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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
Fat fucking pig should be delivering food for pennies right now, not bitching on the internet.
How many years has it been since anyone put themselves through the unpleasantness of interacting with you in real life? You can't even have a normal conversation without racist tics and saying the most outrageous insane shit anyone's ever heard. You are a complete nightmare.
One of many times I feel sympathy for the retail associates. They don't get paid to deal with this kind of shit.
This really is a post for the aforementioned Zybourne clock writer archetype I mentioned. Dim witted observation that adds nothing, incurious and no questions about why such insane disgusting thing is taking place or why it was posted, being sure to direct pointless spite at retail workers for some reason to make sure everyone knows you're a weird bitter loser. Let me guess, you got banned from SA 30 years ago for being a racist or schizo and haven't shut up about how happy you are Lowtax is dead because he killed the comedy over there. Since you understand jokes and are great at them.
your jealousy is showing. I promise someday you'll get a veteran or someone else that you disapprove of to kill themselves, Ashley! just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean you're an impotent, obese, laughingstock hick on the Internet. you just need to refine your technique
I'm not jealous of you about anything, you smell like cat piss and live with your mom and the only thing that seems to be keeping you from killing yourself is inspiring negative feelings in other people on the internet. For some reason you think that succeeding at being annoying and morally gross is something to be proud of instead of desperate and socially maladjusted. Most women actually have standards because they like themselves, they don't hang around racist dog shit like you do trying to "riff" with fucking losers all day and night.
The cool thing about narcs and people with anti-social personality disorder is that they can't realize they're sick in the head so they almost never get mental health intervention. So their lives deteriorate while they do bizarre outwardly disgusting things like come on the internet at 3:40 am to tell a total stranger they don't care about someone making fun of their cat dying. You're 25ish now so you probably have people who are still in somewhat invested in tolerating you for whatever dysfunctional reasons, like your mom. But it won't last forever lol.
People with antisocial personality disorder are extremely difficult to treat because they are extremely manipulative. In fact compelling someone with antisocial personality disorder to get psychotherapy will make them worse not better because they see the therapist as someone to be conned and deceived rather than as a partner to help them get better.
People with antisocial personality disorder are extremely difficult to treat because they are extremely manipulative. In fact compelling someone with antisocial personality disorder to get psychotherapy will make them worse not better because they see the therapist as someone to be conned and deceived rather than as a partner to help them get better.
You do agree that @Karl has every indication he's either ASPD or a pathological narcissist right? I don't think I've ever seen him post anything that wasn't racist shit, or angry, or entitled and horny. It's kind of fascinating to look at, but also gross and exhausting.
The only thing I've ever seen him express positivity or affection for is his dog and he explicitly shares that's because dogs are stupid and inferior and have to behave submissively towards people. He seems bizarrely obsessed with the idea that cats aren't worthwhile and only pathetic women care about them because you actually have to earn their trust and friendliness and it's not genetically encoded.
You do agree that @Karl has every indication he's either ASPD or a pathological narcissist right? I don't think I've ever seen him post anything that wasn't racist shit, or angry, or entitled and horny. It's kind of fascinating to look at, but also gross and exhausting.
No Ashley I don't. Only a psychiatrist is qualified to make that diagnosis. You brought the idea implying @Karl has antisocial personality disorder so it is entirely appropriate for me to comment on it.
The only thing I've ever seen him express positivity or affection for is his dog and he explicitly shares that's because dogs are stupid and inferior and have to behave submissively towards people. He seems bizarrely obsessed with the idea that cats aren't worthwhile and only pathetic women care about them because you actually have to earn their trust and friendliness and it's not genetically encoded.
Do you think there is a chance that @Karl is more positive about his dog because he interacts IRL with his dog everyday and knows it rather than a bunch of strangers on a message board? Just because dogs have been domesticated to live with humans doesn't mean they will be friendly with any stranger that approaches them.
No Ashley I don't. Only a psychiatrist is qualified to make that diagnosis. You brought the idea implying @Karl has antisocial personality disorder so it is entirely appropriate for me to comment on it.
What have you been diagnosed with? I know you have autism but there's something else at work making you a huge fucking loser trying to wear the skin of someone like Joshua Moon, down to mimicking his juvenile oppositional defiant disorder when it comes to trying to control peoples' personal information.

Are you really trying to monetize this website? Seems like a very strange decision to allow two mentally ill obsessive clowns stalk me around making repetitive noises at me if that's the case. Who is that supposed to be appealing to, exactly?
Do you think there is a chance that @Karl is more positive about his dog because he interacts IRL with his dog everyday and knows it rather than a bunch of strangers on a message board? Just because dogs have been domesticated to live with humans doesn't mean they will be friendly with any stranger that approaches them.
Have you actually been reading any of the crazy awful shit he posts lmao. Did your wife leave you because you were abusing her? Be honest.
See also the fact that he has delusional fight or flight whenever anyone darker than a sheet of paper tries to speak to him





  • 1karlalt4.jpg
    109.2 KB · Views: 32
I'm not jealous of you about anything
you smell like cat piss and live with your mom
no and no, and ngl this coming from the woman who disliked her mother so much she didnt even go to her funeral is a little :/
You hang out with guys who make fun of homeless people, damn I'm so jealous you smelly nerd clown.
you hang out with guys who think gulags and fascism are super cool and sexy. also you live in an area where there's basically no homeless people or urban campers don't tell me you wouldn't cross the street if you saw a panhandler
I don't think I've ever seen him post anything that wasn't racist shit, or angry, or entitled and horny.
i have seen him post a ton of stuff that is not any of that. i don't think you're literate enough to tell when someone is angry online tbh