Hello Ashley RENEE Jankowski aka Register on Lounge96. Still here wondering why it took your ass so long to do anything.
An Onion Among Onions
So she's like America's Dorian Grey painting?So after I finished watching this grocery haul, I've got some thoughts about Amberlynn and the state of the country.
Her condition really is a manifestation of the failures of our Department of Education. Corporate lobbyists and incompetent people have crippled and completely warped the function of it, and now our children have become dumber, and consequently shove tons of horrible, disgusting foods down their throats. The FDA's approval of such garbage is a tragedy, and the administration is a travesty. As much fun as it is to laugh at the fat woman, I think we all need to take a step back and ask the question "Why"? Why does she exist? Why is she so fat? Why does this country permit people to destroy themselves on video in such horrid ways, yet shut down someone smoking a simple joint? With Amberlynns parallels to the United States in mind, I think watching her would be perfectly representative of politics. So long as she remains fat, the government shall remain in a corrupted state. Two bloated objects linked in binary orbit.
I've got a few more thoughts on this, but for now I think this shall suffice. I'd like to see what you think about this and how exactly it could be fixed, as well as what the future holds for amberlynn. I personally think the fat isn't ever going away, and she'll probably get a heart attack in the future. A sad ending, definitely, but realistic. With what I said earlier about her and the government being linked, and now her death...