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According to this video, women do need testosterone, and we can naturally produce it. it’s not the same as a biological male. i’m looking at videos similar to this one . The subject matter is of the pros and cons of having too low testosterone or too high testosterone. and there can be very severe negative affects when the level of testosterone in women are all out of whack. My question is, how does this magically go away with transmen. Go on YouTube and look up testosterone in women they don’t really talk much about transmen . that a lot of these videos I’m looking at about the subject, says if women have low libido, or they’re going through menopause that increasing their testosterone is a benefit for them.
It doesn't. TIFs overdosing on testosterone get cancers, strokes, their cervix fuses shut with their uterus and ovaries, all the fun stuff, because they're pumping their bodies full of the wrong hormone. Here's Buck Angel describing the scary effects of decades of testosterone on a female body:
As it turned out, the testosterone had atrophied my reproductive system—a condition that could have been prevented by the use of estrogen cream. The atrophy fused my uterus and my cervix together, along with my ovaries and everything else, creating an infection that burst and became septic. The gynecologists who kept sending me home and telling me nothing was wrong could have prevented this from happening if they knew anything about trans men and testosterone. They could have administered estrogen cream for my vagina. They could have done an ultrasound instead of just a pap smear. They could have tried to figure it out. Basic understanding of hormones could tell you that adding testosterone to a genetically female body will remove estrogen, and estrogen is what makes a vagina function properly. These two simple steps could have prevented a situation like mine.
From our August/September 2018 print issue, adult film actor, filmmaker, and activist Buck Angel shares his healthcare experience and advises trans men on
that a lot of these videos I’m looking at about the subject, says if women have low libido, or they’re going through menopause that increasing their testosterone is a benefit for them.
Those are low, medicinal doses of testosterone meant to treat specific conditions in women. Medicinal testosterone for specific conditions is in no way comparable to these TIFs who are admitted "testo junkies", giving themselves a repeat t-overdose over many years to the point of developing cancer of having a stroke.
There you have Ellen Page again looking mopey and sad and tiny:
Why the hell does she close her eyes every time she's answering a question during the interview, like she's about to pass out? Also, look how ridiculous she looks every time she's sitting next to a real man and literally disappears into the chair next to an actual man. Doesn't she see herself?
Also, "A British-Palestinian drag queen"... *facepalm*
Send him back to Ghaza to live his best live there, we all know what will happen the moment he crosses from LGBT-friendly Israel into Islamic fundamentalist Ghaza.
I feel sorry for Ellen, she's been sexually harassed and victimized by males her entire life. No wonder she mutilated herself to get away from men's attention, she had to make herself ugly because men were so obsessed and childish about her sexually. She was the one who had to sue a game director because he made a nude model of her in one of his videogames didn't she? And even Naughty Dog based one of their characters off her without her permission. Creepy ass shit.
This is what a lifetime of sexual harassment does to a person, she cut her tits off and starting eating T pills to give herself a man face. That was the only way to force men to stop harassing her.
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