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Just heard this one cuz of the new botchamania that dropped. It's not half bad for new music. Has a nu metal throwback vibe

Crustpunks are an acquired scent for sure, kek. Some of my favorite people though. Always wanted to hop some trains with 'em but met too many of 'em missing an arm/leg.
Either way, they got good jams
I'm going to stooge on myself here so you can tee up the jokes: I used to bang this girl that looked exactly like that singer girl with the horn, seriously down to the shitty haircut and bull nose ring. Except my girl had a lot of tattoos.
I'm going to stooge on myself here so you can tee up the jokes: I used to bang this girl that looked exactly like that singer girl with the horn, seriously down to the shitty haircut and bull nose ring. Except my girl had a lot of tattoos.
Nothing wrong with that. Whitney was an oogle from a nice family, hence the ability to play the trumpet. I was going to effort post an OP about this crazy hobo forum for KF's benefit but might follow through and make it for here.

Street people have just as much colloquialisms and esoteric drama as an internet nerd community, minus the concern about muh doxing.
Link to their forum.
They have a few threads locked away behind a minimum post limit but only to keep low effort cops out since dicking with the railways and such is technically a federal crime.

Thread tax:
Nothing wrong with that. Whitney was an oogle from a nice family, hence the ability to play the trumpet. I was going to effort post an OP about this crazy hobo forum for KF's benefit but might follow through and make it for here.

Street people have just as much colloquialisms and esoteric drama as an internet nerd community, minus the concern about muh doxing.
Link to their forum.
They have a few threads locked away behind a minimum post limit but only to keep low effort cops out since dicking with the railways and such is technically a federal crime.

Thread tax:
Right on man. I mean I'm not going to lie I used to be totally into those girls in my teenage years and early 20s.

I'm going to check that website out.