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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
She'll just start yammering about the Uighers not being oppressed, but at the same time how they deserve cultural and physical genocide, even when the atrocity in question was clear on the other side of China, then ignore you when you point that out.

Like every other alt-right dork I've ever encountered peoples' minds just don't exist to this guy, they're reduced to a cartoonish representation. The Chinese build trains in the middle of nowhere for no reason because they're an inscrutable bug people. They punished the Weegers because they are evil and prejudiced. But also Blacks make up the American prison population and Africa can't organize into a sovereign world economic power controlling their own resources because they are dumb and child-like, Brian read a book once that proved it.

Well guess what White Man you can't stop being humbled by the Jew and pretty soon you'll be humbled by the Chinese. I guess your mind and race aren't that sharp after all, since you love setting up the circumstances for this to keep happening. And like with me all you can do is swipe impotently and bitch from your cuck chair, cowardly and anonymous.
peoples' minds just don't exist to this guy, they're reduced to a cartoonish representation.
this is literally how you view the world and everyone you hate. you make it extremely obvious through everything you say that you are the righteous white savior in your mind and everyone else is basically stupid for not following your lead
Kinda feels like some buttons are being pushed. There's no atrocity Ashley won't minimize/excuse/ignore because she hates America and ultimately, because she hates herself.
Lol "because you don't indulge all my mentally ill racist bullshit and conspiratorial crap about trans people you must hate yourself"

No I hate you you fat drunk sociopathic fuck. Everyone does. Nobody sane would want to be part of the same race or national identity as you. You already alienated all your friends and family with your bullshit and you're stuck being a lonely bigot online, time to wake up to what a dickless little freak you are and how you'll die alone.
Yet it really just seems to be you, actually. Ask me if I care, you beached whale.
"Ask me if I care" is something you've said your whole life when your parents forced you into AA because you are a drunken personality disorder-ridden mess, you frightened and creeped out all your "friends" (other racist losers with substance issues) with your antics and sneering disregard for the feelings of any other people, and you are left alone and angry and a white supremacist loser as you enter your twilight years.

To think you could have just chosen someone easier to go at to make up for all your failures.
A cool thing about the Chinese is that I see them working communally to make each others' lives better and that's the ethos of the country. You can't have a "strong white identity" when it's just you and a few dozen other losers sucking Trump's dick and harassing single mothers on welfare. Or harassing women like me because they don't live up to your pornofied (Jew industry) expectations of what you want sexually out of women.
A cool thing about the Chinese is that I see them working communally to make each others' lives better
"An anonymous whistleblower at the BYD Auto factory in the Yuhua district of Changsha told Chinese news outlet Baixing Guanzhu that all four workers were young new hires. The latest incident happened on April 26, while the previous attempts were on April 19 and 25, she said.

In all the incidents—first a man and a woman, followed by separate cases each involving a man—the employees jumped or tried to leap from the rooftop of their staff dormitory, the whistleblower told the channel affiliated with Guizhou Radio and Television in southwest China."
"There seems to be an epidemic sweeping through China. Over the last couple of decades, China has powered its economy to rival America’s dominance. The push by the Communist Party leaders hasn’t come without a cost. The country’s punishing hardcore work ethic has a dark underside to it."

Why do you do it, Ash? Why do you want people to know you are a fuckwitted obnoxious cunt? Every night you bust your ass to let the internet (or at least an esoteric corner of it)
Or harassing women like me because they don't live up to your pornofied (Jew industry) expectations of what you want sexually out of women.
No one is harassing you. Saying the porn industry is a "Jew Industry" is offensive. To the Wops. The mafia made porn what it is. Never forget that bigot.

You made Tom that sandwich, yet? No, you probably ate it. Did you? Y'see, it's because you're an nasty cunt, that's why people point it out.
I would treasure this opportunity to endlessly argue about geopolitics and material reality with an old fat ugly retard with a drinking and porn problem who thinks he's the smartest and most funny guy ever, so much so he's only welcome to a handful of rightwing extremist echo chambers all bouncing the same dim and gross conspiratorial thoughts off each other, alas:

1) You described China as being "crumbling" until a day ago when I proved this is not only not the case but the extreme opposite is true which betrays a frankly horrifying level of ignorance and lack of contact with objective outside information

2) I'm not here to say that China is perfect, merely that its economy is going to crush a country made up of 30-40% Trump voting pigpeople who are massive honking chauvinists like you, which is ironic and funny to me.

3) China proves that landlords are not only obscenely useless but an active anti-social force and you're unable to justify any part of your claimed existence
Go move to China then and tell us all about it
A cool thing about the Chinese is that I see them working communally to make each others' lives better and that's the ethos of the country. You can't have a "strong white identity" when it's just you and a few dozen other losers sucking Trump's dick and harassing single mothers on welfare. Or harassing women like me because they don't live up to your pornofied (Jew industry) expectations of what you want sexually out of women.
True for Chinese immigrants in the united states - that's how they built the significant communities.But at the same time they have community-based selfish culture that doesn't respect boundaries of other communities.
A cool thing about the Chinese is that I see them working communally to make each others' lives better and that's the ethos of the country. You can't have a "strong white identity" when it's just you and a few dozen other losers sucking Trump's dick and harassing single mothers on welfare. Or harassing women like me because they don't live up to your pornofied (Jew industry) expectations of what you want sexually out of women.
Where would you like to begin for a "white identity"? Europe? How about Mexico. Your summation of white people is the epitome of absolute ignorance and stereotyping.

Demographics of Mexico

Racial Composition of Mexico.jpg
A cool thing about the Chinese is that I see them working communally to make each others' lives better and that's the ethos of the country.

China is a massive country, and is one of the most federalized societies on the face of the Earth, even if the CCP likes to pretend they have unanimous power over municipal and local affairs. Most Chinese are content with bettering their immediate family members, not singing kumbaya around the stoner bonfire until the country magically fixes itself.

pornofied (Jew industry)

The (non-Jewish) cartel and the (mostly non-Jewish) Ukrainian mob are the largest distributors of pornography in the world. Jews don't need to be at the centre of every evil ruse; they certainly don't own a monopoly on cannibalism
I'm the thing you fear most: a well-read and educated antisemite capable of synthesizing disparate facts and combining them into a comprehensive and comprehensible thesis to present to the world. And I'll keep doing it just as long as jews continue to bend their efforts towards destroying the societies and cultures they live in. And there's nothing whatsoever you can do about it.

I say this as a crack open my 6th single serve dinty moore slop can of the day
Ashley, I’ve read 90% of your posts I know you’re not