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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
You seem pretty mad at him.
Why do you say that. Apart from projection.
Is that why you consistently downplay the relevance of his abandonment and death in your life with weak and off-putting irony that does nothing to conceal how seething and bitter you actually are?
Tell us about your family Ash. How was for you growing up?
Good for him getting out honestly.
Again, what was your relationship like with your parents?
You're a really fucking bad person with no sense of empathy or boundaries so your mom must have been an abusive nightmare to him if these are the values and socialization she imparted.
Hmmmmmm. Being an antisocial cunt on the internet comes from the mother being an abusive nightmare. How was your relationship with your mother?
You seem pretty mad at him. Is that why you consistently downplay the relevance of his abandonment and death in your life with weak and off-putting irony that does nothing to conceal how seething and bitter you actually are?
I'm disappointed in the actions he chose to take, but also he's been dead for several decades, there's not really any use in being mad that bro was a flawed human being like everybody else
Good for him getting out honestly. You're a really fucking bad person with no sense of empathy or boundaries so your mom must have been an abusive nightmare to him if these are the values and socialization she imparted.
and here we go again with the Psych 101 "you're mean to me online so here's the delusional fanfic I made up about how much your life sucks" business
I'm disappointed in the actions he chose to take, but also he's been dead for several decades, there's not really any use in being mad that bro was a flawed human being like everybody else

and here we go again with the Psych 101 "you're mean to me online so here's the delusional fanfic I made up about how much your life sucks" business
There isn't much for you to "make fun of" considering I've done better than you in life by every metric both inside and outside my control. ie My parents were losers but the people who adopted me were upper middle class essentially good people while your mom seemed to have driven away your dad and you were forced to live (lived?) in extremely destitute circumstances, I have a spouse who actually likes spending time with me and talking about events and jokes and media while you are an empty pit of despair who brought out the worst in your equally mentally unwell boyfriend.

But it's nice that internet nazis who smell really bad and have no future and want immigrants to be tortured to death gave you this amazing chance to have some lolz at le my expense, right? And this isn't about you being angry that I don't like you for extremely good and valid reasons?
It just seems like you get a lot of enjoyment out of really dim, horrible men with psychopathy issues verbally beating up women while tolerating you around and not bringing all this stuff up about how you're a poor fucked up loser from a bad family with few ambitions or ways to achieve them even if you had any, with Melinda and me both. Fetish level, almost.

Is that the "making fun of me" you're talking about?
My parents were losers but the people who adopted me were upper middle class essentially good people
Why are you a cunt then? Ah, got you there.
I have a spouse who actually likes spending time with me
Why aren't you spending time with him. Why are you always posting here? I have a feeling that you are lying about your life. At least Fnarf isn't ona list like you.
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There isn't much for you to "make fun of" considering I've done better than you in life
sure, Jan
My parents were losers
and then we wonder where you get it from!
your mom seemed to have driven away your dad
wrong. also you have a lot of internalized misogyny you should seek therapy for
you were forced to live (lived?) in extremely destitute circumstances
no? being housing unstable for a little while is not the same as being "extremely destitute" my entire life lol
I have a spouse who actually likes spending time with me and talking about events and jokes and media
this is weirdly specific
And this isn't about you being angry that I don't like you for extremely good and valid reasons
fellas let's crowdsource this: can anyone explain to Ashley in the stupidest, most caveman friendly speak possible that no one here cares if she likes them, they only care that she keeps making funny posts? anybody got a better way to explain this? I've tried like 15 times now but she's just not getting it
how you're a poor fucked up loser from a bad family
this is funny coming from someone whose mother and father were both so utterly shitty that she didn't even go to their funerals. have you ever even visited their graves?
sure, Jan

and then we wonder where you get it from!

wrong. also you have a lot of internalized misogyny you should seek therapy for

no? being housing unstable for a little while is not the same as being "extremely destitute" my entire life lol

this is weirdly specific

fellas let's crowdsource this: can anyone explain to Ashley in the stupidest, most caveman friendly speak possible that no one here cares if she likes them, they only care that she keeps making funny posts? anybody got a better way to explain this? I've tried like 15 times now but she's just not getting it

this is funny coming from someone whose mother and father were both so utterly shitty that she didn't even go to their funerals. have you ever even visited their graves?
Lmao this is some high quality avoidant bitterness. So in your own words what exactly are you "making fun of me" about considering you're by your own admission everything you and your nazi woman-hating psycho frens online hate about me? You're ugly, stupid, you don't have any money, you work a shitty wageslave job with no prospects to "do better", your parents were poor addicts and fringe dogma dingbats. Your only relationship failed because you were both abusive mentally ill losers. If you had the courage to insult Karl in one post do you actually think he wouldn't tell you that he despises you for all that plus the bonus material that you're an annoying bitchy Jew and in his mind the absolute worst type of female?
You're ugly
only sometimes. like 30% of the time. it's the 'tism
you don't have any money
extremely wrong and funny. I'm making so much money rn I'm probably going to get kicked off some poor people programs next year
you work a shitty wageslave job with no prospects to "do better"
I'm in training for management at my store actually which would be more hours plus like. $4 more an hour
your parents were poor addicts
my dad had problems but he was a homeowner right up till he died. my mom is an upstanding woman who I have dinner with at least once a week
fringe dogma dingbats
buddy you have no clue what actual fringe dogma people look like
If you had the courage to insult Karl in one post do you actually think he wouldn't tell you that he despises you for all that plus the bonus material that you're an annoying bitchy Jew and in his mind the absolute worst type of female?
hey Karl: a lot of your opinions about race politics suck and I don't like them
You wouldn't be here, bothering me every fucking day if not to get his attention.
I'm not trying to get his attention you dumb fucking pig I'm trying to provoke more funny posts from you. this whole thing is about you being clinically insane and delusional

only sometimes. like 30% of the time. it's the 'tism

extremely wrong and funny. I'm making so much money rn I'm probably going to get kicked off some poor people programs next year

I'm in training for management at my store actually which would be more hours plus like. $4 more an hour

my dad had problems but he was a homeowner right up till he died. my mom is an upstanding woman who I have dinner with at least once a week

buddy you have no clue what actual fringe dogma people look like

hey Karl: a lot of your opinions about race politics suck and I don't like them

I'm not trying to get his attention you dumb fucking pig I'm trying to provoke more funny posts from you. this whole thing is about you being clinically insane and delusional
Do you actually have diagnosed autism?
Name a single thing about him that isn't disgusting and deeply off-putting lol
the porn posts are kind of weird but ngl I've seen worse on Twitter. also the point is that you are infinitely more dislikeable than him due to being so mentally ill-formed you couldn't even keep a big girl job