• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
View attachment 57953
"Handle your problems like an adult. I DON'T OWE YOU SHIT BY THE WAY FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU"
suck up.png
"Yes Daddy, it won't happen again, did I tell you how rugged and competent you sound today?"
Got any more of them screen caps?
Nope, everything posted in the thread is what I got. The DM chain was deleted, and I was banned, so I'm not going to be able to get any sorry :(
Since that thread was made Null has banned:
Bruce Dickinson
Kyle Odom
Android raptor (upgraded a temp ban to a perma ban)
Mr Bones Wild Ride
Cpl. Long Dong Silver
That is 10 users in one day he swept up.
free speech, btw.
Null is very paranoid so he imagines anyone who makes fun of him or people he likes are the same 5 people. It was your turn to face his pepperoni-induced wrath.
Null is basically a 14 year old in an adult body. He's still stuck in his teenage years of "fuck you faggot im cool your not." That's basically his whole personality, but he was branded himself as a free speech warrior even though he bans people over even the smallest perceived slight, and because of the media narrative of Kiwifarms being the evil doxing site, he has gained a sort of victimhood, and his cult will always back him up. Just look at some of the responses boiling down to "this was nothing, look away, null was right, get banned nigger." It's baffling he has made his own version of the Manson family except 300 pound women.
People are so stupid these days they can't tell when others are havin' a bit of a giggle can they eh? lol.
No, you furfags have been crying fursecution for decades. You in particular claim to be victimized by Joshua's jannies, meanwhile you constantly exposed your deepest furfag fetishes to random people behind the scenes to the point of getting banned from DMs, when nobody wanted you there in the first place. It's always more of the same with you degens.
Honestly, the best thing to do is let them eat each other because KF needs enemies and people are starting to feel apathetic towards them as well as many former Kiwis leaving or getting banned because they realize what a fraud Josh is.
It's too bad Joshua can't realize this, and take advantage of it.

Not that it's really going to matter in the grand scheme. What goes up must come down.
Nope, everything posted in the thread is what I got. The DM chain was deleted, and I was banned, so I'm not going to be able to get any sorry :(

free speech, btw.

Null is basically a 14 year old in an adult body. He's still stuck in his teenage years of "fuck you faggot im cool your not." That's basically his whole personality, but he was branded himself as a free speech warrior even though he bans people over even the smallest perceived slight, and because of the media narrative of Kiwifarms being the evil doxing site, he has gained a sort of victimhood, and his cult will always back him up. Just look at some of the responses boiling down to "this was nothing, look away, null was right, get banned nigger." It's baffling he has made his own version of the Manson family except 300 pound women.
If Josh actually cared about freedom of speech he would have used his tiny amount of online power to combat anti-BDS efforts. He apparently hates Jews so much, well here's this whole group of people who have been combating Israel on American soil for a year now and having their careers ended for it and have been kicked out of their colleges. But you can hardly find anything about it mentioned on KF, I think the most he said is "I don't give a shit about sand niggers and Jews fighting each other on the other side of the world". Just hopelessly stupid about what these concepts he "cares about" mean or what battles are actually being fought outside of his smelly hugbox.
Because it's a site created by a ornery hypocrite and people follow his example like the gospel because he offered to fight for free speech when Josh in fact only cares about his own ability to say whatever the fuck he wants, only offering to protect people to be his proxies/troll shield. People are rightfully afraid of getting doxed and because KF has a victim mentality that rivals the woke, they are gonna cry wolf and then go to town on whoever is attacking them or even dare to simply criticize them for legitimate reasons.

Honestly, the best thing to do is let them eat each other because KF needs enemies and people are starting to feel apathetic towards them as well as many former Kiwis leaving or getting banned because they realize what a fraud Josh is.
This quite frankly makes perfect sense because you can't really be a degenerate and tlaking about other degenerates and having people on KF kiss your own ass...without having other degenreates, that the KIWIFARMS WAYYY!!! :buffalocube: :buffalocube: :buffalocube: :buffalocube: :buffalocube: :buffalocube: :buffalocube:
Oh we got something good bois, the BP ladies have gotten exposed doing a massive Rape fantasy thread and it's starting to get talked about now.

Lol I was right to point out he was encouraging and coddling this shit.

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Lol that nigga gonna eat a ban for bringing it up.
lmao. looks like the jannies did these BP degenerates dirty.

>this gets highlighted
someone is butthurt
Josh claiming he had his mod council debate on whether or not to ban Android Raptor shows what a simp (or liar) he is. He's never been afraid to ban an oldfag before. See Zedkissed who Josh banned for making fun of convicted and registered sex offender Cody Wilson's metrosexual jacket one too times.
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