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Sexuality Drama What Is Transgender? Have we gotten it wrong?

Sexuality related drama
@redoniblueoni found a readable version of the article, with all the pages if you're interested
I don't disagree with a few of your points, particularly about that a large majority are mentally ill in some regard, (gender) identity disorders and dysphorias are a factor to transgenderism.

This is interesting data but it doesn't refute the claims I've made here. Unfortunately this data does not take into account feminine gay brains and heterosexual autogynephilic brains/differentiate between the two. I'd be willing to believe feminine homosexuals and women share some overlapping traits in both brains but not enough to distinguish them as a "female brain". It seems as though they agree that sexual orientation should be taken into account in future studies and I think only then will we see actual interesting information come from this. I believe the findings would show AGPs brains are largely typical to an average man and feminine gay males brains are feminine.

The reason behind what makes a feminine gay person feminine/gay or an AGP an AGP deserves more research but I'm afraid those days are past. The research to distinguish the two is so controversial the scientists who try get viciously attacked and shut down. I can imagine studying feminine gay males brains is also fairly unpopular but I think AGPs are particularly vicious in shutting down discussion about it.

Also interesting in that it seems trans men (women) brains are basically the same to women's brains in many units they tested. Women seem to have less motivation to transition than men and are the more frequent detransitioners of recent time. Much to think about.
This is interesting data but it doesn't refute the claims I've made here. Unfortunately this data does not take into account feminine gay brains and heterosexual autogynephilic brains/differentiate between the two. I'd be willing to believe feminine homosexuals and women share some overlapping traits in both brains but not enough to distinguish them as a "female brain". It seems as though they agree that sexual orientation should be taken into account in future studies and I think only then will we see actual interesting information come from this. I believe the findings would show AGPs brains are largely typical to an average man and feminine gay males brains are feminine.

The reason behind what makes a feminine gay person feminine/gay or an AGP an AGP deserves more research but I'm afraid those days are past. The research to distinguish the two is so controversial the scientists who try get viciously attacked and shut down. I can imagine studying feminine gay males brains is also fairly unpopular but I think AGPs are particularly vicious in shutting down discussion about it.

Also interesting in that it seems trans men (women) brains are basically the same to women's brains in many units they tested. Women seem to have less motivation to transition than men and are the more frequent detransitioners of recent time. Much to think about.

We don't even know enough about the human brain for that to be an argument worth entertaining. We still can't figure out a psychopathy and sociopathy is nature or nurture, but we're going to sit here and conclusively say that some people are trannies because "MuH FeMiNiNe BrAiN"

No, it doesn't work like that.

I don't think that these people have something wrong with their brain chemistry that makes them want to be the opposite gender, I think they have something wrong with their brain chemistry that a well established and well tested SSRI or antipsychotic could fix.
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We don't even know enough about the human brain for that to be an argument worth entertaining. We still can't figure out a psychopathy and sociopathy is nature or nurture, but we're going to sit here and conclusively say that some people are trainees because "MuH FeMiNiNe BrAiN"

No, it doesn't work like that.

I don't think that these people have something wrong with their brain chemistry that makes them want to be the opposite gender, I think they have something wrong with their brain chemistry that a well established and well tested SSRI or antipsychotic could fix.
For the most part yeah I think it's a mental thing. Hormones that are in high doses and not something your body makes naturally is only going to mess up your brain worse which is why we see the suicide rate going up after "treatment" and not substantially dropping off. The medical industry loves forever patients though and population control, not healthy people who can think straight. Also weird so many of these trans people are white and they're perfectly ok with castrating them and leaving them to rope. That's my conspiracy but I think it's not a coincidence so many of these white trans fetishists are also raceplay/cuck/BBC NWO fetishists. Our culture is very sick.

Gay feminine males have always existed though and I think it's an interesting topic to find out why, what makes them that way. My theory for some years has been hormones while in utero but I'm not a scientist and I'm not sure.
For the most part yeah I think it's a mental thing. Hormones that are in high doses and not something your body makes naturally is only going to mess up your brain worse which is why we see the suicide rate going up after "treatment" and not substantially dropping off. The medical industry loves forever patients though and population control, not healthy people who can think straight. Also weird so many of these trans people are white and they're perfectly ok with castrating them and leaving them to rope. That's my conspiracy but I think it's not a coincidence so many of these white trans fetishists are also raceplay/cuck/BBC NWO fetishists. Our culture is very sick.

Gay feminine males have always existed though and I think it's an interesting topic to find out why, what makes them that way. My theory for some years has been hormones while in utero but I'm not a scientist and I'm not sure.

I am a Xennial and I feel like my generation (I'll even go as far as to say anyone born before 1990) were the last normal generation. I think a lot of that has to do with restricted access to the internet. Back in the day you needed a credit card to look at porn, and the speeds were so slow it was usually just pictures.

I mean we had skin mags and a couple of VHS tapes that your old man bought you if you were lucky, but we were basically going missionary in the back seat of a cutlass supreme when we were lucky enough to get the real thing and jerking it to the spice channel.

I feel like this weird everybody's a femboy or tranny movement is because as a society we have become much too desensitized to sex.

You can actually go online and find adult men who jerk off to my little pony. You can find groups of people who meet up at the Marriott every year and have sex with each other in mascot outfits. We have gotten to the point where an underage child can walk into a doctor's office and with ZERO psychiatric evaluation or recommendation can be put on irreversible puberty blockers and body altering hormones.

With the advent of high speed internet our society got too much too fast and we don't know how to handle it.

I masturbated the other day remembering what my girlfriend looked like as she got out of my shower. That's the difference between me and people that are younger. They need HD video of a tranny femboy furry taking 6 BBCs while a fat white girl in the background is juggling while getting cucked and creampied. It's just fucking ridiculous.

TL;DR: our society because of the advent of the internet has become far too oversexualized, and the biggest mistake that we are making is allowing children to have access to this kind of shit.
It's crazy how everything the trans movement tries to self insert and revise history to fit themselves into is always wrong or terrible in some way.
I am a Xennial and I feel like my generation (I'll even go as far as to say anyone born before 1990) were the last normal generation.
I wouldn't say that. I was born before 90 and I went to a public high school in the midwest. I'm not surprised western society has gone straight down the shitter. The men in charge let go the fucking reins and we're all just bouncing up and down in the stagecoach waiting for the inevitable.
People use mental disorders as an attack against trannies, but they forget that the same was done (now ,to less extent) to LGB in the past.
While I think that the majority if not all trannies have some form of mental disorders or unhealthy issues, that in itself shouldnt be a reason to discredit the concept of transgenderism. People with mental illnesses should be treated with sympathy and dignity (barring some lulzy examples like John Bulla and Tommy Tooter, these two are just fucking monsters), but what IS problematic is that modern trannies are ineffectively trying to coerce everyone into sunscribing to a bizzare amalgamation of neuroscience and gender pholisophy. It is neither a pure science nor a pure philosophy, and they just cant seem to decide which it is.
People use mental disorders as an attack against trannies, but they forget that the same was done (now ,to less extent) to LGB in the past.

What the hell do you mean the past? Almost every gay guy I've talked to has either been molested as a kid or recruited. I still think the entire community preys on the vulnerable and confused for their own deviant means and piccadillos.

While I think that the majority if not all trannies have some form of mental disorders or unhealthy issues, that in itself shouldnt be a reason to discredit the concept of transgenderism.

It should be enough to discredit the concept in 99% of them.

People with mental illnesses should be treated with sympathy and dignity

This is supposed to be (allegedly) a "lolcow" site. 99% of the people being made fun of are mentally ill people who can't hit back. That's why I have no interest in lolcows. If I'm going to pick a fight with somebody online it's going to be someone with intelligence or wit or the ability to run their mouth back, hence the last two people that I fought with online were Socky and Gargamel. I don't go for the easy targets.

(barring some lulzy examples like John Bulla and Tommy Tooter, these two are just fucking monsters),

Never heard of them can't speak on it.

but what IS problematic is that modern trannies are ineffectively trying to coerce everyone into sunscribing to a bizzare amalgamation of neuroscience and gender pholisophy. It is neither a pure science nor a pure philosophy, and they just cant seem to decide which it is.

It's pure nonsense is what it is. And I'm glad we're shifting away from the "play along or you're transphobic" party line.

Faggots and freaks need to stay away from our children and stop talking to them about sex. I don't care what people do behind closed doors as long as it doesn't involve the unwilling or children.
What the hell do you mean the past? Almost every gay guy I've talked to has either been molested as a kid or recruited. I still think the entire community preys on the vulnerable and confused for their own deviant means and piccadillos.

It should be enough to discredit the concept in 99% of them.

This is supposed to be (allegedly) a "lolcow" site. 99% of the people being made fun of are mentally ill people who can't hit back. That's why I have no interest in lolcows. If I'm going to pick a fight with somebody online it's going to be someone with intelligence or wit or the ability to run their mouth back, hence the last two people that I fought with online were Socky and Gargamel. I don't go for the easy targets.

Never heard of them can't speak on it.

It's pure nonsense is what it is. And I'm glad we're shifting away from the "play along or you're transphobic" party line.

Faggots and freaks need to stay away from our children and stop talking to them about sex. I don't care what people do behind closed doors as long as it doesn't involve the unwilling or children.
Sometimes I think you are alright but then your chink fucking race traitor ass just can't stop being an unfunny old ass who take debates on a dead nigger farm too seriously.
Trans race is unironically more valid than transgender because most people are mixed race these days and can Identify as whatever fraction they want. I believe Elizabeth Warren is more heckin valid native American than any transgender ever will be. At least she has a little bit of that DNA unlike any instances of transgender ever being real, because intersex is not transgender or even a gender by any definition it is a mutation that leans one way or another.
Trans race is unironically more valid than transgender because most people are mixed race these days and can Identify as whatever fraction they want. I believe Elizabeth Warren is more heckin valid native American than any transgender ever will be. At least she has a little bit of that DNA unlike any instances of transgender ever being real, because intersex is not transgender or even a gender by any definition it is a mutation that leans one way or another.

That is my favorite thing about the DNA testing you can do for like 40 bucks when it's on sale. It shuts white people the fuck up who claim to have any gypsy or Indian or other stupid unprovable bullshit "exotic" race they claimed.

By the way?


LITERALLY as white as these DNA tests will let you get. All of them have that bullshit "everyone has African DNA" results, but even that 0.5% is Coptic Egyptian for me, which is the LEAST offensive kind of African you can be in my opinion.

Let me just take a victory lap real quick...

Reason: I wonder which one of my Irish ancestors went over to ancient Egypt and fucked around with people who worship cats 🤔
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It's funny because I joke around and play the role of a racist alcoholic on here (clearly I'm not racist, and the jury is still out about my alcoholism) but I'm probably more purely white than 95% of the brain dead, fourth Reich Nazi scumfucks out there 🤣
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It's also funny because a lot of racial purists would say one of those races isn't white or something while having something like the ooga booga tribe from the African country of unga bunga.
Reason: I like to do the "not white" meme myself as a joke or troll through.
You are mentioning when I had a forum discussing the legalities and controversies surrounding lolicon. I purchased a number of art books on drawing manga, furries, and fantasy characters and was into manga in trying to develop Sonichen and Rosechen. There were two art books I had also purchased (Shoujo Manga and Shonen Manga). Both of these I purchased from Barnes and Noble along with a book on Kodomo Manga that I also purchased from Barnes and Noble. This was also during the time Naught was admin. The "I was never into lolicon that much" was an offhand remark on a thread. The forum was a mistake. I apologized and deleted it. End of story.
Too long didn't read it's a mental illness like anorexics who thinks they're fat only somehow less believable.
This guy nailed it first try. Unyuns knocked it out of the park without even trying.

Gender is mostly made up of social constructs. Gender is biological and determined from birth, and is based off our birth sex. Men can be feminine and women masculine but this does not make them trans. An intersex female can feel "act" and look quite masculine without being a different mental gender. A heterosexual male can feel "act" and look feminine without being a different mental gender. The problem is most of our "gender" constructs are fake. Some things are intrinsic in males, like the fact they are more prone to violence. This will not change if a man claims to be transgender. A woman can play football, be the main provider, not shave, and still be gendered female.

Soy and too many estrogen/synthetic hormones is an issue and potential cause of this I believe. We need to eat healthy, avoid unpure water, avoid eating out and get all of our vitamins and minerals for a healthy balanced natural hormone cycle. Hormones=brain power=health. A tranny starts to suffer when these things mess up and their hormones get blasted with soy. This becomes worse because a huge amount of trannies drink, smoke weed, abuse stimulants and worse. All very bad for health. Mentally, physically, spiritually.

Also, you actually can get trans people to "snap out of it". Many detrans people came out in recent years. They go back to their natural bodies perfectly happy and live as normal lives as they can. What went wrong? Why were they so convinced transition was the answer? Mentally, physically, spiritually unhealthy. Usually it takes quite a few years to realize this though, some a few years some a decade. We will see many more in years to come. Record numbers.
To be honest, I have a hard time thinking of anyone I like on this or on the New Zealand Bird site.
Reason: RedBlue did not account for transition being one of the answers or different/synchronized problems besides gender dysphoria. Also, these are not “fake” constructs.
It's also funny because a lot of racial purists would say one of those races isn't white or something while having something like the ooga booga tribe from the African country of unga bunga.

.03% Finnish? You ain't pure white, boy!

(Ancestry is 10% Kenyan but they're too stupid/afraid to check)