Five Years Of Ashley Hutsell Renee Aka Register on Lounge96 still being a FAT and Lazy!
An Onion Among Onions
Where did you get this from? The Boys is based off of Garth Ennis' comic which is about how superheroes can be used as an allegory for corporations.The Boys is another mediocre Justice League Unlimited ripoff where the premise is WHAT IF SUPERMAN WAS EVUL WHAT IF WONDY WAS A HOOR WHAT IF BATMAN WAS EVEN MORE SAD AND GHEY THAN HE ALREADY IS???
It focused on the horrific practices of televangelism in the first season. The atheism was most likely because of Amazon/Garth (who hates Christianity because he's a English Nob) so its true to the source material.Then throwing in lots of violence and gore while smugly tipping an atheist fedora.
Brightburn.That's The Boys, along with that evil Superman movie that Roy from The Office starred in,
What is this?the movie with the guy in the green jumpsuit and the purple haired loli (Nic Cage was in it)
Dude if you think Invincible is the same thing as The Boys, you're retarded.and that Amazon Prime superhero cartoon that has the kid in the yellow gimpsuit.
Yes, why would Garth Ennis (The Creator of Preacher and writer for Punisher: Max) and Robert Kirkman (Creator of Walking Dead) kill off characters? Kiwifarmers must blame the jews for it instead of having legitimate complaints.All of these cartoons are the exact same goyslop and kwiffar eat it up because they think its good. When an actor they like doesn't renew their contract or dies or something so the character gets killed off, they immediately blame the jews and then go back to consooming their Justice League rip off slop in another format.
Other nations do this too.They don't consider why jews are making this stuff in the first place. (aka American men really like it because edgy.)
This one I fully agree with.Jocelyn is mad that Hamas isn't releasing the CP so she can fap to it. Same for the mods, since everything is a pedo ring over there.