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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
the periodic gamer.png
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"Parasocial obsession" = trying to figure out why there are so many weird rumours going around about Null, and trying to figure out if any of them are based in reality.

It's cool that Lidl personally doesn't give a shit about whose forum he's on and what that forum is used for, but others are more curious/concerned about it.

I am just gonna point to Marilyn Manson again and warn that the reason Manson has such a hard time defending himself right now against all these criminal accusations levelled against him, is partially his own damn fault: it's because Manson allowed the wild rumour-mongering about him to spread online and off-line for years and actively encouraged it in some cases. For example, Manson could have told the truth about the notorious Groupie tape - for decades the subject of wild speculation - and just released it online for anyone to see for themselves. He could have done this years ago, but he thought it was better to allow wild rumours to spread to make himself seem more extreme than he really is (or so he now claims). The rumour mongering effectively provides Manson with probable deniability ("oh, it's just crazy people saying crazy things, lol, they've always done that!") until there's an actual lawsuit or criminal prosecution, and all of a sudden people's inability to distinguish fact from fiction comes back to bite you hard.

Rumours are funny and lulz (and a source of personal notoriety and income) as long as you're not actually made to answer for them. That's what I have to say to both Manson and Null.
not to get into it but the odds heavily favor manson being a horrible piece of shit, maybe the rumors aren't true but its like getting a DUI after blowing a .08 but the rumor is it was a .28, even if its an exaggeration he's still a criminal in the eyes of the law.

Same with null, the rumors are probably slightly true, he pulled off a name change for quite awhile so him lying about where he lives and having government contacts and shell companies and a fuckload of other stuff in the background makes sense, FFS he was part of 8chan and talks about going with Jim to meetings with legit crazy japanese businessmen/yakuza.

Null has had quite the crazy life for someone that could have just been your usual florida panhandle redneck.
he pulled off a name change for quite awhile
Did he though? I've seen those 2018 screenshots of him starting a legal process to change his name into "James Gabriel Potter", but I was told that was a botched legal process and he never concluded it.

and having government contacts
Where is the evidence that he has government contacts? I asked whether he got to know any military people through Clara Stockings, who is herself in the military, but I never got any answers as to actual military people in Null's circle, other than CRP and Jim Watkins with whom he claims he's no longer associated with. Are there any present military people in his circle?

Null has had quite the crazy life

I personally find his MATI story about travelling to Syria over roads with land mines from last year the most concerning. When I heard that, it really raised a ton of red flags for me. I sincerely hope it was just some bullshit story he made up to brag, otherwise there are a LOT of questions people should be asking but they're not. It's very typical of KF to listen to him telling that story and just believe it, and not ask him to explain himself.
The reason you don't talk to people: Unsocialized mummy's boy.

I wonder if the mentions of Google Results are sour grapes at the Plodz stream. Where Plodz told Elaine to do (what I've already suggested the general Kwiffar do) an stream where she is asking the rando passerby about Commie Farms. I think joshy has been quite upset at this stream... considering the recent spite posting from sockoholics.
I don't think Null gives a flying fuck about Godwinson talking to/about Elaine or whether that shows up on Google. That's your fixation, hon. Do you really think he gives a shit about Google Results showing a mentally ill drug addict in the UK saying shit about him, when every other Google hit claims he's an alt-right extremist who runs a "terrorist pedophile harassment hate site"?

"there's a reason i don't talk to people about the site's tech because i don't enjoy ChatGPT Google Results with the most superficial information possible. Like yes bro, I know how to google, thanks."

All he ever does is discuss his tech problem with Kiwis, hoping that someone else will troubleshoot his forum for him.

"I am divining instruction by goat sacrifice on a pentagram instead of using this newfangled search engine"

LARPing at being a Satanist is as pathetic as trad-LARPing at being a Christian.

tmp ls -l

"I don't talk to people about the site's tech" *a few seconds laturrr*
Do you really think he gives a shit about Google Results showing a mentally ill drug addict in the UK saying shit about him, when every other Google hit claims he's an alt-right extremist who runs a "terrorist pedophile harassment hate site"?
Yes, and I'll tell you for why...

1. PLodz said that the downfall of certain cows was their deplatforming from YT, it's like being yeeted from Squitter, you simply don't show up enough to be access to a decent living. joshy would rather Commie Farms showed up in results, purely because it means bunce.

2. Plodz and joshys relationship goes WAAAAYYYY back. Before joshy started grifting off the site, before certain year accounts. joshy shouldn't just thank PPPwinson, he should also thank PPPwinson. Whatever Adam says joshy pays attention to. The socks really don't get what Dowinson is about.

This is what Dowinson is really about.
Whoever Josh is living with owns a cat. I've heard it before, but back then wasn't so certain. You can hear it clearly at 26:17 and 26:50

It's also possible he just sharted his pants like lolcow Ethan Ralph. Let's go with he sharted his pants like Ralph.
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Soon to be homeless at the internet if he keeps up this bullshit
Maybe if he didn’t spergban everyone- nevermind. I’m just done with this faggot and others like him purposely destroying any community that just falls into their lap while I am told to fuck off and banned for just existing. Discordfags of any kind are a blight on this world.