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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
You have neither dignity nor any form of solidarity beyond "we both read this short brochure by a dead guy so we're friends FOR NOW"
Yep, it's my second favorite thing about Asshole Jankowski. Her schizophrenia when interacting with others.

It's like when you said you enjoyed her artwork then she tells you to get raped.
I guess you could do a basic google search and see how the Party transformed even small rural towns over the last 12 years but of course that would take intellectual curiosity and not acting like a racist hick tub of shit who will forever be stuck between the years 1982 and 2003 mentally
You use Google images and what the media tells you, I talk to people who live there and have lived through the reality of the situation. There's a difference.
You use Google images and what the media tells you, I talk to people who live there and have lived through the reality of the situation. There's a difference.
pretty much the only country Ashley's been (allegedly) is to Cuba, which as we all know is not as hardline communist as it used to be. none of the countries she simps for are true communist countries anymore. it's almost like that system doesn't work long term
Lol you just had a vaguely unflattering pic on hand? Extremely normal.

Well as critical as I am of keffal I have to hand it to her that she's currently in ireland (one of the most beautiful and trans friendly countries in the world, with cheap healthcare) trying to get citizenship and living her best life while you're here alone of a friday night being a little skittering BPD rat for alcoholic nazi attention
girl she's a cocaine addict
pretty much the only country Ashley's been (allegedly) is to Cuba, which as we all know is not as hardline communist as it used to be. none of the countries she simps for are true communist countries anymore. it's almost like that system doesn't work long term
Cuba was quite honestly the only place I've ever felt harmonious with other people. Someone like you wouldn't exist there and you wouldn't get anything about it either, so keep it out of your mouth.

girl she's a cocaine addict
Yeah that's why you're keeping her pictures and trying to get attention from fat elderly freaks who call her a troon
Cuba was quite honestly the only place I've ever felt harmonious with other people. Someone like you wouldn't exist there and you wouldn't get anything about it either, so keep it out of your mouth.
you are such a white tourist its astonishing how you dont see it sometimes. get some locs why dont you
Yeah that's why you're keeping her pictures
in 2023 we have this fantastic technology called Google Images. you can search for any mildly famous person you want, find a picture of them, right click it and select 'copy'. then you can right click on a text box and hit 'paste' so as to 'paste' that image into the text box. it's truly futuristic, i feel so honored to exist in the same time frame
viciously anti-communist.
you can't point to a modern society that's "communist" in the way marx or lenin or mao laid out because those societies simply can't exist in the long run. socialized medicine and other related benefits can because that's an obvious benefit to every citizen, but private property will always reign supreme
No worries baybe you just gotta try being funny and cool for them a little more and you'll make it to the top of that crab bucket
i would love for you to draw me a map of the people im oppressing irl by selling furniture and being friends with the people i work with
you are such a white tourist its astonishing how you dont see it sometimes. get some locs why dont you
We actually met some tankie friends but okay lol

in 2023 we have this fantastic technology called Google Images. you can search for any mildly famous person you want, find a picture of them, right click it and select 'copy'. then you can right click on a text box and hit 'paste' so as to 'paste' that image into the text box. it's truly futuristic, i feel so honored to exist in the same time frame
Yeah I don't use that to tell porn addict middle aged nazis they're right to announce they would not want to fuck a particular person because they are trans and transpeople aren't real and also ugly, personally.

you can't point to a modern society that's "communist" in the way marx or lenin or mao laid out because those societies simply can't exist in the long run. socialized medicine and other related benefits can because that's an obvious benefit to every citizen, but private property will always reign supreme
China will bury the United States and you are deeply stupid if you think otherwise.

i would love for you to draw me a map of the people im oppressing irl by selling furniture and being friends with the people i work with
You don't have any of those.
The integrated system is designed to be temporary.
You don't have any of those and you desperately need therapy for your moral failings and personality disorder.
answer me one question: if i was faking this entire thing, why would i make up my fake job as a furniture salesman instead of like. cars or makeup or something more respectable
neat. why should i be worried about this
A feeling of empathy and solidarity with the rest of humanity which you don't possess and can't process mentally so don't worry about it. Gonna go be with my husband and watch movies, have fun being alone this weekend and sorting your troon pics that you use to compare yourself to physically along with your pathetic need to have your femininity approved by nazi cretins.
A feeling of empathy and solidarity with the rest of humanity which you don't possess and can't process mentally so don't worry about it. Gonna go be with my husband and watch movies, have fun being alone this weekend and sorting your troon pics that you use to compare yourself to physically along with your pathetic need to have your femininity approved by nazi cretins.
my femininity... damn you really know nothing at all about me that's extra funny
A feeling of empathy and solidarity with the rest of humanity which you don't possess and can't process mentally so don't worry about it. Gonna go be with my husband and watch movies, have fun being alone this weekend
Asshole Jankowsko is going to make another account today in the next few hours.