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my local npr station plays the bangers
Dylan Burns apparently hates this rap song so I'm posting it here just because:

The Real Samson - Sincerely, A Tax Payer (2023)

"Now you wanna pick a side in a feud where everyone's white? I thought as long as white people were involved, you didn't give a shit", FUCKYESSSS! This is definitely better than "No Motive".
Anyone remember this masterpiece of political satire? 9 years ago:

It took me forever to find this video, I swear Youtube has burried it or shadowbanned it or something. This is another masterpiece of political satire from over a decade ago, and a great example of the kind of hilarious foreign satire you would come across on Youtube that you would've otherwise never seen if it wasn't for the emergence of streaming media: "Wake up in the morning and then suddenly falls on you TIL (bomb)/ So we come with tilim (bombs) but don't forget who started to shoot on ezrachim ("native people" ie Dzooz)"

שיר המלחמה|throws on you TIL
ארץ נהדרת | X-PLANE – שיר ההסברה

When first I saw this Zionist cover of We Didn't Start The Fire, I thought it was meant to be some brilliant Jewish-American political satire of Zionism... but it's actually meant be serious:

MOONSPELL - Medusalem (Official Lyric Video)

It's the land of honey
The land of pain
The city falls under its weight
The golden sands were painted red
And we shall free you
And we shall free you from your chains

The Kovenant - Jihad (1999)

Get down on your knees and feed the illusion
Get down on your knees and prolong the delusion
Superstition is the religion of the feeble mind
Liberty and justice - The illusions of mankind

System of a Down - Boom! (2002)

Every time you drop the bomb
You kill the god your child has born


DARK TOWER - Barad Dur (music video 2003)

Aiden - Hysteria (2011)

Supporting my outright genocide
Let us all disseminate
A message to your herd
Our voices will be heard
Now faith
Is a question you can choose
Whether Christian, Muslim, Jew
Still you all distort the truth
The death of fiction will save us all

Within Temptation - We Go To War (2023)

Black Market Baby - World At War (1981)

DAM - Mama, I Fell In Love With A Jew (2017)

KMFDM - Drug Against War