• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

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Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
Why did I just get a pop-up notice asking me if I wanna download a file? I don't recall clicking on any file for it to be downloaded! In any event, I clicked on "cancel" because I sure as hell am not gonna download untrusted files. Is there something wrong with the forum, or am I on a bad exit node again? I don't have screengrab because I clicked on "cancel" before I thought of screengrabbing it.
It's always good to have a .onion variant on standby, you never know when it might come in handy with the way sites are targeted nowadays. I myself have standby-accounts on many of the alt-tech sites, not because I am using them presently, but in case I might have to use them at some point in the future.
Why did I just get a pop-up notice asking me if I wanna download a file? I don't recall clicking on any file for it to be downloaded! In any event, I clicked on "cancel" because I sure as hell am not gonna download untrusted files. Is there something wrong with the forum, or am I on a bad exit node again? I don't have screengrab because I clicked on "cancel" before I thought of screengrabbing it.
I haven't seen that pop up, so please let me know if it happens again. I don't see an error, but that's about all that would be logged, and it doesn't sound like a server error.
You need to resize your video on iPhone screen resolution on the main page. Just modify your CSS for the home page and adjust width of the external video for mobile resolutions.
There's a problem with posting comments today.

Whenever I post a comment to a thread today, I get this error notice pop-up at the top:


When I reload the page, the comment has actually been posted and added to the thread, but it still shows up in the input box:

Another issue I ran up against today:

I tried to load the full sized image in this post:

It went into a loop as if it was loading the image, but then I got this error notice:

@Sailfish don't know if you're busy right now, but I just wanted to let you know that the above problems still persist. I still get the same error and I can only see if my post has been added to the thread if I manually reload the page. If you can find the time to have a look at this issue, please do.