Hellovan Onion
OK Sailfish, I found the info pic from Blanchard that I wanted to show you.Both men and women are equally intelligent overall but they excel in different areas.
It is true that there are indeed no black and white "male" and "female" brains.
But this variation in brain differences does not mean there is no clearly defined 'male' or 'female,' because we define sex through one of two evolved reproductive anatomies.[7]
It is true that trans individuals may have specific structures in the brain that are similar to that typically seen in the opposite sex. As the author mentions, some specific regions in gay men are similar to straight women.
But these similarities do not change one's sex.
The existence of subtle brain similarities to the opposite sex does not mean that such individuals ARE the opposite sex. It just means that one might have specific structures that are atypical.
This does not change your sex anymore than other atypical physical differences.
Using brain similarities and differences to argue that someone IS the opposite sex is akin to using sex differences in height to argue that a short male who falls in the typical female range IS a female.
Variation does not make someone 'less male' or 'less female'
For example, a male who has less T than the average male does not become 'less male' or 'more female.' He is still a male, as his body is organized around small gametes.
Other variations in physiology and anatomy do not disprove the binary, but rather show the variation within.
Thus, you may notice a pattern in all three aspects: (1) genetics, (2) neurobiology, and (3) endocrinology.
In all three categories, variation does not mean sex itself is a spectrum, but rather, that sex-related traits are bimodal--an avg for males and an avg for females.
The author does not go wrong in presenting basic scientific facts about the variation of sex-related traits.
Where they go wrong is arguing that because variation of genes, brain structure, and hormones, that male and female cannot be reliably defined.
"The science is clear and conclusive: sex is not binary, transgender people are real," they write.
The problem is that sex on the reproductive level IS binary. There are only two reproductive functions, and thus, two sexes.
The existence of trans people does not disprove this model, and it does not invalidate them. Rather, trans individuals represent the variation in biology, identity, and expression found within the sex binary.
We don't have to deny the fundamental reality of sex to accept them. (list of sources saved separately)
Scans prove there's no such thing as a 'male' or 'female' brain
Most people have a mix of male and female features in their brain, suggesting a person's cognitive skills can't be predicted by gender
In 2015, one of us, Daphna Joel, led an analysis of four large data sets of brain scans, and found that the sex differences you see overall between men’s and women’s brains aren’t neatly and consistently seen in individual brains. In other words, humans generally don’t have brains with mostly or exclusively “female-typical” features or “male-typical” features. Instead, what’s most common in both females and males are brains with “mosaics” of features, some of them more common in males and some more common in females."
The notion of fundamentally female and male brains or natures is a misconception. Brains and behavior are the product of the combined, continuous interactions of innumerable causal influences, that include, but go well beyond, sex-linked factors.
Can We Finally Stop Talking About ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ Brains?
Opinion | Can We Finally Stop Talking About ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ Brains? (Published 2018)
Recent research is making it clearer than ever that the notion that sex determines the fundamentals of brain structure and behavior is a
“Neuroscientists in socially sensitive areas like gender should work under a burden of caution. Many studies are flawed, many are over-interpreted. But not many inspire in their authors and others the conclusion that innate differences in part lie behind our gender-stratified society.”
Enough of the neurosexist bilge. It’s not all pink and blue when it comes to our brains | Catherine Bennett
There’s no genetic reason women should be disadvantaged in the workplace – unless someone is looking for
We don’t need brain scans that cost thousands of dollars to legitimize or diagnose trans people; if we inform children about trans identities and remove stigmas that keep trans people marginalized, we can already validate the genders of trans kids free of cost simply by asking them who they are.
Why We Don't Need Brain Scans to Confirm Trans People Are Actually Trans
"Trans brain research and its recent coverage seek to measure trans people according to a cis standard — a standard that is itself a debunked fiction."
Are you saying my webbed toes and fingers don't make me a mermaid??!!The existence of subtle brain similarities to the opposite sex does not mean that such individuals ARE the opposite sex. It just means that one might have specific structures that are atypical.
This does not change your sex anymore than other atypical physical differences.