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What are you listening to right now?

Moot once made this play in a dance gif thread I made. Still gives me feels because it was probably the last time a janny was cool as fuck
200w (5).gif
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Oh bro, I got the mother of all links for you then. I'm talking gigs of Moonman
Tagging you so you don't miss it as well
@The Gays From LA didn't like their sock @Gethsemane being called the Gays from Israel and implied that I thought something awful about the prophet Jesus.
No, you fucking sodomite (Leviticus 20:13), I was commenting on your blatant sock.
Jesus was a great man, the most important prophet in the Quran it could be argued.
You're a fucking coward for immediately hiding from my comment but no, all scorn was about you.
I pray that your food and prostate stimulation addictions be lifted from you, unironically
View attachment 52319
I have no idea who that is, retard. Not everyone is a sock of someone else.

I have a feeling you're someone who runs lots of sock accounts and that's why you're accusing me of doing the same.
please quit being retarded anyone who isnt will know its both one person
You just mad you didn't catch it first 😏
Peace be upon you though, Gay Duck.
I understand your displeasure with me and I will do nothing to adjust my behavior to suit your preferences
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I really do be throwin faster than people expect. I should get in a gym and focus this general aggression.