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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
When ur falling sound asleep in a house filled with people who love u :3

The guy who posted about how he has schizoid delusions and starts hearing voices about how he's going to get decked the few times a year he leaves his mom's house and encounters non-whites wants to tell everyone how much he knows about "professional spaces"

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tell us all about how every single poster on KF is secretly Karl. am I, also, Karl?
Here's your only friend on display you dumb pathetic bitch
I am literally going to an art show with several friends of mine tomorrow
tell us all about how every single poster on KF is secretly Karl. am I, also, Karl?

I am literally going to an art show with several friends of mine tomorrow
Damn you're fucking crazy. There's less than 500 active users on KF, who else has ever used "abba dabba" as a racial slur you fucking retard? He talks about growing up in New Orleans too.

There she goes again
Also yeah it was pretty different since most of my friends had single parents but the religious ones stuck together despite hating each other out of either misguided self-righteousness or because the woman was being abused and gaslit by her church and husband into staying. Lol.

Remember, stalker childs, Ashley definitely doesn't view the world through cartoonish stereotypes.
Oh okay I get why you and the other losers are so obsessed with this guy now. He's just you except instead of being an evil conservative dipshit he chose boilerplate liberalism, and unlike you women have actually allowed him to touch them. So your pathologies are limited to wrecking random women like Melinda's life through the internet instead of getting hauled off by the cops for threatening the mother of your kids because you decided to devalue her https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealization_and_devaluation

Your formative lives are basically identical down to the doting mommy just laughing it off when your teachers discuss your emotional issues
How long did it take you to come up with that? Did you get help from Tommy? Do you think SWATing is based? Are you ready to accept the inevitable fate that your Marxist LARPing has condemned you to? Whatever happened to Donnas sister in T70sS?
I dunno how accurate it is that Pat's presently a drunk (KF either exaggerates vague pieces of information to the maximum to libel people or everyone there just runs with straight up lies, as a rule) but they both apparently have a history of ruining interpersonal relationships with booze because it lowered their inhibitions and allowed the true extent of their asshole nature to come out. Narcs love booze, it silences their subconscious shame and makes them feel god-like and superior so it's the substance of choice. Fuel for abusing your baby mama who slighted you in some stupid way or going online and relentlessly harassing an innocent woman like me about shit you made up in your head.
Pat's at least smart enough to use the male feminist cover because he knows there's something deeply offputting and unmasculine and loserly about verbally abusing women when you're a grown man though. It's why his life has been comparatively more normal than Karl's or a 55 year old psycho who's glued to his chair like AnOminous.
I dunno how accurate it is that Pat's presently a drunk
But you're ripped to the tits, aren't you?
Pat's at least smart enough to use the male feminist cover
The binary choice Male Feminist as cover, or Making fun of mentalist bints online as cover. You must really hate men. WHat was the relationship with your father like? Is it related to why you physically abuse Tommy? It's no Tommy's fault you were emotionally abused by your parents. It's his fault he married you, tho. I guess he gets what he deserves.
But you're ripped to the tits, aren't you?

The binary choice Male Feminist as cover, or Making fun of mentalist bints online as cover. You must really hate men. WHat was the relationship with your father like? Is it related to why you physically abuse Tommy? It's no Tommy's fault you were emotionally abused by your parents. It's his fault he married you, tho. I guess he gets what he deserves.
This and KF and OnA are the only places he feels comfortable because those places are filled with abusive personality disorder having losers like you, most of whom are quietly zooted to the gills while they're obsessively looking up Jackie Singh's debt documents or calling her a fat "street shitter" (bwahaha see because India is mostly rural and without plumbing! LOLLOL!). Pat deserves it though, he was abusive to a WOMAN, in REAL LIFE, the pig! If only Karl had the opportunity!
abusive personality disorder having losers like you,
And you. Don't forget, you post here.
(bwahaha see because India is mostly rural and without plumbing! LOLLOL!)
Shocking considering. I know you are a drunken cunt townie, but you can have plumbing in the country side. However, the problem is also in the cities. Maybe they like being street shitters and that's why they haven't bothered, much rather spending the time gang raping girls.
Jackie lied about something at some point so it's normal that two dozen fat stinky middle aged guys with autism are now looking into her credit card debt
She's a cunt, I don't care about her, and neither do you. Stop being a moralfag and just admit that you fantasize about being raped by Karl. You're always using (disturbingly) sexual language towards him. How does your husband feel about your flirting with another man online?

What is it about Karl that makes you want him to violently sexually violate you?
Pat deserves it though, he was abusive to a WOMAN, in REAL LIFE, the pig!
it's funny how you've latched onto someone unambiguously abusive like three or four times now just because they're getting targeted by kf. you bent over backwards to defend misty ray henry even after she basically admitted to Frenching her son, you simped hard for Melinda who thinks spousal rape and abuse are hot, and now you're jerking off Pat who's also an abuser. what's that about? weird pattern of behavior here
it's funny how you've latched onto someone unambiguously abusive like three or four times now just because they're getting targeted by kf. you bent over backwards to defend misty ray henry even after she basically admitted to Frenching her son, you simped hard for Melinda who thinks spousal rape and abuse are hot, and now you're jerking off Pat who's also an abuser. what's that about? weird pattern of behavior here
This bullshit would make at least slight sense if they weren't also insulting and harassing his wife who as far as I know has no dv history and her only crime is marrying him. Don't worry, nobody believes you want moral and logical consistency, it's clear you're just a fucked up loser who gets off on seeing men be abusive, especially to women. Is your mom letting you off your leash later as a treat?
Kf would happily let an evil mentally retarded woman rattle off about mistys sons abuse because it was lurid content for them, no shits given about whether he'd want that discussed publicly. He's a pawn just like melindas kids were background props to you, to be used to get to their mother. Good thing this shutin demon is never reproducing.
This bullshit would make at least slight sense if they weren't also insulting and harassing his wife who as far as I know has no dv history and her only crime is marrying him
damn, it's almost like spouses are complicit in abuse if they're aware of it and do nothing to stop it. fascinating concept
"You're siding with a child rapist because you point out everyone knows kf isn't interested in acting morally and just wants soft targets and drama, often using children to get those things" very cool normal thoughts from a very normal functional woman.
you lost the instant you admitted that you're siding with abusers in this post btw
Kf would happily let an evil mentally retarded woman rattle off about mistys sons abuse because it was lurid content for them, no shits given about whether he'd want that discussed publicly. He's a pawn just like melindas kids were background props to you, to be used to get to their mother. Good thing this shutin demon is never reproducing.
and melinda's kids are absolutely pawns to your agenda of trying and failing to make people feel guilty for yelling at melinda when she continued to stick her foot in the hornet's nest