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Inactive Tommy Tooter: Granny Tranny - Tucson, AZ , Rainbow Hippy threatened both Kiwifarms and Onionfarms with RICO (Racketeering, Influenced Corrupt Organization Charges).

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I thought you were over on AMB, but the account named Kenneth Earwin Engelhardt started to make overt sexual references about Tommy Tooter so I guess it's not ??

He fell off of a cliff trying to fuck a dog and broke his jaw, true story.
I just signed up on AMB. That account named "Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt" is not me. It's a phony.
This guy hates CommieDGirl who is giving trannies a bad name, I bless Tommy more than I bless Blake.

Bring my lolcow home, warn them of the flood coming to Kiwifarms.
noticed this got moved, too bad wct will never get to finish his Tommy Tooter doc. i was looking forward to it.
noticed this got moved, too bad wct will never get to finish his Tommy Tooter doc. i was looking forward to it.
I am getting rid of the too many subforums. There are two subforums for people of interest. One of them for single threads the other for people with subforums. If WCT wants to finish his Tommy Tooter document he is welcome to do so. Can I get in touch with him?
I am getting rid of the too many subforums. There are two subforums for people of interest. One of them for single threads the other for people with subforums. If WCT wants to finish his Tommy Tooter document he is welcome to do so. Can I get in touch with him?
from what ive read in his thread he is trying to vanish, even created a disord server called "the emerald island of Naughtistan" filled with things that wouldnt hold my interest.
he's renamed his channel to "dead channel" since he's so keen to try and fuck me over i might compile a post on him from his KF thread here.
As you can see, I have made a new subforum for Tommy Tooter. I don't have an active account on AMB but I know some of you do over there so feel free to fill us in if you wish.
It's just about impossible to have any kind of a relationship with Tommy Tooter. That person is their own worst enemy.
Believe me, I have seen apartments a lot worse than Tooter working in home health. When someone lives in squalor like that, there's a problem behind that. And the thing is there is nothing you can do about it if the person chooses to live that way.
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