So there was a story in A&H about a 9 yr old Brazilian boy who tortured, dismembered and killed dozens of bunnies and a few guinea pigs. Of course people are saying execute him... but a couple had to be contrarian and be mad about that.
I personally think it would be better to kill a kid who kills animals, whether that be through euthanasia or execution. We all know serial killers start with targets like small animals in childhood.
ssj_nigger chimes in, mad that it's not about babyrapers.
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SSJ would be an expert on babyrapers not getting a lot of vitriol on KF I suppose
What spurred the broom's descent into male feminist hell? Does anyone have of a timeline/theory of when and why this all started?
Warning: absolute fucking novel coming your way
My personal theory is that he's realized how throwing his lot in with the alt right has destroyed his life in many ways and that he can never truly recover without a full identity change like Witness Protection. Josh has been debanked, banned off multiple platforms, cannot make money off KF, has been doxxed, his family has been doxxed, and he is the subject of internet scrutiny by unstable tranny pedophiles like Keffals who got big mad when Josh started featuring their tranny pedo shit on his website.
None of that would have happened if he had not painted a target on his back by loudly aligning himself with the likes of Dick Masterson and Ethan Ralph. He has hit 30 and realized that he has gotten absolutely nothing positive out of being publicly friendly with anti feminist pro-white rights based & red pilled traditionalist religion loving conservachuds. He is still fat, he is still lonely, he fled the United States to go to crypto friendly countries to escape being debanked and all he has to show for it is...a website that doesn't work. A child porn archive that he is supposedly assembling to create a child porn filter. Lots of spergy whiny conservachud losers that congregate on his website screaming all the things he used to believe because they, like him, have been shoved off normie platforms. The difference between him and them is that they have not been debanked, their identities are (mostly) safe, they do not suffer social consequences for saying silly shit like "Hitler was right." Whereas Josh has suffered those consequences because he hitched his wagon to the wrong ideology and stuck his face all over his accounts.
I think Josh is relatively sincere in that he wants to leave behind a lot of alt right ideas for something different but it's because they don't benefit him in any way. A significant turning point for Josh seems to have been the 2022 midterms which failed to deliver a sweeping Republican victory and was instead a Democrat blow out. He was pivoting before that iirc but 2022 really seems to have nailed it down for him. He is blaming the alt right and conservative politics in general for his current lot in life. (And conveniently ignoring how he shot himself in the foot multiple times but whatever. This is about him and his sad little hero's journey.)
Once Josh realized that then it was an easy jump to TERF land where he could shake hands with the cat ladies who are often racist themselves more often than not. Maybe he really is trans since he's so much more at ease with women than men, idk. What does seem certain is that Josh has given up on making any kind of meaningful change (which he sincerely pursued before all this, regardless of how little he actually worked at it) and instead is pulling KF around himself like a fortress. By getting the cat ladies on his side he creates a conglomerate Internet Mommy that is at a safe distance (so no arguing over eating vegetables) that will always be around to soothe him and kiss his ass. He doesn't like his old fanbase anymore but has never had the guts to delete A&H to get rid of them. Besides he needs them for money. So this way he gets his replacement mommy and he has a set of users that he can abuse and vilify all he wants.
Kwiffar by and large seem happy with what he is doing and they are content to live under these conditions on his website.