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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
So their lives deteriorate
can you explain when my life is going to deteriorate because it kind of seems like it's going backwards rn. like getting better. ngl. not to spoil anything
do you think that america the country has only one time zone?
If this is how we act internally at each other we deserve to be overtaken by a superior culture and an actual ideology.
the fascism understander has logged ON
The distance between NYC and Chicago in 4 hours 30 minutes
nah i agree with you unironically we should have high speed rail. planes fucking suck i hate plane rides
What ideology is that? Corporate Statism? It's certainly not Communism or even Socialism.

I don't care about the trains because I'm not an autist, and I hate both NYC and Chicago.
It was probably my fault, like climate change and the economy sucking. That's why the entire state of New
Jersey hates me.
It was probably my fault, like climate change and the economy sucking. That's why the entire state of New
Jersey hates me.
Do you have any more videos of mentally ill homeless people being filmed at their most vulnerable without their consent to gawk and slap your hick knee at, you stupid racist hog? Sharing that you collect things like that then whining people when people treat you like a loser is a great bit, keep it up until Satan takes you home.
Dating will keep you from replying to me at 3 am
again: are you actually stupid enough to believe everyone in the United States of America, one of the largest countries on the planet, lives in the same time zone? like I know you're clinically retarded but are you that clinically retarded?
seek deserved legal retribution against you.
your jealousy is showing. I promise someday you'll get a veteran or someone else that you disapprove of to kill themselves, Ashley! just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean you're an impotent, obese, laughingstock hick on the Internet. you just need to refine your technique
I told her before, telling veterans to kill themselves one at a time on reddit was a poor use of her time, when she could fly a drone with a loudspeaker over VFW halls and do it en masse.
3 AM posting is completely beyond the bounds of normalcy and decency, unless you're Ashley. That's another Ashley Rule for you.