• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

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Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
Quite frankly I am worried about all the flak that Kiwifarms has endured. Dropkiwifarms on Twitter has blocked me. Liz Fong Jones has blocked me for a long time. It could be nothing to worry about or it could mean something more ominious..

Given what has happened what would you think of the idea of a two tier forum? Have a general public forum for everyone while changing the lolcow section to something more private so we can chill about our favorite lolcows without people like Liz Fong-Jones hanging over our head?
How would that actually help when anyone can make an account which would give them access to the non-public areas?
I don't think you have to worry to much more than you already should for the site just existing. There is nothing you can say or do that could possibly stop from being seen as an unacceptable threat to these people.

Besides... Doxxing is a big weapon in their attacks on the (kiwi)farms, you take away that and you take a LOT of ammo from them. (not to say that KF is wrong in doing what their critics and press does regularly.. just that it's not an issue here)

I am a newb here though.. don't really feel like I have a place doing more than just commenting.
For the record: On the Cwcki Discord any attempt at contacting CWC or even CWC orbiters will get you permanently banned if it becomes known. Even CWC himself is banned from joining.

Our policy is neutral: CWC orbiters are free to join just like anyone else. CWC is free to join if she wishes (depending on whatever the policies are at the place she resides at).

We don't prohibit contact but we don't encourage it. If you do reach out to her and she is not interested then she is not interested.
I was actually referring to this forum. But we have a Mastodon channel to hang out in. But I think we need a diagram or something to tie it all together. The CWCKI Discord says it has no relation with Kiwifarms.
Would this have anything to do with this wall of text about the CWCki server [a] that got posted over at the CWCki? I'm curious why their server was brought up when it doesn't have anything to do with this forum.

I agree that we shouldn't be interacting with Chris or any of the orbiters. That whole group looks majorly autistic, anyway. The early days of organized Chris trolling are long over, and more or less everyone who has shown up in Chris's orbit in the last 10 years has been a bunch of low to zero value clout chasing speds. Laugh, but don't touch, I suppose.
Is the Elaine thread locked? Is there a reason for this?
The diamond heiress always wins. When will you peasants learn? You're just like annie adderall. Kengle has recognized his inferiority to my exhaustive pool of diamond resources and my connections with the feds which I've used to repeatedly swat him with the special diamond unit of the SAS who are just like the regular SAS but with diamond encrusted weapons because I don't let my people look common or poor ugh imagine how that would reflect on me.
know your place in the gutter.
Maybe Null will come back on the clearnet, maybe he won't. Having said this if you want to migrate material over to the Onionfarms and have this as your cozy comfy "Kiwifarms" (what Kiwifarms used to be), you are welcome to do so but please try to put the material in your own words.