Nope, everything posted in the thread is what I got. The DM chain was deleted, and I was banned, so I'm not going to be able to get any sorry :(
free speech, btw.
Null is basically a 14 year old in an adult body. He's still stuck in his teenage years of "fuck you faggot im cool your not." That's basically his whole personality, but he was branded himself as a free speech warrior even though he bans people over even the smallest perceived slight, and because of the media narrative of Kiwifarms being the evil doxing site, he has gained a sort of victimhood, and his cult will always back him up. Just look at some of the responses boiling down to "this was nothing, look away, null was right, get banned nigger." It's baffling he has made his own version of the Manson family except 300 pound women.