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What are you listening to right now?

Nachtgeblüt - Frozen Streams of Forgotten Knowledge
National Socialist Black Metal with elements of Neo-Classical
A sample: The second track titled, "Infernal Pride".
Seigneur Voland - Sur les ruines et les cendres de Sion

French National Socialist Black Metal about the soon-to-be destruction of the nation of greed and evil.


Israël s'était placé pour dominer les peuples
mais l'impie se souleva contre le bacille de passage
devenant celui à qui l'on crache au visage
Vous tous, sbires de l'idole du vide, recommencez
et venez donc pleurer sur les ruines de Sion
Je ne trouverai pas un sage parmi vous
Vos jours sont passés, vos projets sont anéantis

Les désirs de votre cœur...une infecte tumeur
qui prétend que la nuit est le jour,
Que la lumière est proche quand les ténèbres sont là
N'est-ce pas le Schéol que vous espériez tant
pour demeure ?
C'est dans les ténèbres que Magog dressera votre couche

Et je crierai au gouffre : c'est toi leur Père !
Et à la vermine : vous êtes leurs sœurs et leur mère
Votre espérance : où donc est-elle ?
Votre espérance , qui peut encore l'apercevoir ?
Jéhova ? Mais ce dieu est le père que l'Aryen abat
Il descendra vers les barreaux du séjour des morts
Quand vous irez ensemble reposer dans la poussière.

National Socialist Black Metal is Black Metal but with themes of National Socialism, Paganism, and ethnic superiority.

Infernum's "...Taur-nu-Fuin..." is nearly universally agreed to have been the first NSBM album, check it out first.

After that, you can check out this guide for more of the genre, although it isn't exclusive to NSBM as it includes many NSBM-adjacent albums, it is still a necessary read!
Large image so I couldn't embed for some reason lol.


There's nothing Nat-Soc about edgelord bullshit about raping baby Jesus and death metal is fucking gay
Here's an example of an NSBM lyric, notice how there's no mention of raping Jesus?

"Morning wheel, fair and cruel,
Gazing down, upon Midgard.
Patiently, does she assess,
Northward, south,
Eastward, west.
Judging all hearts, silently,
In this hour blessed, ere lightning.
For harmony... Purity...
Essence... And totality.
Long shadows shift, as clouds are cleft,
Beyond the crests, and darkest depths.
For blades of light, are but whirring scythes--
Both deosil, and eternal... "

But Death Metal is truly gay, I can agree with you on that. Its community is filled with a mountain of trannies and Cali faggots.
Here's an example of an NSBM lyric, notice how there's no mention of raping Jesus?

"Morning wheel, fair and cruel,
Gazing down, upon Midgard.
Patiently, does she assess,
Northward, south,
Eastward, west.
Judging all hearts, silently,
In this hour blessed, ere lightning.
For harmony... Purity...
Essence... And totality.
Long shadows shift, as clouds are cleft,
Beyond the crests, and darkest depths.
For blades of light, are but whirring scythes--
Both deosil, and eternal... "

But Death Metal is truly gay, I can agree with you on that. Its community is filled with a mountain of trannies and Cali faggots.
Sure, great cherry picked example of lyrics you have to read to be able to understand but it's still gay bullshit.
Muh Midgard. Cool, you show those damn dirty "Christcucks" (who you are descended from) by jerking off to Marvel superheroes and Wakanda for wypipo fantasies like Hyperborea.

Israel had placed itself to dominate the people
but the ungodly one rose up against the bacillus of passage
becoming the one to whom one spits in the face
All of you, henchmen of the idol of emptiness, start again
come and weep over the ruins of Zion
I will not find a wise man among you
Your days are gone, your plans are annihilated

The desires of your heart..an infectious tumor.
who claims that night is day,
That the light is near when the darkness is there
Isn't that the Scheol you hoped for so much
for residence ?
It is in darkness that Magog will lay your bed

And I will cry out to the abyss: you are their Father !
And with vermin: you are their sisters and their mother
Your hope: where is it ?
Your hope, who can still see it ?
Jehovah ? But this god is the father that the Aryan slays
He will go down to the bars of the dead
When you go together to rest in the dust.
Yes, gurgled out "lyrics" and intentionally shitty sounding instruments are how we'll beat da joos.
"There's nowhere to run. That's the issue. I'm stuck in a dead gay country. I'm stuck in the rotting corpse. I'm like Noah. I got swallowed by the whale. And then the whale got AIDS and fucking died. And I'm still inside. And I can either, like, cry about it or find some way to get out, but it's, like, there's nowhere to go."

Jona in the whale
He's hiding somewhere
In the whale
Safe in the whale
In the whale
God said
God said
But he wouldn't listen
Forever my boy will be in the whale

Go listen to some real music you autistic cat fucking retard. Real Nazis would give you free Bungie jumping lessons with the cord wrapped around your neck. You're not even white.
An edgenigger? That's the shit I don't like.
A Marvelfag? That's the shit I don't like.
A treeworshipper? That's the shit I don't like.