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What are you listening to right now?

Fuck this song so much. It's been stuck in my head. It was funny the first time but now I need the pain to end.

If I develop dementia in my old age and I remember this but not my grandchildren's name I'm going to commence Sudoku. At my funeral, there will be a donation box. All proceeds will go to destroying any remnant of this song, any traces of artistic accomplishment made by the people who birthed it into this world, and smearing dog fecal matter on their quasi-ancestral homes.
Twin Tribes - "Portal to the Void" (2018)

Melllo - Crown (2021)

I agree with the people in the comments under this video, pre-remix Two sounds way better than the end result:

Masterpiece by Queen Khom & friends:

Mirror on the wall
Tell me all the ways to stay away

He wanted to put a gun to his head and paint the dining room red. He despised every square inch of the place. His janitorial work would soon enough be replaced with machines that would greet customers, dispense ketchup, and mop up after the half dozen drunk, horny college students dumped their three-quarter full large Coke on the ground in half the time. All of this, without the managers needing to remind the employee to put on their shit-eating grin and wish the defiant customer a good day.

The Camberwell Now - Working Nights (1986)

"Goodmorning Los Angeles" has a music video now!
