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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
what in the goddamn fuck josh?
i can excuse the weirdass featured image but why in the holy fuck would you place the login form like that? such a mess
I pray and spray; it's the only way I know how to operate.

I sincerely hope they're okay. Shout out to all the Kiwis with a shred of humanity who neg rated that post.
They got called out for it, thankfully. However, there seems to be a distinct lack of concern from Josh and the moderators over somebody gleefully gloating about children being raped and murdered. It's times like these that I'm reminded that the culture on Kiwi Farms has shifted in directions that I find incompatible with my conscience.
Probably, who knows.. Josh really needs to clear out pro jihadi mudslide from his website. Somehow they are worse than pol/tards who never shut the fuck up about Hitler and the Jews.
threaten to rape Didl or Garbled Up Vagina? Instaban for upsetting the gorlz manatees!
talk about how great it is that Jews children get murdered/raped? 👍
that Ethan Ralph is 5'1 poster interacts alot with didl judging from profile comments and even interacted with 'the cuck duck'/'3322' on their old account.
josh really loves creeps and pedos over there.
What the hell is with every other post recently being seemingly about pedo hysteria even in lolcow threads where its not applicable? Its like the loli crusader thread taken up to a weaponized autism level and spamming all over the site. Is it some kind of lowkey raid?
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They got called out for it, thankfully. However, there seems to be a distinct lack of concern from Josh and the moderators over somebody gleefully gloating about children being raped and murdered. It's times like these that I'm reminded that the culture on Kiwi Farms has shifted in directions that I find incompatible with my conscience.
It's interesting how the site has extreme moralfags and extreme edgelords.
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Semite on Semite violence is older than civilization. None of these blood feuds are worth caring about.
What the hell is with every other post recently being seemingly about pedo hysteria even in lolcow threads where its not applicable? Its like the loli crusader thread taken up to a weaponized autism level and spamming all over the site. Is it some kind of lowkey raid?
Self loathing.