Seems the Onioneers are getting under the skin of a certain kwiffar...
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The last batch of refuse-gz from Commie Farms were... mostly bints. Women hater here means "Not paying props to the head troonbroom".
Now we have a block of text...
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One bit caught my eye...
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In a bit about what makes a lolcow, Space Police decides that either the Deth Phatz of BP and/or joshy aren't/isn't a lolcow. 1. If bints eating themselves to death isn't worthy of obsessively documenting... then, by the same logical standard... BP should be deleted, as this is what this blogroll post is about (nixing A&N) 2. joshy is the biggest moo-er on the site, always has been, always will.
I really hope joshy does delete A&N, but he won't, he doesn't have the bottle. He just wants people bothering him, trying to win his favour, just to block out the depressing realization that he has put himself in this position.