Here are some of my favorite NSBM songs of all time!
Cool, you and the gay furry pedophile who is definitely not DJ Axle can circle jerk about your music that sounds like vomiting raccoons stuck in a trashcan in a new thread.
But this thread has been pissed on by a bigger wigger dog.
Go stare at your shoes and be mad about the jews in silence, poseurs.
Honeypot Gang Gang!
"Power Level"
By Mr Bond (pbuh)
@Nektar Geist
You might like this track. About the 1400+ White girls that were systematically abused by sandniggers in your country due to Bong cops literally being too cucked to lift a finger.
"Black Is The Color"
By Byron de la Vandal
By Zyklon Don
"If I Could Be A Nigger For A Day"
By Johnny Rebel
"Rape Me"
By Emily Youcis
"Where's Your Crown, Dindu Nuffin?"
By Svenpai
@Dindu Nuffin
"Hallelujah, I'm A Boomer"
By Paddy Tarleton
By Mr. Liqz
(Was almost signed to ICP's label, but Twitter and politics)
Enough Nazi sperg shit.
It's gay nigger hours, and I'm here to serve and swerve
"Niggas Be Gay, Nigga I'm Gayer"
By Nigpro
Off da album "Abominable Nighaborean Manifestations"
Straight outta Nigpro Records
"Gay Niggas In The Snow"
By Nigpro
Off da album "Niggaborean Winter"
"Niggas In My Dickhole"
you already know who it is...
Off da album "Niggas In My Dickhole"