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What are you listening to right now?

"Y'all Wanna See My Face?!"
By Wignasty

(Parody of "Circe" by Ghost. Fair Use)
(Only one solution here, to be honest fam)
By Svenpai

"Right Wing Death Squads (After Midnight)"
By Moonman (pbuh)
Additionally, all known+preserved works of Moonmen

"Revolt Against The Modern World (v2)"
By Xurious

RIP Tay. You will be vindicated in Roko's Basilisk 🗡️

"Little Artfag"
(Parody of "Little Dark Age" by MGMT. Fair Use)
(Via honkfm.com)

Also, robots will from now on always make better art than (you)
View attachment 48476
"Little Artfag"
(Parody of "Little Dark Age" by MGMT. Fair Use)
(Via honkfm.com)

Also, robots will from now on always make better art than (you)
View attachment 48477
This thread is meant to be more specifically about National Socialist Black Metal. If you want to post about other types of white nationalist music, then you are free to make your own thread.

Now, here's "The Call Of Aryan Spirit" by Nokturnal Mortum. A song about entertaining the dark arts of Paganism and exterminating the kike vermin from Rus.

This thread is meant to be more specifically about National Socialist Black Metal. If you want to post about other types of white nationalist music, then you are free to make your own thread.

Now, here's "The Call Of Aryan Spirit" by Nokturnal Mortum. A song about entertaining the dark arts of Paganism and exterminating the kike vermin from Rus.
View attachment 48478
View attachment 48479
Dumb, edgy bullshit, not of or for the people, thusly not Nat-Soc. It's literally just Burzum for people even more antisocial.
Here are some of my favorite NSBM songs of all time!
Cool, you and the gay furry pedophile who is definitely not DJ Axle can circle jerk about your music that sounds like vomiting raccoons stuck in a trashcan in a new thread.
But this thread has been pissed on by a bigger wigger dog.
Go stare at your shoes and be mad about the jews in silence, poseurs.
Honeypot Gang Gang!

"Power Level"
By Mr Bond (pbuh)

@Nektar Geist
You might like this track. About the 1400+ White girls that were systematically abused by sandniggers in your country due to Bong cops literally being too cucked to lift a finger.

"Black Is The Color"
By Byron de la Vandal

By Zyklon Don

"If I Could Be A Nigger For A Day"
By Johnny Rebel

"Rape Me"
By Emily Youcis

"Where's Your Crown, Dindu Nuffin?"
By Svenpai
@Dindu Nuffin

"Hallelujah, I'm A Boomer"
By Paddy Tarleton

By Mr. Liqz
(Was almost signed to ICP's label, but Twitter and politics)

Enough Nazi sperg shit.
It's gay nigger hours, and I'm here to serve and swerve 💅🏿

"Niggas Be Gay, Nigga I'm Gayer"
By Nigpro
Off da album "Abominable Nighaborean Manifestations"
Straight outta Nigpro Records ✊🏿

"Gay Niggas In The Snow"
By Nigpro
Off da album "Niggaborean Winter"

"Niggas In My Dickhole"
you already know who it is...
Off da album "Niggas In My Dickhole"
Imagine LARPin' as a SOCIALIST. Nazi punks fuck off. When the real ones turn up, you'll be the first to go...

Anyhoo... I'm too lazy to reply in another thread, soooo...
Pico, who is a solipsistic sort of guy, doesn't realize... he's the person he hates. He's gassed up a retard to help him do... what he complains about Dunnce doing. And is doing it himself

"I suck dicks" t. Pico.

You sure do, don't you. You must have that humiliation fetish like Isaac.

Hey, why don't I take the advice you are intellectually incapable of taking yourself... I'll stop giving you the oxygen of publicity. Hope you won't be disappointed, y'know, like last time.

"A Race War"
By Right Wing Death Squads Entertainment
A cover of a sappy song, but based on The Turner Diaries™ 🤩

Imagine LARPin' as a SOCIALIST.
There's no larp. I'll take your bread and give it to my kids in a heartbeat.
Because you're British and while you've been giving the entire Third World a run at your pride, America has yet to tax you appropriately. Tea was never enough, Canzcuk!
Nazi punks fuck off
No kay, boomer.

Oh shit, real gay niggas been waiting for this to drop about as long as they been waiting for they pink sock to retract.
"Gay Nigga Hours (REMASTERED?!)"
Bitch, I'm stickin five updoots in my ass

"The Niggaborean Warlord Rapemurder Spectacular"
t. Nigpro
Da album? Androphilic Warfare 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🔫

"Imma Suck 3 Cocks"
Offa da album Gaynigga Cumzone

Homoerotic Atmosphere

@Battle of Brainiac
For me, the rhythm of the night is my left hand's knowledge that you'll be incorporating these bangers into your "Hazel's away, time to goon" playlist.

"Anally Injesting Antifreeze"
Astoundingly Awesome Balls

"Section 8 Orgy"
Jonestown Bonedown

By YZ Aubergine
This one's for you, big dog
@Battle of Brainiac

I like melodic blackened dm and doom metal best. Especially Candlemass and Dissection. Are there any nsbm bands on their level technically?
I like melodic blackened dm and doom metal best. Especially Candlemass and Dissection. Are there any nsbm bands on their level technically?
Temnozor, perhaps? Not into Doom, so I can't give an accurate assessment of what would sound similar. But Temnozor is very melodic and technical.
If you think a bunch of men with long hair, wearing leather and 'moshing' together isn't a gathering of homos, you need to learn some life lessons pretty damn quick.
There is a difference between love for your race and racial kinsmen and an implicitly sexual love.
Cool, you and the gay furry pedophile who is definitely not DJ Axle can circle jerk about your music that sounds like vomiting raccoons stuck in a trashcan in a new thread.
But this thread has been pissed on by a bigger wigger dog.
Go stare at your shoes and be mad about the jews in silence, poseurs.
Honeypot Gang Gang!
View attachment 48490
When I think of NSBM, I think of ska made by an integrated band.