinking
post anus.

Also, I unironically support ICE. I don't want this country run over by El Salvadorean trash like MS 13. Though it's too bad that i can't use ICE as my personal army to exact revenges on rude latino employees at local restaurants.
The only national borders Ashley supports have fences and walls and barbed wire and mines and guards ordered to kill, all directed inward at a helpless, servile population.
Reason: spelling
The only national borders Ashley supports have fences and walls and barbed wire and mines and guards ordered to kill, all directed inward at a helpless, servile population.
Thanks for coming back and doing another downvote spree proving that like Pat you're an insane narc internet addict who can't stand to have any aspect of his personal life criticized and has to get the last word in regardless of how meaningless it is or how stupid and insane fighting makes you look. It's so funny you don't understand how insane this is. For now you're anonymous, you could just leave at any time but you're too much of an insecure loser to let me go.

As fucked up as he is Pat will always be higher functioning than you for the simple fact he doesn't latch all his grievances onto random women like me and he can go 24 hours without blurting out racial slurs. Unlike you he has a wife and a reason to maintain sobriety, too.
Thanks for coming back and doing another downvote spree proving that like Pat you're an insane narc internet addict who can't stand to have any aspect of his personal life criticized and has to get the last word in regardless of how meaningless it is or how stupid and insane fighting makes you look. It's so funny you don't understand how insane this is.
Yet you keep making accounts, day in and day out, always needing to say something to every last person. What does that make you?
You don't have to reference fantasies of a gulag that doesn't exist

I was more referring to the Berlin wall, not your pathetic fantasies of throwing millions of Americans into a gulag, but OK. Another Ashley Rule: wanting to imprison millions of people is perfectly moral, because the gulags to hold them don't exist yet. But don't you dare say that Leftists should be eliminated, you nazis! Not that I ever have, Ashley can't find a single post of mine wanting anything of the sort.

Yet you keep making accounts, day in and day out, always needing to say something to every last person. What does that make you?

Very lonely, very insane. I guess Ash and Tom didn't make the Jankowski with two backs and dozens of fat rolls this weekend.
You don't have to reference fantasies of a gulag that doesn't exist, you would be absolutely blown away by how many people think the KF scum belong in a regular American prison for their crimes.

One more time: what crimes have I committed?
I talked to a Filipino American who wanted to serve this country by working for ICE and DHS. How about that, Ashley? Is it unacceptable in your thin and vapid leftwing delusion that a nonwhite from a poor ass country worked hard to be an American and deport illegal aliens?
As fucked up as he is Pat will always be higher functioning
than you for the simple fact he doesn't latch all his grievances onto
random women like me
That's right Ash, it's all about you.
how many people think the KF scum belong in a regular American prison for their crimes.
TBF I really don't think that many people know about a site that has only 500 daily users. FR if Karl were to dress up like Big Bird and start shooting up the local mall, you probably wouldn't hear about it. Let's face it, you are more likely to go postal and start licking off shots at passers by, and I probably wouldn't get to hear about it. I don't think you'd be a good mass shooter (no matter how much you fit the bill), I mean, while you have enough weight to body someone like Tommy, but I really don't think you have the stamina to carry an assault rifle and ammo for any great distance. And you probably shoot worse than a jig.
One more time: what crimes have I committed?
Once again pretending that posting Melinda Scott's personal financial information publicly with intent to harass, accusing her and her husband of child abuse with no proof, working with a group of other men who kept trying to dig up her address despite the fact she had it obfuscated because of a stalker that you befriended and talked about onlyfans girls with isn't criminal. The only reason you haven't been brought to justice for any of that is because the fat coward who runs the platform you did it all on is in Eastern Europe.

I thought you were Christian so constantly asking me "what specific earthly laws have I broken" like a dullard or a little kid is pretty funny considering your claimed ethos has laws against anti-social behavior against other human beings. Well, state laws seem to be catching up with obvious ethical rules that have been around for hundreds of years per your own alleged belief system like "don't drive mentally ill people to suicide" or "don't terrorize widows about the fact their husband killed himself" so it will be interesting to see how you handle that considering you're a big fat drunk with no self-control and harassment seems to be your only obsession in the world besides watching porn and eating massive quantities of southern fried shit and abominable waffle house sweets.
Your psycho need to litigate really obvious shit about what a dysfunctional violent goon you are on such a meaningless medium makes it seem like you were raised by abusive freaks who were some sort of lawyer or otherwise in some sort of predatory business where they spent decades shitting on their fellow man and getting chuffed when they successfully screwed someone else over for personal gain. You were definitely produced by a family that nobody will miss when your mom or dad dies if they haven't. You are a spoiled completely worthless shithead, basically pure id, and you make a lesser narc like Pat look normal by comparison.
the Jankowski with two backs and dozens of fat rolls this weekend.
Conservatives are pathologically stupid animals and can only come up a handful of jokes that mimick actual human creativity. See the trans "debate" and attack helicopter etc. This guy could not come up with material that doesn't include racism or sexism or otherwise punching down or creepy comments about how women don't look like the porn he consumes if he had to save his life.
Thanks for coming back and doing another downvote spree proving that like Pat you're an insane narc internet addict who can't stand to have any aspect of his personal life criticized and has to get the last word in regardless of how meaningless it is or how stupid and insane fighting makes you look.
Jesus Christ on a tricycle use more commas, I could feel the enraged spittle of this run-on flying from my phone. also the reputation system doesn't work here anymore
For now you're anonymous, you could just leave at any time
I was more referring to the Berlin wall, not your pathetic fantasies of throwing millions of Americans into a gulag, but OK. Another Ashley Rule: wanting to imprison millions of people is perfectly moral, because the gulags to hold them don't exist yet. But don't you dare say that Leftists should be eliminated, you nazis! Not that I ever have, Ashley can't find a single post of mine wanting anything of the sort.
This dumbfuck is a Kyle Rittenhouse fan lol

He'll never personally do violence but he loves it when incels and the state do it for him