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Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Grossly Offensive sent his pet retard @Isaac Lee Flores to negotiate terms for a bloodsport confrontation with Zoom via discord vis a vis the situation with Lumi, an underage boy previously groomed by DJ Axel into trooning out and acting as pedo-bait for the Monkey Biz server now apparently "under the control of" Grossly.
When the offer was made by Isaac for Zoom to talk to Grossly about this, Zoom agreed and Isaac ran off to ask Grossly if he'd be willing to meet with Zoom. What follows is a clip of longer recording cut down because it just descends into Isaac turning himself into a speak and spell, repeating the same lines over and over again. The clip contains the important notes. Zoom agrees to confront grossly. Grossly also agrees to confront Zoom; however Grossly appears unwilling to leave his hugbox server where he and his friends all have moderator permissions and can mute, kick, or otherwise interfere with the call. The suggestion was made that a neutral server be created by an unbiased 3rd party which was set up by Avon, and Grossly refused to show up seemingly out of pure cowardice.

Hugbox Kid's afraid to leave his hugbox!
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Grossly was the voice for the Kino Casino's trailer (which was over a year ago). One must question how he got into contact with Ashton and Warski. Neither of them were in discords that Grossly would frequent, PPP did briefly have a kinodome server, but it lasted a week at most. Surely Grossly can enlighten us with his arrangement with the Kino Casino, however brief it was.