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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
And how different their lives were!
Also yeah it was pretty different since most of my friends had single parents but the religious ones stuck together despite hating each other out of either misguided self-righteousness or because the woman was being abused and gaslit by her church and husband into staying. Lol.
can you explain to me what the significance of alleged bisexuality has here?
Her self loathing homophobia.
most of my friends
I doubt you have any friends.
People need reasons for loving other people. Of course you aren't such a pathological narcissist who only engages with people related to the attention they give him that you do realize this, correct? That human beings have minds and motivations?
There was no point in making this post. Why don't you log off, make dinner for Tom, something hot, made from scratch. Then do some exercise, you'll be amazed how much better you'll feel.

Equally, you could amuse me by posting your almost uniquely dinny bint shit, so as I can mock it, and highlight your wetbrain nonsense as the shriekings of the painful lonely and ineffectual person that is wot you are. Innit.
Her self loathing homophobia.

I doubt you have any friends.

There was no point in making this post. Why don't you log off, make dinner for Tom, something hot, made from scratch. Then do some exercise, you'll be amazed how much better you'll feel.

Equally, you could amuse me by posting your almost uniquely dinny bint shit, so as I can mock it, and highlight your wetbrain nonsense as the shriekings of the painful lonely and ineffectual person that is wot you are. Innit.
I just want to know why Karl thinks his kids and wife love him. It's a simple question with what should be a simple answer.

I don't see another lonely evil piece of shit about to hit 60 like you going around claiming anyone loves him which is why I ignore you.
I just want to know why Karl thinks his kids and wife love him. It's a simple question with what should be a simple answer.
can you answer my question about your weird vendetta against bisexuality? I'm burning with curiosity
I don't pay attention to you
you're bad at gaslighting Ashley just lie normally like you usually do
I just want to know why Karl thinks his kids and wife love him
No you don't, you want him to pay attention to you, for some strange reason the attention of KArl is very validating to you. Question: What do you think causes the void in your existence that makes you skitzopost on an esoteric forum?
It's a simple question with what should be a simple answer.
Y'see what I did there. 500 words Ash. Why the void? Why do you feel the need to fill it with stalking some guy (who is nowhere near as much of a bigoted loon as you) on the internet?
I don't see another lonely evil piece of shit about to hit 60 like you going around claiming anyone loves him which is why I ignore you.
You're not ignoring me That's how easy it is, Ash, you wobble bottomed psycho. The police are aware of you, aren't they? You're deffo on a list Ash. You know that, I know that, Karl knows that, the internet knows that you Ash are on a list that the government keeps.

What's that all about?
can you answer my question about your weird vendetta against bisexuality? I'm burning with curiosity

you're bad at gaslighting Ashley just lie normally like you usually do
Why should I be upset about a joke I made about pegging over a decade ago when your boyfriend actually wanted to suck off guys

Also my mistake, your dad's substance abuse issues didn't outright kill him, they just caused his cancer.
Can you name any traits of his that would inspire strong positive emotions in anyone?
Knows a good pfp when he sees one. Lovitz, funny guy. But did you know, down there, Jon is like a Ken doll? How's the 500 words on your grand ennui coming along?

Write about how you feel about your neighbours knowing that the government put your name on a list. Must be hard. What with Tom looking the way he does. Married to you. You being on a list. What do the neighbourhood tuff kids shout at you, Ash? What cruel, in the way only a child can be truly cruel, things do the kids call you?

which is why someone like Elon Musk is lonely and bitter.
Strange person to choose to project on to there, Ash. What's your deal with the autistic guy, huh? Remember...
If you're lonely you can talk to me... Y'see, the joke is you face a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.
Why should I be upset about a joke I made about pegging over a decade ago when your boyfriend actually wanted to suck off guys
this doesn't explain it. in fact this has just confused me more. how does you giving Tommy the BBC 9000 every Tuesday night relate to my ex's sexuality. whether or not he liked men (p sure he didn't) has no emotional significance to me anymore lol it's been years
Also my mistake, your dad's substance abuse issues didn't outright kill him, they just caused his cancer.
nah, nice try but it was unrelated
Fnaarf can you name anything you think Karl's family would like or love him for? Anything? Can you name any traits of his that would inspire strong positive emotions in anyone?
I don't have the parasocial relationship with this internet crush of yours that you do so I don't really think of Karl outside of his posts on this thread. I think most normal people think this way tbh
nah, nice try but it was unrelated

So what sort of cancer did he die from? Did he leave you and your mom because of his addictions or was that unrelated too?
I don't have the parasocial relationship with this internet crush of yours that you do so I don't really think of Karl outside of his posts on this thread. I think most normal people think this way tbh
You've written hundreds of posts about me but you can't think of a single positive trait Karl has that his wife or kids would enjoy being around? pretty fucking grim.
So what sort of cancer did he die from?
ligma. very unfortunate
Did he leave you and your mom because of his addictions or was that unrelated too?
he left because the siren call of your mother was just too much for him to resist. why do you think I've been doggedly pursuing you on niche forums for so long
You've written hundreds of posts about me
his "El santo!" name
not him btw
o-oh, Russia-chan, your hands are so.. big..
The way Ash bangs on about how smart she is, you'd think she'd have written 500 words on the massive void in her life, that cannot be filled by her marriage to Tom, only by skitzoposting towards people on the internet. She'll probably do 500 words on OTHER people. She's not very self reflective, is she?

Is this why she is on that list? Why her family didn't want her? @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski tell us why.
ligma. very unfortunate

he left because the siren call of your mother was just too much for him to resist. why do you think I've been doggedly pursuing you on niche forums for so long
You seem pretty mad at him. Is that why you consistently downplay the relevance of his abandonment and death in your life with weak and off-putting irony that does nothing to conceal how seething and bitter you actually are?