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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
lidl drip.png
Lidl Drip says 80% of male posters on KF should be banned.
Only pretending to be retarded "troll" strikes again...
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"I'm a Christian like you..." Then proceeds with some un-Christian verbage. Classic kwiffar.
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Lidl Drip claims to have blocked so many people, it's "like 300".

You know...this sounds allot like liberals on twitter? Muh rape threats and hello fellow christians.

Personally just sick of retards like jewsh handing out digital summary executions over nothing. That needs to be regulated. Yes people should reserve the right to remove trolls from their premises and protect their digital sites, but not actual users who aren't breaking any rules and aren't harming anyone.

Eh, I'm more offended by hypocrisy of it. It's less offensive if you break a neutral and impartial TOS. Josh and his tranny Jannies slap down people impulsively behaving within the rules.
I think it also helps keep people divided so they are spreading ideas tptb may not approve of. If everyone is fighting amongst each other then they are less of threat to their power.
Definitely this. Pure (((coincidence))) OWS was shut down late 2011 shortly before Operation Mockingbird controlled assets started spewing propaganda about racism. Another (((coincidence))) government propaganda was legalized in the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. Divide and conquer.

Personally just sick of retards like jewsh handing out digital summary executions over nothing. That needs to be regulated. Yes people should reserve the right to remove trolls from their premises and protect their digital sites, but not actual users who aren't breaking any rules and aren't harming anyone.

They really do the same equivalent of putting a gun to a random user's head they dont like and metaphorically shooting them dead/silencing their voice online without just cause. Would we put up with police officers or government officials doing this? hell no. So why is this acceptable just because its the internet?
Hypocrisy in full effect. It's fine when they do it to others, but the end of the Republic when it's turned on them.
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"The modern man is not only a coward but actively enjoys seeing women abused by other men. Almost as if they have all been watching videos of other men abusing women since they were 10 or something and now think it's normal.."
Yeah where's the lie in this one? The average zoomer-middle millennial is a porn brained freak and that's mainstream content now.

Honestly the rifts this smelly bpd case is causing are funny, KF men have been conditioned to think they can harass and shout down any information or criticism that displeases them so they don't know what to do with her. Let them fight.
The average zoomer-middle millennial is a porn brained freak and that's mainstream content now.
That include Tommy? Yeah, I know he left you, but still, are you including Tommy in this group.
KF men have been conditioned to think they can harass and shout down any information or criticism that displeases them so they don't know what to do with her.
Like niggers? Niggers do that, you point out that their Cultural Marxist bullshit take, is just that, they get all uppity uppity. Same as feminists.
Let them fight.
This is agree with, because it gives me lulz.