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What are you listening to right now?

I declare this a pizza thread.

Do you prefer boned or boneless pizza?

"Goatse My Own Ass"
t. Nigpro

"My Cum Milkshake Makes All The Gay Niggas Hard"
By Nigpro/Hydocoque

"Nigga Poetry Night"

"Stroke That"

Proposal to change this thread to some sort of music general/what are you listening to thread to parallel the Kiwi's so that this sort of gay negro rape rap gangbang struggle session need not occur again.
"Yüce Dağ Başında"
By Altin Gun

I mean there was never an argonian genocide or whatever fairytale they're mad about but I also grew up on them.
Do you like Serj's solo career?
It's not remotely the same without the lads but that operatic delivery is a once in a generation sort of sound
Edit: version switch because fuck "woo" girls

By The Godfathers (Kool G Rap+Necro)
icon_pickle (1).gif

"Mozart and Hitler"
This is supposed to be a democracy?
Yeah, then I shit on it.
I’ll tear your fucking organs out!
No matter, whether Jews or legislature.
They’re just a small wheel among a giant complex full of parasites.

In this regime, free speech is just like a mine,
And you’re risking your life and your family.
But we fight united; we end your game,
and when we do, you’ll get what you deserve.

I see only lies and parties entangled in economic complexities.
The rents rise, but the wages are low,
And the resistance remains peaceful because
The worker doesn’t know that a war is raging against him.

Our people are murdered and cut up into parts,
And it makes the eyes of those who can see faint.

But MFV didn’t assure my grandmother that when I make music,
I’ll be a mix of Mozart and Hitler.

You asshole!

I have big plans,
Although the traitors have always been so safe.

Once we’re released,
We’ll fly around you scum like wasps.
We do it for: Mozart and Hitler.

Mozart and Hitler (x2)
I come with great visions and fiery slogans
On notes that combat your hollow chirp.

Bang bang bang: Mozart and Hitler (x3)
I come with great visions and fiery slogans
On notes that combat your hollow chirp.
Bang bang bang: Mozart and Hitler

Boy, what kind of democracy is this?
You’ve sojourned too long to get of
The dream world where you hate your race.
Money rules and guess (((who’s))) issuing it?
When we unite the perverted pigs stumble.

Fuck their laws, the anti-white hustle and the powers who lead them!
You can’t hide!
Those who smile today will pay the bill tomorrow when the Europeans find out.

The elites, the hatred for our killers,
And those who just stand beside because they don’t want to cause problems.

Karma’s a bitch and everyone will be fucked,
When we catch each one of you, you all will be fucked!

What politics? You can leave your speeches,
We know you’re planning to lead a war against the Europeans.
You monkeys!

I have big plans,
We’re going to take up arms for Odin and Thor.
Whoever has not lost their testicles, and when I die, I die for the legacy of:

Mozart and Hitler (x2)
I come with great visions and fiery slogans
On notes that combat your hollow chirp.

Bang bang bang: Mozart and Hitler (x3)
I come with great visions and fiery slogans
On notes that combat your hollow chirp.
Bang bang bang: Mozart and Hitler

He's got a wonderful voice but yes without the mixture of the 4 boyos it just feels lacking. Tho that really ends up speaking to the original combos quality more than anything else.
And thank The Holy Spirit that there wasn't a Armmeanieman Genocide.

View attachment 49683
That whole album was amazing tbh.
It's too bad he went off the deep end on the art house BS and keeps derailing future SOAD projects. There's something noble about being the best at something and smugly walking away but still, ree.
I'm probably preaching to the choir but Darian's Scars on Broadway is great if you like that late era SOAD duet shit

Ugh, I can't with shit like this anymore. I'm super stoked for Dethklok finally making a return but it has to be some ironic metal like that for me to enjoy it anymore.
What if Flanders was a death metal band, for example?
It's a question worth examining