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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
the porn posts are kind of weird but ngl I've seen worse on Twitter. also the point is that you are infinitely more dislikeable than him due to being so mentally ill-formed you couldn't even keep a big girl job
Yeah what version of twitter in which universe are you looking at where a middle aged man (especially one as ugly as Karl) with more eyes on him than 50 followers posts about misogynistic porn he looks at (taking it on the face) and insults the appearance of random women who are young enough to be his daughter and they don't attract attention and get bullied into deleting or get their family and work called. That's just one scenario since he could easily get in massive amounts of trouble for the racism or any other oozingly unlovable thing about him. It's basically what twitter is known for and why it's fun there. It's been a MeToo honeypot for years because people hate human shit like him. Thousands of men and women who love punishing abusive filth as much as me.
It's cute you pretend the Kiwi Farms boys club cult atmosphere where as a woman you keep your head down and don't point out the rampant pathetic loser nature and grossness of all the men there is universal on the internet or in real life. Really makes it clear you don't talk to many people especially other women. KF is basically the only place left where these guys can do things like that without consequences. And you want their acceptance lol.
get their family and work called.
Oh yeah? Tell more about making said phone calls
Thousands of men and women who love punishing abusive filth such as me.
FTFY. Who are these people that want to punish abusive filth such as you? Do they know your dox is online? Chances are if they are from the south they have guns. Be really easy for them to kill you and get away with it. Makes you think. Well, not you, yer noggin be rotted with the hooch.
Really makes it clear you don't talk to many people especially other women
This is all you do, I doubt Tom talks to you. WHo wants to hear "Well I harassed some people online, generally being a cunt" when they get home from the Y. You really don't think these posts out, do you? Is it the booze?
Thousands of men and women who love punishing abusive filth as much as me.
ah, I understand, this is all because you're too obese and uncharismatic to be a femdom for hire. this explains so much.
It's cute you pretend the Kiwi Farms boys club cult atmosphere where as a woman you keep your head down and don't point out the rampant pathetic loser nature and grossness of all the men there is universal on the internet or in real life. Really makes it clear you don't talk to many people especially other women. KF is basically the only place left where these guys can do things like that without consequences. And you want their acceptance lol.
I don't post on KF anymore?
hey Karl: a lot of your opinions about race politics suck and I don't like them

Oh no! Seriously, though, that's perfectly fine by me, of course. Not everyone will find my jokes funny or my pithy opinions valid. Doesn't bother me a bit. Never has.
Oh no! Seriously, though, that's perfectly fine by me, of course. Not everyone will find my jokes funny or my pithy opinions valid. Doesn't bother me a bit. Never has.
You're a big fat gross moron who constantly talks about jacking off and his paranoia centering on Jews and black people, nobody laughs at your jokes and you don't express any of this outside rightwing echo chambers because your jaw would get broken in multiple places.


Lots of room for advancement in the high-paced worlds of app food delivery/unarmed security work. Fnaarf needs to jump on that opportunity,
Thanks for unintentionally insulting her considering she doesn't have a degree and is too financially and intellectually impoverished to ever get one so that's all that will be available lmao

Not everyone's rich parents buy them rental properties for completing 12 steps
Thanks for unintentionally insulting her considering she doesn't have a degree
degrees are for chumps. besides, you got a degree and you turned out like..... that, so obviously they're not tickets to eternal success
financially and intellectually impoverished to ever get one so that's all that will be available lmao
what, slow-paced retail management at Crate & Barrel? honestly I'm having a pretty good time, I could do this for a few years before getting bored
Ashley, of course, will never again hold it together well enough to work in either a retail or professional space. App drone is her fate until her early death/disability from obesity/mental health-related death.
Reason: cleaned up my prose.
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Ashley, of course, will never again hold it together well enough to work in either a retail or professional space. App drone is her fate until her early death/disability from obesity/mental health-related death or disability.
Why would anyone work a mind numbingly boring job where they stack objects all day and get routinely yelled or sexually harassed by entitled Trump hogs like you with dried cum on their clothes when they aren't forced to?
Why would anyone work a mind numbingly boring job where they stack objects all day and get routinely yelled or sexually harassed by entitled Trump hogs like you with dried cum on their clothes when they aren't forced to?
damn bro idk what kind of jobs you were forced to apply to after you got fired for being mad on the work computers but most of them aren't like that. even my least favorite job at least had coworkers that were fun to talk to
You're very worryingly obsessed with my husband and it's sad.
woman who follows internet man around screaming delusions and fanfic about his life says man she is harassing is "worryingly obsessed", more news at 11
damn bro idk what kind of jobs you were forced to apply to after you got fired for being mad on the work computers but most of them aren't like that. even my least favorite job at least had coworkers that were fun to talk to

woman who follows internet man around screaming delusions and fanfic about his life says man she is harassing is "worryingly obsessed", more news at 11
Lol that you don't have anything positive to say about him either and you can't imagine anyone else doing so

Also you don't fucking work at crate and barrel you're here all fucking day harassing me you loony tune. You respond to me at 3 am out of nowhere multiple times a week defending your pornsick nazi daddy
Also you don't fucking work at crate and barrel
if me saying I work at la-z-boy in one post and crate & barrel in the next wasn't enough of a tipoff, I'm not telling you the name of the company I actually work at, it's for humorous intent. you really need to be tested for autism lmao
You respond to me at 3 am
when was the last time I did that. give me a citation
Ashley, of course, will never again hold it together well enough to work in either a retail or professional space. App drone is her fate until her early death/disability from obesity/mental health-related death or disability.
The guy who posted about how he has schizoid delusions and starts hearing voices about how he's going to get decked the few times a year he leaves his mom's house and encounters non-whites wants to tell everyone how much he knows about "professional spaces"

if me saying I work at la-z-boy in one post and crate & barrel in the next wasn't enough of a tipoff, I'm not telling you the name of the company I actually work at, it's for humorous intent. you really need to be tested for autism lmao

when was the last time I did that. give me a citation
Here's your only friend on display you dumb pathetic bitch