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What are you listening to right now?

@Empresa "Punchmade Dev" is gonna get sued by Rosa Park's estate over that rap:

I don't know why or how, but out of the blue I remembered this song today. Maybe because it has the "I did not step on a land mine" lyrics and it's about gays, and since I've been watching Dylan Burns my mind somehow dug it up? Anyways, still so good and the lyrics still funny.

I believe in the good of life
As I kneel for a taste of man
I believe in the taste of wine
As I do not step on a land mine
I'll testify on the world of radio
That I dream of the fate of democracy
As I flee on my bike
From the crimes we made
And that I did not do those drugs
Or steal those underpants.

The Hidden Cameras - I Believe in the Good Of Life (2004)

@Empresa "Punchmade Dev" is gonna get sued by Rosa Park's estate over that rap:
tired of these scammers shitting everything up , he deserves to go thru the legal ringer.
I fucking hate all these Billie Eilish rip-off singers who all sound like they're a 6 year old on tranquilizers. Adult women trying to sound like children, "I swear they sound the same"? You bet. The production of this song is awesome, the lyrics are poignant, but it's just that shitty a dime-a-dozen voice that needs to be replaced by someone singing it in their own natural voice without trying to sound like a child zoning out on their meds:

Kenya Grace - Strangers

Never heard this band before, Spotify recommended it. This song is kinda catchy:

I also listened to Greenroom, their hit single but I hate the way the singer is trying to sound like Billie Eilish. I don't understand why zoomer chicksingers all want to sound like that. I really fucking hate that lazy breathy manner of singing that has become so popular amongst zoomers. I grew up in the 1990s with chicksingers screaming and growling, and this almost comatose new way of singing just so alienating and ugly to me.

She Past Away - "Katarsis" (play this at 1.25 speed, it sounds better that way)

John wanted people to hear his shanty about Burning Man so I took the bait:

Don't know which track this is, and Youtube's DRM system doesn't recognize it either. Still a cool track that fits the imagery perfectly:

But I've made this choice
To try to follow the voice
That gave me the advice to stop
Listening to your lies
Becuase it's like this:
If you let his hate
Rule the rest of your life
Then you're playing his game
And you will lose
All the time

Psycore - Dedicated Enemy (1998)

Robert Ashley - “Perfect Lives: Music Word Fire And I Would Do It Again (Coo Coo)” 1981

Crystal Lake - Curse (2021)

Blackbriar - Beautiful Delirium

I think I've already posted this song here but fuck it, still a beautiful song:

Lingua Ignota - PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE (2022)

Our little trannie
What seems to be the pain
Gender dysphoria
Don't mean a fucking thing
I'm the gender specialist
With the magic tricks
Mistrust the transphobes
Come and get your fix
It's not about biology
What you feel is real
SRS, top surgery
the taste of HRT
Neglect the mind
Change the body
It's how we achieve
Can't hurt to try, right?
It's what you believe

Gender specialist
Gender specialist
Gender specialist
Gender specialist

Disco 2000 - Uptight (Everything's Alright)

I have to go inside grocery stores frequently and they always fucking play this shit along with katy perry and a bunch of adult contemporary filler