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  • Welcome to Onionfarms - The most inclusive Kiwifarms splinter on the internet | all races | gay or straight | CIS or trans | If you can rock with us, you are one of us

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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
You don't even think transpeople are a real thing despite what the AMA and WHO have to say about it, why would you be able to think about community college level ideas concerning authority under capitalism. You're functionally retarded and all your relations to other humans come back to what your nasty old man dick wants, it's impossible to speak to you like an adult.
You don't even think transpeople are a real thing despite what the AMA and WHO have to say about it, why would you be able to think about community college level ideas concerning authority under capitalism. You're functionally retarded and all your relations to other humans come back to what your nasty old man dick wants, it's impossible to speak to you like an adult.
Let me refresh your memory Ashley on you trying to sexually proposition me on my profile
Ashley sexually propositions me.jpg
do you think Ashley’s stalker victim act is just to rake in vulnerable young girls who she can actually stalk because she’s a delusional fat lesbian in the south of amerikuh married to a mallcop?
i signed up here just to say that this lady is very scary and Karl is very stunning and brave
Yeah he was especially brave all the times he wigged out and told me that I have to beg God for forgiveness for calling him names and also the one day he was threatening to call my family and complain that I was insulting him on the internet and I laughed at him

Or all the times he claimed out of nowhere that "I want to be r*ped by n*ggers" because I posted mainstream rap and it pissed him off racistly
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do you think Ashley’s stalker victim act is just to rake in vulnerable young girls who she can actually stalk because she’s a delusional fat lesbian in the south of amerikuh married to a mallcop?
Serious question, what percentage of Kiwi Farms rejects are unmarried, unpartnered men over age 30 who have personality disorders or substance abuse issues, or both? You collectively seem to really go to bat for each others' creepy unmasculine behavior.

It seems like it's over half. I mean when the guy who wrote Zybourne Clock showed up here to cry at me about bullying some freak who won't stop talking about my personal life and is too dumb to just leave before he gets in massive amounts of trouble that really cemented that aging failures of the finest quality only post there or wind up here. Zybourne dude is like the Ur example of that type of guy who unfortunately exists.

Speaking of

In an era where anybody who knows anything knows that anti-trans grifters like Matt Walsh are doing it to distract from his own sexual crimes and the crimes of the church, it's just kind of fun seeing some mid 50s arrested development oaf who screams about how trannies are predators and should kill themselves 24/7 just openly sharing that he thinks about cartoon rats pegging each other in his mind palace all day long.

And everyone surrounding him being so pathetic and similar they don't dare make fun of something so objectively hilarious
Serious question, what percentage of Kiwi Farms rejects are unmarried, unpartnered men over age 30 who have personality disorders or substance abuse issues, or both? You collectively seem to really go to bat for each others' creepy unmasculine behavior.

It seems like it's over half. I mean when the guy who wrote Zybourne Clock showed up here to cry at me about bullying some freak who won't stop talking about my personal life and is too dumb to just leave before he gets in massive amounts of trouble that really cemented that aging failures of the finest quality only post there or wind up here. Zybourne dude is like the Ur example of that type of guy who unfortunately exists.

Hi Ashley.
do you think Ashley’s stalker victim act is just to rake in vulnerable young girls who she can actually stalk because she’s a delusional fat lesbian in the south of amerikuh married to a mallcop?
she's definitely got a couple pet mentally deficients she talks to on the regular, based on how she nattered at Melina until Melinda wised up and put her on block
Isn't ICE like 35 percent Hispanic? Border Patrol, too?

yes, as it turns out.
Karl, you absolute retard, when I saw you for the first time I stated that you're as much of a lolcow as Ashley and time has only proven me right.
Like do you actually believe only WASPs can take part in white supremacist state projects as if Black cops or Israel don't exist. Or Brazilian nazis or any other basic things about the world or how the concept of race develops within power systems? Are you actually stupid enough that you think this is mind-blowing information and by "learning it" I would immediately love the 20 year old institution whose primary purpose is to disappear non-Americans crossing an arbitrary border?
Certainly, Latinos aren't all brown, and latinos themselves can and do have superiority complex based on their skin colors. Argentinians for example consideer themselves white and feel superior to everyone else because of their perceived closeness with Europe (even though the country is poor af lol).

But none of these matters lol. The notion thatLatin Americans joined ICE to perpetuate white supremacy is laughable and insulting to the hardworking naturalized immigrants.
View attachment 38283

Speaking of

In an era where anybody who knows anything knows that anti-trans grifters like Matt Walsh are doing it to distract from his own sexual crimes and the crimes of the church, it's just kind of fun seeing some mid 50s arrested development oaf who screams about how trannies are predators and should kill themselves 24/7 just openly sharing that he thinks about cartoon rats pegging each other in his mind palace all day long.

And everyone surrounding him being so pathetic and similar they don't dare make fun of something so objectively hilarious

IDk who Yuzu is but thanks for acknowledging me?
she's definitely got a couple pet mentally deficients she talks to on the regular, based on how she nattered at Melina until Melinda wised up and put her on block
I haven't communicated with her in a year but I sent her this chart and explained that if she's letting unfixed cats free this is going to become an out of control problem that requires outside intervention in a few months. People for some reason don't grasp how much cats breed and she's going to get hit with a diseased colony of miserable animals that kill her other livestock and a ton of kittens that will die in winter if she doesn't act now. https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...BwnXbt7E7YAvOWi9G-unqmwx1o_myxmBw&oe=65073D91
Ashley, is it ok for guys to approach women in public as long as they don't "cat call"?