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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

The hits don't stop as the kiwis pull a reddit and dox the wrong guy with the same name as one of their cows. Not content with smearing a completely innocent man the Kiwis further dox him to prove he isn't the guy they are looking for lol. Now they are all blaming the guy who posted the wrong dox when they could have verified the info before believing it. What a disaster.
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Josh comes in without taking any responsibility to whine about it.
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This isn't the first time, is it? Thought they've made "heinous accusations" multiple times without verifying, but don't follow closely.
I don't know why people have to be so randomly mean for no reason online. If you do or say anything at all its the worst thing since Hitler and you may find yourself the target of a brief witchhunt and ban overnight, but if anyone else does or says the same things its the best thing ever. I just don't understand this strange phenomenon.

For example, take a hobby like Drawing. Assuming no sketchy shit and just drawing something like a mech or power armor. Simply asking for help with shading. I would be just be randomly told to kill myself or be immediately ostracized for no fucking reason while they pretend like I'm speaking an alien language. Meanwhile anyone else could show up and ask the exact same thing and get a very different response and everyone would dote on them. I just dont understand this bullshit.
Online is like high school extended edition. Adult level debate and thought is discouraged, and popularity is king.
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Toolbox says the majority of COVID deaths in NYC were not from the disease, but in fact from black criminals being moved into nursing homes to kill the elderly and frame it as a sickness-related death.
I agree that whoever made the idiotic decision to house covid infected in nursing homes should be tried for manslaughter, at a minimum.
I agree that whoever made the idiotic decision to house covid infected in nursing homes should be tried for manslaughter, at a minimum.
Point of Information, this cRaZy mistake was made in hospitals in large cities all across the Anglophone world and beyond, at the same time. What a crazy mistake, whoever made this mistake simultaneously, all over the world should really get a stern talking to.
No other community is so autistic when it comes to shirt neck and shirt sizes, especially when this is apparel no sane person would wear in public. Mister Metokur just puts out normal sized unisex shirts without feedback from his fans and people eat that shit up. Looks like Josh's community is filled with amorphous blobs who don't fit in regular-sized clothing.
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At least they don't have to repurpose bedsheets into dresses and shirts like they used to before all the fat size clothing stores.
I agree that whoever made the idiotic decision to house covid infected in nursing homes should be tried for manslaughter, at a minimum.
Yeah, memes aside that was so stupid to the point it seemed intentional. Putting sick people with at risk people in general is an obvious thing to not do. They're either too stupid to be in power or malicious so either way it looks bad. I think it happened in California too iirc.
I mean it's not like you're doing a good job hiding it
Fucking durr bro, but I already explained this. If you're a big retarded faggot like Arkomia / @cosmic veteran then you're really bought into this dumb narrative that I lied about my M.O
The mods are aware, the only thing stopping them is the fact your autism is occasionally entertaining.
Mods are faggots and have no ability to ban anything. Admins are mostly cool tho, a few "banned" people still post here. I'm just not going to play along with some dumb boomer's mistaken belief this is his forum in anything but credit card
I thought your main was unbanned anyway, did it not last long?
No, Kenghole keeps redirecting my account to a dead forum
What's funny is, I remember the Barbie movie had this scene where the women set up dudes in situations where they are compelled to "mansplain." But all this achieves is men become that much more wary and distrustful of women in general. Then again, maybe that is also the goal? I dunno. It's pretty gay, whatever it is.

There is no goal, they're just amusing themselves by baiting males. And men on the internet are so desperate for female attention that they fall for it every single time. The only vague notion of a "goal" is that they can point at something a man says or does and goes, "see, there they go again."

On Kiwifarms, this is shooting fish in a barrel. There are many useful idiots on Kiwifarms espousing the virtues of pedophilia, child rape, sperging about they're unable to do anything that isn't doordashing mcdonalds because muh feminisms, screeching about abortions to get back at femoids (which is the ultimate tell of their fakery because feminists figured out a long time ago that men have never been emotionally or intellectually invested in abortion and that it is simply a covert way to resent women.)

You just have to look at the IQ bell curves per gender to see why, a full quarter of men are have sub-75 IQs while women mostly cluster in the middle. If a full quarter of men are much stupider than women, then its easy to see why its so easy for women to be contemptuous of men. What is important to remember is that men on Kiwifarms are a repository for these low IQ males who cannot function in real life. Hence why they are pedophiles, CP consumers, red pill followers, devotees of Jewish conspiracy theories. Their low IQs also naturally lead them to hate women because women despise them for their stupidity and low value.

IMO as far as the women on Kiwifarms are concerned, men are already too stupid, malicious, and violent to bother with. Why do they care if men don't trust them if that's their natural conclusion? And every temper tantrum an MRA has in response just becomes another example that underlines their thesis.

I feel sorry for Kiwifarms males up until a point but they and other terminally online males such as Josh (and most other examples in the altright sphere) have made their beds and must lie in them. Every single word they type simply validates the internet feminist thesis and they do it loudly and sincerely. The TERFs are their own mess but I can easily see how they got to where they are.

Yeah, memes aside that was so stupid to the point it seemed intentional. Putting sick people with at risk people in general is an obvious thing to not do. They're either too stupid to be in power or malicious so either way it looks bad. I think it happened in California too iirc.

IMO it was a sign that TPTB were not taking it seriously because they knew it wasn't a big deal. It was us the civilians who hyped it up into a world ending thing when actually Covid is just a flu that is vaguely more dire.
That's why Lidl Drip and others like her are going to take over KF, not just because Null's condoning and supporting them. This is a wider issue happening across the internet, not just on Kiwi Farms.
Remember, Forum moderation sets the tone of any online discourse. Its pretty much unmitigated discord gayops and tourist cliques that no one holds responsible for anything that ruined the internet as it was. Long term planning Fuck that noise. *bans another 40 users just cause and shrugs when the site dies* "nothing we could do!" KF was a breath of fresh air shedding a light on organized insanity like that in an era where jannies are more concerned if a tree falls over and yells "NIGGER" or some other gamer word somewhere than actual problems and threats to the community's health.

KF threads exposing crazy making bullshit generally were far more honest than anything you'd find elsewhere back around 2020 and earlier. Because the general sentiment isn't "Man, that moderator clique is actually up to some sketchy shit creating an echo chamber and banning people there to actually discuss the subject matter of the fandom." Instead the general sentiment is still a reddit tier: "you probably deserved the unfair ban. Moderators are never wrong. Muh just world fallacy antenna lobotomy tells me so until its my turn to eat an unfair ban. Only then are they corrupt and only I can be pitied then." and sometimes quoting the discord moderator meme at best.

Though it took about a year until I encountered jannies on there abusing their privileges in the form of 5tenographer telling me to "fuck off" and banning me over simple negative sticker reactions in the Vnigger thread of all things. What's ironic is that he was driven off by the regulars of that thread about a year later and Karma is a very real thing on KF. Trombonista is still an uppity cunt with a "im better than everyone" attitude, and Null's admins are probably the ones quietly banning people for "spam" at random. Its also strange to randomly catch the ire of the BP hags demanding jewsh permaban me on a whim despite not even talking to them or about them and not doing any sketchy shit. Its just powertripping. This is clearly not the same forum I discovered back in 2020 that essentially saved my life and showed me that, no you aren't crazy. There really are crazy retards online out there with bad agendas they're trying to pull and the social backing to pull it off. They also aren't as invincible as they and their sycophants claim to be behind a banhammer as the feds always to get them eventually.

I think Onion farms moderation is probably the most fair I've ever experienced online. Outside of going full retard like sockyboi, you probably won't be banned on a whim. Other Users take me seriously enough and the ribbing isn't outright insulting people and crying for the jannies to ban you when you rightly tell them to fuck off like it is in most places online.
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