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Sexuality Drama Transgender but from Female to Male

Sexuality related drama
Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but this bothers me much more than M2F. Its like destroying something beautiful.

Sadly, there's been an uptick in teen girls claiming to be trans or non-binary in recent years thanks to Tumblr and Reddit echo chambers telling them stuff like, "Oh you don't like having a period? Sounds like you're trans! Just become a male like I did!" and we're fucking up the whole world.

As a father of a daughter, this terrifies me more than anything else. It is my goal in life to make sure this never happens.
I recall listening to Joe Rogan's podcast episodes with Abigail Shrier, a famous critic of the present trans movement. She stated in there that, before the trans explosion of the last decade, gender dysphoria had a rate of something like one in 10,000, most of whom were male. Since the Trans phenomenon took off in the Mid 2010s, though, the rate of gender dysphoria has not only skyrocketed, but it's now majority female, in contrast to how it was before the current thing switched from Gay Marriage to Trans, which happened very quickly after Obergefell v. Hodges and which I for one don't think was a coincidence.
There is a thing called seahorses, where trans men give birth.
Here is a how to guide for transmen giving birth to their babies.
My question and I’m seriously wondering about this is that how can these transmen claim to be male ,transitioned to become an a man , yet still wanna give birth to babies and then claim that men can do the same when most of the male population cannot
Male seahorses giving birth: It's kind of complicated. Male Seahorses are not transgendered females. What actually happens is that the female deposits her unfertilized eggs inside a brood pouch which remains open for only six seconds. The pouch closes and the sperm and egg meet in a saltwater environment inside the sealed pouch. The fertilized eggs become embedded in the pouch wall.
There was a new movie about a TIF being shown at the Sundance Film Festival, featuring a real TIF in the lead, and apparently this movie contains the following scene where the TIF continues to have gender dysphoria even after having already cut her tits off:

Here is a couple talking about having sex after one of them had the sexual reassignment surgery.

Now sometimes I go to porn hub to look at the transgender folks section. I do this because I want to see in real time you do the likes button, the porn hub pass and reviews. Because, according to the transgender activist, party line, many people are OK with having sex after people have these surgeries. And because porn hub is a place of true quality because it doesn’t matter your race, sex orientation, whether you’re fat and ugly or skinny and pretty somebody somewhere watch you.
So what I’m saying is that I found a couple who the male had the sexual orientation surgery and because due to porn hub I don’t know if I can post it so that we can see how it goes. or have a proper discussion.
There are other videos of people or trans men that had post op surgeries of other ones.
I wonder how much money from Big Pharma is being pumped into these things. These online people are influencers that recommend doctors, hospitals, and medications. This implies they are salesmen for pharmaceutical companies. I wish that politicians and journalists would investigate this connection instead of blaming it on a "mind virus." It's not a mind virus, it's kids being given advertisements for meds, juts like ads for "the little purple pill" to treat acid reflux.
I wonder how much money from Big Pharma is being pumped into these things. These online people are influencers that recommend doctors, hospitals, and medications. This implies they are salesmen for pharmaceutical companies. I wish that politicians and journalists would investigate this connection instead of blaming it on a "mind virus." It's not a mind virus, it's kids being given advertisements for meds, juts like ads for "the little purple pill" to treat acid reflux.
There are articles where the few journalists looking into this have followed the money:

Troons will always downplay the fact that trooning is a profit racket for Big Pharma, by making stupid arguments along the lines of: "There are more cis women in menopause taking HRT than transwomen on HRT", but they neglect to mention the fact that 1) women are discouraged from going on HRT for menopause because it's known to cause cancer, and 2) women on HRT for menopause only take it for about a year or at very most couple of years in mid-age, whereas TIMs and TIFs are expected to take HRT for decades, and to start doing so as kids. Obviously someone taking HRT for a year is in no way as profitable to Big Pharma as someone who has been on HRT for decades since they were a kid. TRAs are always popping out of the woodwork with such bad faith arguments that have been debunked a million times.

There were also some podcasts on this topic but I don't have the links here right now.
WTF?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sara is a Sam now!?

I saw her live with her band once! NOOO!!!

This comment:

It's funny how earlier in their careers, these women were happily portraying themselves as 'independent, tough, no-nonsense, ballsy feminists, taking control over their own lives, sexuality & careers & not taking sh*t from any man.
WTF?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sara is a Sam now!?

I saw her live with her band once! NOOO!!!

This comment:
Gays from LA you missed this gem. Samm wants to or trained to become a fire fighter to contribute to the world which is great. However they realize they were in their late 40s early 50s and they were only a fire fighter four I think maybe six months
What I've noticed is that women who transition tend to really hate their breasts and have from a very early age, basically they hit puberty and then never got over it. A lot of feminists fell into that category where they hated being women and think that males have it so much better. I think that a lot of them also have a "if you can't beat them, join them" mindset.