C.S.O. esq
I'm going to look into this right now, can you tell me if the site was running slowly or if there were any other issues showing up when this happens?My old friend the disappearing text box was back today:
Is there anything else you can tell me about what goes on when you experience the issues?All of the errors I've been getting over the last week are ones I used to get on KF, on both clearnet and Tor. Sometimes clearing your cache helps and sometimes refreshing multiple times helps, but my point is that I've never experienced them on OF before. Something is amiss.
When they don't work do you see them try and take effect and not load in or is it something else?Quoting doesn't always work for me. The quoting problem happens both using the reply button and using highlight and reply.
Reactions don't always work. Sometimes scrolling so the post is in a different place on my screen fixes this.
Is it a few seconds or longer would you say?I have this problem sometimes too, and what I do is, I just press the quote button again and just wait longer. That usually will push the quote through.