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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Whoever Josh is living with owns a cat. I've heard it before, but back then wasn't so certain. You can hear it clearly at 26:17 and 26:50
We already know he owns a cat, he's had that cat for years now. He accidentally showed its picture on one of the early MATI streams:

I really don't care about Null's major hate-boner for Graf, but I did think this part was worth having a closer look at, because this is Null talking about his alleged network of highly skilled and talented techies in need of business opportunities:

And, uh, after six days, they lost access to their cloud provider, because Google was charging them $10k a day, and Sam Hyde somehow didn't notice that they were being charged $10k a day. So he's having to find, what to do, on short notice. And speaking of "the good suffer while the evil prosper", Graf immediately after hearing about this, the guy who got butt-hurt about Crunklord240 bullying him on the Fediverse - and then lied and called me a child-pornographer and a pedophile because we had the exact same filtering on the Fediverse as him - has jumped on that Sam Hyde dick harder and faster than one can imagine. And apparently, he's claiming that he's in direct contact with Sam, so he's going to be paid a lot of money to be put in as the hystrionic cunt tech manager for Sam Hyde. And Sam Hyde is gonna prop this guy up, and give him a redemption arc, and make people think he's so fucking cool and red-pilled and based, for doing this. When he is censorious, duplicitous, and willing to call people child predators hosting child pornography for no reason other than the fact that, um, he just doesn't like what people have to say about him on the KiwiFarms. And that's some shit, chat. It a bit, fucking... it's not jealous! Cos there are good people out there who are dependable. Like, I don't wanna be involved with Sam Hyde. I don't wanna go to Canada or the US to set up a server for Sam Hyde. But there are people I know, who are reliable business men, who can be trusted, who can set something up right, better than I can. And who need business because their business is hurt when they associated with the KiwiFarms. And instead of picking anybody from that pool, he's gonna talk to Graf, who is destructive... detrimental is the word I was looking for. He is detrimental to the cause of a free and open internet. And he's going to benefit from this instead of any reliable people. And that's a bit fucked up.
He [Graf] is gonna fuck up the Fediverse, he already has, and he's gonna get awarded for it immediately after by Sam Hyde. And then the Sam Hyde fanbois are gonna be like, "Oh, if Sam Hyde likes this guy, he must be cool. If this is Sam Hyde's top guy, then he must be super-based and/or red-pilled. And if he's Sam Hyde's top guy, I can be his top guy too, if I'm also friends with his top guy.". And it's just, I don't know, it's very frustrating. Cos I like seeing bad things happen to bad people, not good things happen to bad people.

BTW, this is such juvenile high-school bullshit. How can you be 30, as intelligent as Null is, and still think this way? Like, who gives a shit if "Sam Hyde fanbois" think Graf is cool based red-pilled epic poggers GOAT or whatever? Null's hate-boners for various people are so perplexing to me. Sam Hyde is literally just ripping off a TV show from the 1990s, only with zoomers and Livestreaming this time to make it more contemporary. Sam Hyde ought to be glad he's not getting sued right now by the Endemol Shine group.

(reading from the chat): "Josh, why is your heart so black with hate?". I don't know, I try to be a Positive Polly but sometimes I'm a Negative Nancy. What really upsets me is that, because of my, my, my stance, I have a, I believe I have a very thorough and well-defined series of things that I am not willing to do. And as a result, I have a very difficult time making allies. People have very, very limited interest in helping me, in any way, shape or form because I can't promise them anything in return. I don't really, I can't... I, as the administrator of a website that is naturally antagonistic, cannot offer people anything in return for their help. I can't offer them money, cos I don't make money. I can't offer them special favours cos I have none to grant. I can't offer them, you know, long-term peace and prosperity because I bring extraordinary negative attention everywhere I go. And uh, one second [types something], directly associating with me is a bad idea. And that means, uh, because I don't form allies I miss out on opportunities a lot. And that's frustrating because, I witness a LOT. Not just in this particular instance, because I really don't wanna even help Sam Hyde, cos I don't wanna be involved. It would be a huge pain in the ass. But I know people who would and who deserve that kind of business and attention. When I watch stuff like this and I think, like, it really fucking sucks that you see people like Andrew Torba and Graf constantly strike these deals, that they don't deserve. Cos they're insane people. And they are demonstrably, provably unreliable, through the passage of time. And then over months you see them fuck up what they are given. And it's like, I know if someone else had gotten that opportunity they would've handled it better. And I constantly see situations like that unfold, and I think: "That's really unfair.". That's really unfair, and it plays out like that constantly. I'm not saying that [it should be] me! Look, again, I'm not saying that I deserve that. Cos I don't want it. I really do not want to deal with Sam Hyde. But I know people who are and who do. (laughs) Who are fans of Sam Hyde, who are competent to help Sam Hyde. And who don't want to be based, like, based epic Poast Fediverse instance operator person. Who, like, don't care about the publicity. They just do a job. It sucks to see an idiot who is obviously gonna fuck up eventually, because he fucks up all the time. It's like, I [?know people that do this better].

If Null supposedly knows all these tech wizards in his network who are out of a job and need an opportunity, why doesn't he just start an employment agency for techies? He can even change Flow Chemical into Technical Flow, and boom, there's your cool based epic temp agency name.
I really don't care about Null's major hate-boner for Graf, but I did think this part was worth having a closer look at, because this is Null talking about his alleged network of highly skilled and talented techies in need of business opportunities:

BTW, this is such juvenile high-school bullshit. How can you be 30, as intelligent as Null is, and still think this way? Like, who gives a shit if "Sam Hyde fanbois" think Graf is cool based red-pilled epic poggers GOAT or whatever? Null's hate-boners for various people are so perplexing to me. Sam Hyde is literally just ripping off a TV show from the 1990s, only with zoomers and Livestreaming this time to make it more contemporary. Sam Hyde ought to be glad he's not getting sued right now by the Endemol Shine group.

If Null supposedly knows all these tech wizards in his network who are out of a job and need an opportunity, why doesn't he just start an employment agency for techies? He can even change Flow Chemical into Technical Flow, and boom, there's your cool based epic temp agency name.
Why doesn't he hire these tech wizards to help with the forum?