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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
Unless you're the dictator, then you can stuff yourself with luxury imported food until you resemble a beach ball. Which tenet of juche allows for gluttony?
China proves that you are an utterly superfluous useless piece of shit if you're telling the truth about being a landlord and I hope you live to see the day everyone realizes this. Before that though I hope Josh releases all the IPs of every violent bigoted moron who posts on his forum so your tenants get to sue your ass after seeing you admit you spy on them and of course all your mentally ill racist outbursts you make public. If Tomlinson read your posts alleging he's pimping his kid or abusing them himself that's another slam dunk.
China proves that you are an utterly superfluous useless piece of shit if you're telling the truth about being a landlord and I hope you live to see the day everyone realizes this. Before that though I hope Josh releases all the IPs of every violent bigoted moron who posts on his forum so your tenants get to sue your ass after seeing you admit you spy on them and of course all your mentally ill racist outbursts you make public. If Tomlinson read your posts alleging he's pimping his kid or abusing them himself that's another slam dunk.
China started prospering when it allowed capitalism to start flourishing.
Don't do it

Kiwifarms kills again.
none of the countries she simps for are true communist countries anymore.

There has never been a single "true" communist country on the face of the Earth.

The only regime in human history to come close to the strictest definition of Marxism was Democratic Kampuchea under the Khmer Rouge.

You should read about belt and road but you won't because you're a stupid moron. The system is designed to overtake Western economic hegemony then cut it loose and develop socialism.

No it wasn't, you dipshit. Belt and Road was meant to counter American Tianxia on the economic front. China and the United States have been fighting a war of socio-cultural soft power since Nixon's 1972 visit to Beijing. If you think either China or the United States care about ideology over suzerainity, you are completely ignorant to 20th-21st century geopolitics
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Road and Belt is a great way to place 3rd World shitholes into debt slavery for infrastructure projects that generally don't even bring them great economic benefits or that they won't maintain (looking at you, East Africa).
China proves that you are an utterly superfluous useless piece of shit if you're telling the truth about being a landlord and I hope you live to see the day everyone realizes this. Before that though I hope Josh releases all the IPs of every violent bigoted moron who posts on his forum so your tenants get to sue your ass after seeing you admit you spy on them and of course all your mentally ill racist outbursts you make public. If Tomlinson read your posts alleging he's pimping his kid or abusing them himself that's another slam dunk.
fuck china 77777 ways. I know many Chinese American families who moved 2-3 decades ago and they don't eat anything from China because they know China gives no shit about real enforcement of sanitation and safety until it goes onto international news.
Road and Belt is a great way to place 3rd World shitholes into debt slavery for infrastructure projects that generally don't even bring them great economic benefits or that they won't maintain (looking at you, East Africa).
A reminder this Trump voting, January 6th riot supporting yokel chased me from a white supremacist forum that summarized Africa's material situation as being that way because there's Black people there, which all possess magically inferior genes that make them of lower intelligence and destructive and bad at building economies. They believe colonialists losing power ruined those countries because they need white guidance. That's it. That's literally what they think about an entire continent and they valued themselves as "conservative intellectuals". He's probably the dumbest and most incurious one of that clique and naturally he thinks his opinions are the most important. The only reason he isn't writing Brian Uecker-level schizo essays about Jew social control every other day is because he knows even Kiwi Farms cretins would mostly think that's disturbing schizo fidgeting outside their little politics forum for big thinkers.
I would treasure this opportunity to endlessly argue about geopolitics and material reality with an old fat ugly retard with a drinking and porn problem who thinks he's the smartest and most funny guy ever, so much so he's only welcome to a handful of rightwing extremist echo chambers all bouncing the same dim and gross conspiratorial thoughts off each other, alas:

1) You described China as being "crumbling" until a day ago when I proved this is not only not the case but the extreme opposite is true which betrays a frankly horrifying level of ignorance and lack of contact with objective outside information

2) I'm not here to say that China is perfect, merely that its economy is going to crush a country made up of 30-40% Trump voting pigpeople who are massive honking chauvinists like you, which is ironic and funny to me.

3) China proves that landlords are not only obscenely useless but an active anti-social force and you're unable to justify any part of your claimed existence
possess magically inferior genes that make them of lower intelligence and destructive and bad at building economies.
Yeah. The evidence shows that people of African decent are genetically less intelligent. Sorry, that's just a fact. Just like they generally have more testosterone. Hi T does make you act like a jig, ie low impulse control, chimping out etc. THey are like you in many ways.
I would treasure this opportunity to endlessly argue about geopolitics and material reality
Ash, you drunken cunt. Your posting history shows you have zero understanding of history, politics or even basic 8th grade logic. You can't logic, you can't argue.

Do you need posters up in your town of your picture and your posting history? Is that the only way to get your head out of your (flabby) arse?
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A reminder this Trump voting, January 6th riot supporting yokel chased me from a white supremacist forum
you do realize this makes it sound like you were also posting on said forum yes? I mean, you were, we all know this, but it doesn't make you sound innocent in the least