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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
In Belgium, people do not traditionally carve jack-o-lanterns. Instead, they have their own unique customs and traditions, such as celebrating Driekoningen (Three Kings) on January 6, where children dress up as kings and queens and go door-to-door, singing and asking for treats and money. However, with the influence of American culture, some Belgians have started to adopt Halloween traditions, including carving jack-o-lanterns.
Totally not suspicious
European reporting for duty.
Belgians do not carve pumpkins, lol. In Belgium Halloween is a slut holiday for people between 18 and 30, they go to warehouse parties dressed as sluts, take drugs and hump on moids.
European reporting for duty.
Belgians do not carve pumpkins, lol. In Belgium Halloween is a slut holiday for people between 18 and 30, they go to warehouse parties dressed as sluts, take drugs and hump on moids.
You are out of touch with the youth clearly, young people in Europe do celebrate Halloween now because American media has made it popular. Kids around here even go trick or treating and have done so for a couple of years.

A European in a relationship with an American would especially celebrate Halloween and carve pumpkins together. Same as she would bake him a pumpkin pie for thanksgiving.
You are out of touch with the youth clearly, young people in Europe do celebrate Halloween now because American media has made it popular. Kids around here even go trick or treating and have done so for a couple of years.

A European in a relationship with an American would especially celebrate Halloween and carve pumpkins together. Same as she would bake him a pumpkin pie for thanksgiving.
Yes, they celebrate Halloween by having parties and dressing like skanks. You wouldn't see an actual carved pumpkin unless it were in an elaborate shop display... Those captain jack pumpkins are big and would need to be imported. Unless SHE'S carving a courge musquée?
Yes, they celebrate Halloween by having parties and dressing like skanks. You wouldn't see an actual carved pumpkin unless it were in an elaborate shop display... Those captain jack pumpkins are big and would need to be imported. Unless SHE'S carving a courge musquée?
Local farmers have giant displays of pumpkins for decorating here. We get it you're an old scrooge who can't accept times change and refuses to give kids candy because "I have never heard of this halloween business!" or maybe you just don't get out much. Kids watch Halloween movies on tv and they see halloween shit on social media so of course they want to do all the same shit they see like carve pumpkins and dress up and go trick or treating.
Local farmers have giant displays of pumpkins for decorating here. We get it you're an old scrooge who can't accept times change and refuses to give kids candy because "I have never heard of this halloween business!" or maybe you just don't get out much. Kids watch Halloween movies on tv and they see halloween shit on social media so of course they want to do all the same shit they see like carve pumpkins and dress up and go trick or treating.
Sure thing babe.
Sure thing babe.
2 seconds in google

LOL, none of those pumpkins are carved bb. Are you insane? Let's cast our minds back to FIVE MINUTES AGO when I said.
You wouldn't see an actual carved pumpkin unless it were in an elaborate shop display... Those captain jack pumpkins are big and would need to be imported. Unless SHE'S carving a courge musquée?
LOL, none of those pumpkins are carved bb. Are you insane? Let's cast our minds back to FIVE MINUTES AGO when I said.
Yeah no shit they aren't carved, they are selling them. Same as they aren't already carved when you buy them at the store in the US. Why can't she buy one of those pumpkins and carve them? You literally lied and said that you would need to "import" a pumpkin big enough to carve because apparently it's impossible to grow in Europe and I showed that you are wrong with a 2 second google search. You're probably not even European yourself.
Yeah no shit they aren't carved, they are selling them. Same as they aren't already carved when you buy them at the store in the US. Why can't she buy one of those pumpkins and carve them? You literally lied and said that you would need to "import" a pumpkin big enough to carve because apparently it's impossible to grow in Europe and I showed that you are wrong with a 2 second google search. You're probably not even European yourself.
In Belgium Halloween is a slut holiday for people between 18 and 30.
ie. Instagram Thots, the likes of whom are paying to have pictures next to this pumpkin display... the same type of display I mentioned here.
You wouldn't see an actual carved pumpkin unless it were in an elaborate shop display...
Go to bed Daniel.
So there was a story in A&H about a 9 yr old Brazilian boy who tortured, dismembered and killed dozens of bunnies and a few guinea pigs. Of course people are saying execute him... but a couple had to be contrarian and be mad about that.
I personally think it would be better to kill a kid who kills animals, whether that be through euthanasia or execution. We all know serial killers start with targets like small animals in childhood.
ssj_nigger chimes in, mad that it's not about babyrapers.


People are debating in a thread whether it's reasonable or not to fear sexual assault allegations for doing CPR on a woman.

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Personally, I can see the point of feminism has gone too far but I don't believe women should be generalized as feminists anymore than men should be generalized as chauvinists, MRAs or incels. I feel it's kind of insane to let a woman die of a heart attack right in front of you because of the small possibility she might be a rabid feminist who is mad she was saved because you had to touch her chest.
If CPR was medically necessary, Good Samaritan laws would throw something like that out of court.