• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
However I do love to see Josh sperg out whenever anyone brings up sex and dating it's rather cathartic considering how much he claims to loathe incels while being an obese shut-in with a micropenis.

I love all these people showing up in this thread who purport to have seen Null's member, who then feel the need to mention it. You certainly wouldn't think of Null being as, well, virginal as y'all make him out to be, given all the people who claim to have seen his apparently-not-so-very-privates. :rolleyes:

Fact is, we just don't know what his actual relationship status is, and haven't known for years. He's constantly given conflicting statements about it to throw people off and keep them guessing.
I love all these people showing up in this thread who purport to have seen Null's member, who then feel the need to mention it. You certainly wouldn't think of Null being as, well, virginal as y'all make him out to be, given all the people who claim to have seen his apparently-not-so-very-privates. :rolleyes:

Joshua Moon OnlyFans arc incoming?
Does anyone really know what Null is like outside of his MATI streams? I've never read any accounts from people who have actually met Null IRL other than Brennan or Watkins. Only from people who knew him online. Has anyone met Null IRL in recent times and spoken about it?
depends on what you mean by recent, IIRC Weev and CRP both met him during his ukraine arc, but both won't talk about it. i'm sure he's met other people. if covid didn't happen null was ready to hang out at the dick masterson roast meaning his fatass would have had dozens of people having direct contact with him.

i'm sure he couldn't have been that disgusting pre-covid if he felt like going to a public event like that especially after the gunt photo happened literally the year before.

honestly your best bet if you're really this obsessive is to try to find his old high school and reach out to every fucker and hope for a hit. he did mention having sex before leaving florida so he had to have some well wishers.
A real whiz kid. The PHP pro.
Fact is, we just don't know what his actual relationship status is, and haven't known for years. He's constantly given conflicting statements about it to throw people off and keep them guessing.
Josh can't even keep professionally detached working relationships or phony no-investment efriendships going without them all blowing up and turning into enemies, I doubt he could keep an irl romantic relationship lasting beyond a week or two