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What are you listening to right now?

Speaking of not so srs,
View attachment 49698
That's pleasant enough. Idk, a sort of folksy Beatles sort of thing?
Felt like something the Mountain Goats might have done either way.
Recently I've been bouncing between shit like Days N Daze and Harley Poe. Let me know if you got anything adjacent.

As for serene sounds I default to King Crimson,
As for serene sounds I default to King Crimson,
View attachment 49702
That was a lot more on par than I expected. I think I always mentally filtered King Crimson and King Diamond as the same people for some reason and filed it away under my "gents in pleather pants metal" section.

Somewhat tangentially, I want to hear more about why you think chaos magick* in general is nonsense and why you consider Thelema to be chaotic in nature. You stay having the trappings of Thelema on your monikers, so wot gibs
I know that when I draw breath every morning, it is only because Allah still has need of me.
I'll go to bat for you, Creator of the Universe.
You might not think it, but calling Ashley a sow of Satan is part of Allah's plan.
Allahu Ackbar, denied entry to the snackbar
Omar Esa did an Islamic cover of Craig David's RnB classic, 7 Days.
He was really instrumental in opening my eyes to the Good Word of Islam instead of the lies fed to you by the (((murderers of the Prophets)))



Well most try to affect the matterium directly instead of the immaterial to affect the concept which would reflect upon the material. Thing is that the in between would render all rather petty by comparison if you can pick up on what I'm saying. Though pearls before swine I'll go a bit deeper insomuch as saying that do you not think that intentions cast could be twisted to the opposite by the energy used due to the inherent nature of it?
Idk, if you're following your Holy Guardian Angel, your path is being plotted by the acausal and the material world steps aside. That's the entire point.
Most supposed adherents of Crowley are in it because they don't understand what "Do what thou wilt" truly means. Hurr durr, blank check to be as shitty as I want, apparently.
There's a line of modern thought that outright rejects Crowley because it's the hipster contrarian thing to do but Thelema is highly individualistic and easily compatible ontop of any other belief system.
"We put no faith in Virgin nor pigeon. Our method is science, our aim is religion"
A common premise in prank calling is talking someone into shutting off all the breakers cuz corporate said so.
A tribute
Could have inspired them they started back at the 80s iirc.

Honestly no though the first band I have heard often through the various people I know, more a genre for others than myself really.
As for serene sounds I default to King Crimson,
View attachment 49702
So that's the source of one strain of glownigger profile pic. They never actually respond when asked about it but always use dumbass profile pictures like that album cover, or the WW2 shellshock guy with zero context.